Leaving An Unhealthy Church #18: Looking For A New Church Part 5

Church Attendance: A Matter of Life or Death, Really?

Many years ago, a prominent figure in the United Pentecostal Church posted a series of statements on Facebook about church attendance as follows:

  • We don’t attend church to earn salvation but to please God and maintain a healthy relationship with Him
  • If we have to miss a service we don’t fear going to hell, but we don’t say church attendance is irrelevant; it is a standard to teach
  • Church attendance is like a healthy diet; one missed meal is not a matter of life and death, but eating is

Let’s first tackle one aspect of these statements by asking yourself where these teachings can be found in the Bible. Where does it state that attending church pleases God? Did Jesus or any of the apostles teach that we maintain a healthy relationship with God through church attendance? Did Paul (or any other New Testament writer) ever teach that church attendance is a standard to be taught? Did anyone in the New Testament ever proclaim that church attendance is a matter or life or death or link it to eating properly?

Examine the progression of thoughts he presented. If you want to please God and maintain a healthy relationship with Him, you will attend church. Church attendance is not irrelevant, but a standard to be taught. If you miss one service, your life isn’t at stake; however if you miss too much or stop attending, it’s a matter of life or death. While the first post appears to say salvation isn’t linked to church attendance, if we follow the progression of statements, likening it to a matter of life and death sure instills the thought that if we do not attend, or miss too many services, we will die spiritually. We won’t be pleasing God or having a healthy relationship with him.

Reading these and seeing what is actually being taught, I am quickly reminded of all those who have been part of an unhealthy church. Their church attendance surely did not help maintain a healthy relationship with God. On the contrary, for thousands upon thousands of people it instilled in them the need to perform in order to be accepted by God, that God could hardly be pleased with their performance and that he was a harsh taskmaster, ready to punish and leave them behind if they didn’t measure up. It didn’t bring life, but rather a spiritual death with all the faulty teachings, wrong image of God, and focus on the church, pastor and themselves.

Contrary to the statements posted on this minister’s profile, there are indeed ministers in the UPCI who do teach church attendance is required to stay saved or at least keep from being backslid. Some in this organization do scare people with hell regarding church attendance. In fact, these postings also did this but in a more subtle manner. This has caused many people to erroneously believe that they must be at the church whenever the doors are open. Let me show an example from an Instagram comment made yesterday. It was in response to a female UPCI minister’s post about needing to be in church services. Not only does this commenter believe we must attend services in order to go to heaven, but even adds that the pastor will present you to God. This is fear based non-biblical teaching.
I’ve written this hoping it will help those who have left an unhealthy church and have not yet found a new one or those who cannot even attempt to look. These ministers can yell it at the top of their lungs all they want, but God is not going to cast you aside if you are not attending a church. Your relationship with God is not now, and never will be, dependent upon meeting with others in a church building.

Leaving An Unhealthy Church #1: You and Those Who Remain
Leaving An Unhealthy Church #2: Anything You Say Can, And Will, Be Used Against You
Leaving An Unhealthy Church #3: Why It May Be Important To Resign Your Membership
Leaving An Unhealthy Church #4: Remaining in the Same Organization
Leaving An Unhealthy Church #5: Don’t Listen To The Gossip
Leaving an Unhealthy Church #6: How You Are Treated
Leaving an Unhealthy Church #7: It Happens To Ministers, Too
Leaving an Unhealthy Church #8: The Way Of The Transgressor Is Hard!
Leaving an Unhealthy Church #9: Some Must Return To Remember Why They Left
Leaving An Unhealthy Church #10: Sorting Through The Teachings
Leaving an Unhealthy Church #11: Confusion & Not Knowing Who or What to Believe
Leaving An Unhealthy Church #12: Can I Go To A Church Where I Don’t Agree With Everything?
Leaving An Unhealthy Church #13: A Warped View of God
Leaving An Unhealthy Church #14: Looking For A New Church Part 1
Leaving An Unhealthy Church #15: Looking For A New Church Part 2 (Leaving Your Comfort Zone)
Leaving An Unhealthy Church #16: Looking For A New Church Part 3 (Triggers)
Leaving An Unhealthy Church #17: Looking For A New Church Part 4 (Manifestations/Demonstrations)
Leaving An Unhealthy Church #18: Looking For A New Church Part 5 (Church Attendance: A Matter of Life or Death?)

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Author: Lois

I was a member of the United Pentecostal Church for just under 13 years and was a licensed minister during a short part of that time. I am the owner of the SpiritualAbuse.org website, which was started four years after leaving. I am originally from southern New Jersey.

One thought on “Leaving An Unhealthy Church #18: Looking For A New Church Part 5”

  1. Thankfully in Oz we are not as religiously conditioned as in the US but it is getting worse as the AOG infiltrate our Govt and her Agencies and Depts, even a Hillsong AOG PM.
    Preselectons for The Coaltion are rigged in favour of religious whacko’s.
    Until the AOG are stopped in their tracks I hold no hope.
    Not good.

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