Blindsided: Douglas Stauffer’s Motives Revealed

Douglas Stauffer’s actions beg the question, “Why did it not matter that Matt was able to present Stauffer with documented proof from the Zambian embassy website?” And why was it insignificant that our family was set to land near the country’s capital on election day, a time that would likely be a major climax during the ongoing political unrest? I believe our troubles were merely another opportunity for Stauffer’s own pomp and circumstance, beginning with Stauffer’s disagreement about Matt using his internship as his survey trip, and then continuing into what I believe was Stauffer’s utmost desire for acknowledge and power.

Internship Disillusionment

During the Tuesday night meeting of the King James Conference in 2018, the one dealing with my Facebook post in reaction to Stauffer’s carnal message, Matt and I finally had the opportunity to question Stauffer about his deceitfulness during the current meeting with Pastor Andrew Ray. As it turns out, Douglas Stauffer, a retired CPA and a man with two supposed PhD’s, disagreed with Matt accomplishing his internship for his degree while going on a strongly desired, and almost essential, survey trip, rather than making two separate trips. Not only had Matt been eagerly looking forward to using his internship as his survey trip since he was a freshman in college, and had even started the process as a New Testament Church Pioneer in 2001, but by 2016, he was married with two children, working full-time, needed to request the time off from work, and had a two-week minimum requirement from the college for the internship. We finally understood why Stauffer had always encouraged Matt to first go to a country or people group that was closer and more financially feasible to visit for his internship before taking his survey trip to the country God had laid on Matt’s hearts for years.

We accepted Stauffer’s strong disagreement with our family’s future ministerial plans, but we also recognized that he overstepped the bounds of individual soul liberty by purposefully attempting to prevent a trip that had nothing to do with him. More importantly, however, Stauffer overstepped at a time when my family’s life was potentially in danger, and we believe it all had to do with Stauffer’s pride.

All for Another Win

In June of 2016, just before the meeting with Pastor Andrew Ray, Stauffer participated in “The Great Rapture Debate” in Colorado as part of his evangelistic work, but upon returning to Antioch Baptist Church, Stauffer carried himself as a man overly proud of his accomplishments, believing himself to have succeeded against a pastor in proving a pre-tribulation rapture. I believe Stauffer took the opportunity to make my family’s trial into a power-play to pamper his own pride. Maybe he truly cared about my family’s safety and about us seeking after God’s will, but why else would Stauffer be unwilling to admit the fallacies of presenting my husband as an incompetent, ignorant fool, even after Matt showed him proof of the contrary? We concluded that Stauffer’s actions were merely his attempts toward another victory on his personal scoreboard after “The Great Rapture Debate,” rather than to aide us on our journey.

Preparation or Power

Truly, Stauffer could argue that he was trying to prepare us for the missionary field considering that he did eventually confess that he evaluated a missionary’s potential success by how he handled discouragement, seemingly Stauffer’s discouragement specifically. Possibly, in whatever goodness Stauffer was capable of, his actions were meant as a test of endurance. Were this the case, however, I never realized painting a future missionary as reckless and irresponsible when their family’s life was at stake was the Biblical method of measuring one’s ability to successfully make it to and stay on the mission field! During the meeting of 2016, Stauffer had even gone so far as to suggest that if God truly wanted us to go on our survey trip in 2016, and that it was not simply Matt’s half-baked plan, God would work out the financial situation we had requested assistance with. Ironically, God provided through a lost man, and Stauffer essentially had to eat crow as he handed us a check from the church AFTER everything came together!

The Conclusion of the Matter

In reality, I believe Stauffer attempted to stand in the stead of God in our lives by questioning my husband using his mission’s degree internship as his survey trip and portraying the mission’s trip as a decision made outside of God’s will. I believe he presented our situation in whatever light he felt was necessary to be the most beneficial to Douglas Stauffer, as shown throughout the meeting and in the days to follow when Stauffer never admitted he was wrong and never apologized for his deceptiveness. Moving forward, we thanked the Lord for the safety in the multitude of counselors, which did NOT include Douglas Stauffer. We thanked the Lord for their encouragement and advice to change the dates/location for the trip, and we determined that our initial hesitations about Stauffer barely scraped the surface of the destruction he probably left behind. But, oh, how different things may have been had we heeded our hesitations in seeking Stauffer’s “wisdom” in the first place!

Thankfully, though, we never had another run-in with Stauffer until his messages in 2018 about the people who left, but by that point, we knew he was a Diotrephes and could not be trusted. Though we were still floored by his confidence to throw out darts behind the pulpit, what surprised us the most was when we heard Pastor Andrew Ray agree with his statements and say, “Amen!” Had Stauffer influenced him that much? Could it be he was just severely wounded and trying to heal? Instead of admitting the truth, we concluded that Stauffer had likely had some influence on Pastor Ray, but he and his family were just severely wounded and hurting. We knew our pastor’s heart! Unfortunately, we had NO idea what Pastor Ray was actually doing behind the scenes until some of it slowly came to light despite our desires to support and trust our pastor.

In this series I share my thoughts and opinions concerning these ministers and the events which led to my departure. Click here to continue reading: Blindsided: TBD: Pastor Ray” or click on a title below. [Links will be added as new blogs are posted.]

Blindsided Series

Part One: Red Flags and Rose-Colored Glasses

Part Two: Calloused Carnality and Hidden Harassment
(Sunday, June 3, 2018- Tuesday, June 5, 2018)

Part Three: Navigating the Masks of Deceit
(Wednesday, June 6, 2018- Sunday, June 17, 2018)

Part Four: Discerning a Diotrephes: Douglas Stauffer

Part Five: When Closet Skeletons Speak

Part Seven: Rising Up from the Ashes

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2 thoughts on “Blindsided: Douglas Stauffer’s Motives Revealed”

  1. I just wanted to say you are awesome. You held your ground respectfully in a situation that would have had most caving in and accepting service to someone that is really a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I have had much the same experience with the twisting of words and my reaction being punished but the act that generated my reaction being excused and overlooked. It has given me a new understanding in how frustrated Jesus must have been when the truth was so evident for the Pharisees yet they refused to see it. I have had to remind myself especially lately that we do not fight against flesh and blood Eph 6:12. That thought alone helps me some to have empathy for those that have abused me. Though our systematic belief systems is probably vastly different (I am from a more charismatic background), our foundational belief is the same. Quite simply Jesus. I just wanted to say I related to your blog very strongly and wanted to try in some small way to encourage you and your family. Thanks

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, but in all honesty, it was really my husband who held it together. Some days I wish I had his strength! I’m sorry you have been through similar circumstances, but I really appreciate the encouragement. Thank you ❤

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