After leaving my final Pentecostal church, I was a little surprised to learn how distrustful I was of others who’d left. When we left, most of us didn’t interact with others who’d left. We didn’t trust each other. Our pastor had preached that we had ‘left God,’ and though each of us knew that wasn’t true of us, we didn’t know if it was true of any of the others. He also preached that there were people who’d left who spied on us, even window peeping on people in their homes, and reported back to him. When we left, we were exhausted with the gossip and rumors. We didn’t tend to run to someone who might add to it. When we left, we left individually, divided, distrustful.
Even while I was in church, there was division. There were cliques. There were lies and gossip and rumors… and they spread very quickly. Unfortunately often much more quickly than the truth.
Gal 5:14 The entire Law is fulfilled in a single decree: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 But if you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out, or you will be consumed by each other.
My pastors had emphasized that we must leave family and friends for God. Now I see other passages.
Gal 5:19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: …discord, jealousy… rivalries, divisions, factions, 21 and envy; drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Even the verse that the pastor finally used against me in service was surrounded with warnings about the divisions I was witnessing, because
Prov 6:16 There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:
Is followed by a list of those things (which our pastor rarely listed), three of which warn against lying and gossiping:
17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, 18 a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, 19 a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
That surprised me. He used Prov 6:16 to shame me in front of the congregation because I whispered a verse to the woman sitting next to me. He used it to show that he had a right to hate, a right to call things abominable… and he used it while doing things that GOD called abominable in the very next verses.
‘This was never something I anticipated. This is not a platform that I ever wanted,’ she said. ‘I actively desired not to be a public figure on the issue of sexual abuse because it requires relinquishing so much privacy. I feel that in many ways, particularly leading up to this, I was given a job that I did not want to do.’ – Rachael Denhollander, the first woman to speak publicly and file a police report against pedophile Larry Nassar
(Some statements in this article are what have been alleged by survivors. There have been no convictions as the cases mentioned here were not reported to the police at the time and to my knowledge, the alleged perpetrators have not admitted guilt.)
Steven Dahl 1990s
This article covers information about Steven Dahl and his alleged molestation of at least two children in the 1980s as well as allegations of failure to report instances of child sexual abuse by pastor John Wesley Grant, of Calvary Gospel United Pentecostal Church in Madison, Wisconsin. Please see Part 1 and Part 2 for background details.
11 year old Debbie
Debbie was a member of Calvary Gospel Church (CGC) in Madison, Wisconsin from 1978-1986, when she was eight to sixteen years old. The church is a United Pentecostal Church and John Wesley Grant was the senior pastor when her sexual assaults occurred. He is presently considered the bishop, while his son, Roy Howard Grant, is now the senior pastor.
Steven Dahl 9-16-23 Facebook video
It wasn’t until last year at age 47 when Debbie started writing about her past and shared about her molestation from age eleven to twelve by Steven J. Dahl, the current pastor of the Pentecostal Lighthouse Church in Oconto, Wisconsin. What she could not foresee was that her blogs would be the catalyst that would give other women the strength to come forward with similar stories of sexual assault, as well as the failure of ministers to report such crimes. She has been “overwhelmed by the number of people who have come to me with their own stories or stories about things that have happened in their family.”
Darlene & John Grant 10-3-15 Facebook post
She didn’t desire to become a public figure or a hero to some as she does pay a price. Speaking out has caused her wounds to be reopened as present members of her former church have further victimized survivors by claiming this is a spiritual attack on them, saying they need to ask themselves what part they played in why this happened (as if young children play a role in their sexual molestation by much older adults), and have claimed that they always report these cases to the police and that parents didn’t want to report them when police were contacted. Roy Grant and John Grant’s wife, Darlene, have thanked such members for their support.
Even people who have not come forward as survivors have felt the wrath of current church members simply because they are related to those who were. A former member shared how there are people who haven’t been talking to relatives for the past couple weeks. They are elderly members of CGC. She shared, “They look straight ahead and ignore them as they pass by. These are people who for almost 30 years have been nice to them. One has not been invited to the men’s breakfast the past few weeks, either. This is a result of situation and reviews a group of us did on the church FB page in order to make people aware of sexual abuse situations, cover ups and other church issues. We think it’s beyond pathetic that the church would treat these sweet elderly people like this due to someone else’s (ours) FB reviews on their page. Total spiritual abuse. We have been shunned and now they are going to shun people who had nothing to do with the situation whatsoever. Can they sink any lower?”
Church leaders should have shown an immediate recognition of the severity and the truth of the sexual assault of a child under his care and how he misused his authority, Denhollander said.
‘You saw again the exact same dynamics that sexual assault victims always suffer from: minimizing the severity of the abuse, mitigating the damage that was done, and misusing principles of grace and forgiveness to keep a man in leadership who has done something that is very, very serious and disqualifying from leadership,’- Rachael Denhollander, regarding Andy Savage’s admission of a ‘sexual incident,’ where he received applause from his congregation after requesting forgiveness.
I have a prayer request! Please pray for me personally! Thank you, I appreciate your prayers very much! Lord bless each of you! [then later added]…
Just to let you all know,,, I appreciate your prayers very much,,, I am not sick,,, it’s just a huge spiritual battle,,, “Avenge me of my adversaries”,, that is my prayer!! In Jesus name!! Thank you, with great love to you all!! – Steven J. Dahl on his Facebook profile, February 20, 2018 Edited to add: Then on February 21 he posted about spiritual attacks and the enemy. [screen shot as the post was later made private or removed]
Yes, Debbie (and probably others such as myself who have been covering the story) are adversaries. Debbie is not a victim, not a survivor of repeated child sexual abuse, she is relegated to an adversary and Steve Dahl is the one who needs to be avenged and vindicated. He needs a hedge of protection around him. People are commenting that they are with him in this and praying for him. There is absolutely no concern expressed or prayer requested for Debbie or others who have been sexually assaulted. There has been no apology from Steve and he has failed to reach out to her, even though she had posted on the church’s Facebook page (he removed it) and it would have been so very easy for him to do so. Instead, he banned her from commenting there and banned her from his profile. [There is an unofficial Facebook Page for Steve’s church. On February 21, 2018 Steve removed the church Facebook Page.]
Steve has been leaving messages on Facebook, made after some people started commenting about his past (he has since changed settings to disallow comments by non-friends), saying things like, “If damage has been done in the past, those of us who have been hurt, MUST forgive, and move on! Forgiveness is a natural healer! Love is a healing. And letting go of the things of the past, moving forward is conquering our deepest hurts! That is the beauty of our Lord Jesus Christ! We can be made free from our wounds and pains!” [January 29, 2018 – screenshot] Speaking on the topic of adultery, he wrote on January 30, “The accusers, all walked away, because they admitted, they also had sin in their lives! We all need God’s mercy! If there was no forgiveness, no one would have any hope!” [screenshot]
In other words, Debbie needs to simply walk away and must forgive Steven Dahl. She will be made free from her wounds and pains if she would just move on and admit she has sinned, too. Give it a rest, this is old news and should be left in the past. It would make Steve’s life so much easier.
Steve Dahl went on to write on January 31, “Some people have a soft and tender conscience. And some people have a hardened conscience! Again, here is more on the story of the woman taken in the act of adultery! The SELF RIGHTEOUS RELIGIOUS PEOPLE BROUGHT HER TO JESUS TO SHAME HER, AND HAVE HER KILLED! Notice what Jesus says to them,, and her; [he quotes John 8:7-11]…Did you notice verse 9, when it said, ‘being convicted by their own conscience’. This is how I view this. The person being attacked has their point of view, or opinion! The people making the accusations have theirs! But the Lord knows mercy, and truth! So, it is said this way,, There are 3 sides to every story, My side, your side, and the truth! Who in this world is really, fully, truthful! ONE DAY, WE ALL WILL STAND BEFORE GOD, AS HE TELLS THE TRUTH, AND MAKES THE FINAL JUDGMENT UPON EACH OF US!” [screenshot]
What a way in which to spin the story. Once again the person who brings up a problem, becomes the problem. Debbie is self-righteous, attempting to shame poor Steven Dahl, who is being attacked. She cannot be believed as no one is fully truthful in what they share, and besides, Steve has his own point of view regarding what happened between them.
Let’s hear from Debbie about how Steve Dahl allegedly acted toward her when she was a young child. “After he started molesting me I became very anxious. Always worried about people finding out, my own salvation, and then some level being worried about him. I was worried that he was unhappy and I was worried that he was always so upset. He would do things and then repent and then come back and a little while later repent. He would sometimes pick me up and tell me right off the bat that he wasn’t going to lay a finger on me while we were together and then by the end he would be trying to engage in sexual activities with me. Being a kid this was all very confusing and I did not really understand what was going on. He was just as sincere in his repentance as he was determined in his deviant behavior.”
Steven Dahl, you are not the victim here, this is not a spiritual attack or battle, and there is no avenging of your so-called adversaries on the horizon. Your alleged actions can be seen as nothing other than that of a pedophile.
Experts explain the distorted thinking of abusers always involve beliefs about their entitlement. They are entitled to feel what they feel, say what they say, and act how they act no matter what. With known offenders this can include expecting victims or betrayed loved ones to get over the injuries as quickly and quietly as possible. Offenders believe they are owed an infinite degree of loyalty and forgiveness….
If you are working with known abusers and you are attempting to discern if an abuser is authentically repentant, look for signs that they feel entitled to sympathy instead of accountability and restrictions, or to forgiveness and reconciliation from their victims and/or loved ones, or to being restored to a position of power. A truly repentant abuser will have relinquished their ‘right’ to control another. – Maureen Farrell Garcia
Known as ‘The Rev,’ Steve Dahl runs The Rev Oconto Car Club Facebook Group (started September 28, 2021). He organizes Car N Tunes events in Wisconsin and at the annual Oconto Fly-In Car & Tractor Show (he also runs or helps run that Facebook Page, which started February 16, 2018), where he has served as emcee and DJ at the event for thirteen years. The next Fly-In date is September 21, 2024.
March 13, 2024 Note: Pictures have been added to this post, links have been checked, and some minor revisions were made.
You will find a complete list of articles in this series by clicking here.
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“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32, ESV).
The church I grew up in claims to be one of the few “with a revelation of the truth.” There were many comments continually about other churches “not having the truth,” and after I married, my husband and I taught our children that other groups “don’t have the whole truth.”
Never did I dream just how unwelcome the truth would be in such an environment. Speaking anything against a preacher was automatically wrong–no matter how truthful. Speaking a firm truth to a preacher was also damning. This was normal, as far as I knew…after all, I came in as a newborn baby and it was my father who was the preacher.
Then I grew up. Because preaching was such a lofty position–right up there next to God, if a preacher was “caught in sin” of a sexual nature, he would lose the right to be a preacher permanently. God would forgive, but he could no longer be used in that way.
This was a scary setup. Anyone who dared suggest any impropriety against a preacher was accused of “trying to ruin his ministry.” So, the culture bred silence. The few who did speak up were cast out of churches, accused of rebellion and lying, and treated as dangerous vipers. People became afraid to speak up.
Pastoral positions came with unquestioning authority, and corruption festered. People were taught to have a hero worship for pastors. It was not uncommon to see congregants kneeling before a pastor, shining his shoes. They pinched and scrimped to buy him lavish gifts–a crocodile Bible case or a $1,000 pair of shoes. I saw people share their food stamps and commodities with their pastor in an attempt to “tithe.” I saw them buy a sofa for one pastor’s Christmas, and present it in front of the congregation.
I dreaded Christmas when I was a little girl and my whole family were presented with gifts. We sat at the altar and opened them in front of everyone and I didn’t know why it made me feel so bad. I was just a kid trying to be a kid, but it’s hard to be “one of the kids” when you’re the only one getting a present you have to open in front of others who have none.
It was within this atmosphere that I began to notice that truth really wasn’t welcome.
The first case I remember was in Missouri somewhere. A preacher was arrested in a rest area for propositioning an undercover policeman. He claimed innocence. He said it was a set up. Then he said he didn’t realize what he said to the policeman was a proposition. It went to court with all of his preacher friends backing him and supporting his side of the story. He was found guilty. Still, he had the support of his preacher friends, who utterly defended his innocence, in spite of the court decision. Was he guilty? Who knows? The point is, he sure looked to be, and yet, even in the face of a court decision, he was not removed from preaching, and continued fully supported by his colleagues.
The truth was not welcome.
Another case occurred in New Mexico. It didn’t involve the courts. It involved a female in the church. This lady was historically upright and loyal, very dedicated to the church. The new pastor took advantage of that, making sexual advances to her. Confused and hurt, she contacted her former pastor for advice. He took the matter to the “board of elders” over the church–a group of three preachers chosen by the pastor to provide oversight and accountability. They performed an “investigation” where they listened to the pastor’s story but never interviewed the lady. They decided he’d been falsely accused. The former pastor was livid. He knew this lady, and she was not one to make things up. Again, truth was not welcome.
Then it happened to my friend.
She was a pastor’s wife. She’d been dealing with the domestic abuse for years. She shared with me that she’d gone to preachers, who’d “counseled,” but little changed. In some respects, it grew worse as time went on. It wasn’t just my friend who was suffering, several kids were involved. Finally, some frightening things took place and she shared how she had finally felt “release” to leave. The local women’s shelter carefully helped her plan for safe departure.
Once she and her children were safe with family in another state, she called to let him know. She said she told him if he’d see a professional counselor, then she’d talk to him again. He refused.
She saw a professional counselor for the first time herself, who, upon hearing the details, called the child abuse hotline to report what he’d done to the kids. An investigation was opened. She showed me the order of protection from the courts.
The response was an email, forwarded to a list of preachers by one of his “board of elders.” In it, the verse “bring not an accusation against an elder except by two or three witnesses” was used. It was a request to keep the matter “in the church” and let the “board of elders” decide innocence or guilt.
Domestic abuse doesn’t have witnesses. That’s how it thrives–fear and silence. I couldn’t believe this was going down again!
Needless to say, the matter went on to the courts. In the end, he lost custody of his children and ended up with limited supervised contact. But did this mean anything in regards to his “ministry?” No.
His board of elders refused to see the documentation, only looking at what he chose to show them, and believing him without wavering. Today he is still preaching within that group, bragging about the financial support he gets and the places he preaches. She deals with this frustration even now, years later. No one ever contacted her to hear her side.
Truth was not welcome.
When I left the cult myself, my dad asked me what I could possibly be seeking. “You already have all the truth.”
What I saw was a lot of propaganda and precious little appreciation for the truth that was tangibly right in front of their faces. Their belief in a mystical “truth” but their blindness to real truth turned me away.
No, thank you! I’ll go where speaking the truth is not referred to as “sin”.
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As I’ve written elsewhere, ‘if you are interacting with a sex offender who is admitting he or she has harmed someone, and you feel yourself being pulled to feel sorry for this person instead of, or more than, the victim, it is probable that an experienced victim-stancer is manipulating you.’
Many well-intentioned people feel sympathy for an offender and advocate for them with the victim and/or the victim’s loved ones. They remind victims that their abusers are created in God’s image no matter what harm they have done. For the victims and their loved ones, this is a bizarre, surreal, and wounding experience because it echoes and reinforces the grooming of the abuser. – Maureen Farrell Garcia
(Some statements in this article are what have been alleged by survivors. There have been no convictions as the cases mentioned here were not reported to the police at the time and to my knowledge, the alleged perpetrators have not admitted guilt.)
This article covers information about Steven Dahl and his alleged molestation of at least two children in the 1980s as well as allegations of failure to report instances of child sexual abuse by pastor John W. Grant, of Calvary Gospel United Pentecostal Church in Madison, Wisconsin. Please see Part 1 for background details.
John Grant 1980s
In Part 1 I wrote, “It is troubling to me regarding the origins of the Pentecostal Lighthouse Church” and as promised, this article will cover information about Steven Joseph Dahl’s church in Oconto, Wisconsin. To briefly summarize previous information, Steve Dahl’s marriage to Debra ended after he was discovered in bed with Debra’s fifteen year old sister and when pastor John Wesley Grant of Calvary Gospel Church (CGC) in Madison, Wisconsin was informed by a twelve year old girl that Dahl had been repeatedly sexually molesting her since she was eleven. After Debra filed for divorce in 1985, when Steve was 34 years old, he married her 18 year old sister on April 17, 1986 in Clark County, Nevada.
11 year old Debbie
After he was found out, Steve phoned Debbie, who he had been sexually molesting, to let her know he was going away and that it wasn’t her fault. He possibly went to Nevada, though in 1984 he was living in Appleton. Debbie recalls that when she was 15, he showed up at the UPCI church camp in Wisconsin.
In doing research, I noticed a former slogan that the Wisconsin District of the United Pentecostal Church once used: “A District With Direction.” In my opinion, the District has apparently been going in a wrong direction for years when it comes to sexual issues and failure to report abuse, especially at CGC. Since this story broke, numerous people have been coming forward with allegations of other instances where United Pentecostal ministers have failed to report sexual abuse, in addition to situations which involve Calvary Gospel Church. It has been shared with me that there is a currently licensed minister in the state who allegedly covered up multiple situations of sexual assault committed by his son.
Just as the church has authority to examine and approve ministerial candidates, so it has authority to remove someone from a ministerial position if he no longer meets God’s requirements. Actually the person disqualifies himself by his actions, and the church simply recognizes this fact. Solomon permanently removed Abiathar from the high priesthood, a hereditary role explicitly ordained by God, because of his rebellion (I Kings 2:26-27). – David Bernard, January-March 1988 Forward
Steven Dahl 1990s
It is my understanding that the rules of the United Pentecostal Church prohibit a person from becoming or remaining a minister when they have committed sexual sins (adultery, fornication, child molestation, incest, rape, etc.). As David Bernard, the General Superintendent, wrote in their ministerial magazine in 1988, “A preacher may fall into sin, be forgiven by God, be restored to the church, and even be restored to many areas of service, but this does not automatically entitle him to his former position of leadership. …Moreover, some sins-such as child molestation, incest, and rape-may indicate deep personality problems that would permanently disqualify someone from many leadership positions.”
Yet despite all of this, a United Pentecostal church allowed Steven Dahl to pastor their daughter work AFTER he had committed sexual sins. Though Dahl did not hold license in the organization, he never should have been permitted to lead any UPCI church or daughter church as a pastor, as his own actions disqualified him.
Steven Dahl 11-23-22 Facebook post
Yet not only did this happen, but it appears that numerous licensed ministers have been, and still are, in fellowship with Steven Dahl, even commenting on his Facebook posts over the years. When their ministers will shun former members because they left the organization or no longer hold to their teachings on standards, I find this disturbing and perplexing. I know of a situation in Michigan where a licensed minister left the UPCI and wrote a book about their teaching on women’s hair needing to be uncut. He had not committed adultery, nor had he molested children, he still held to their main teachings on salvation and yet his former UPCI pastor, Robert Henson, badmouthed him and tried to cause him problems.
Philip Bridges church website
Christian Life Center, located at 670 North Green Bay Road in Neenah, Wisconsin, while under the long-term pastorate of ordained minister John J. Bridges, [profile later removed and then reinstated] encouraged and supported Steven Dahl as the pastor of their daughter work in Oconto. (Christian Life Center years back was called Twin Cities United Pentecostal Church and is presently CrossPoint Church (then later Hope City Church), with Philip Bridges, John Bridges son, being the pastor since 2011.)
I am unaware of how long this affiliation with Dahl lasted, though it did go on for more than a decade. The Facebook Page for Pentecostal Lighthouse Church 821 Superior Ave in Oconto, Wisconsin, located just under four miles from Dahl’s home, states it was founded on April 11, 1995, though the church did not have property at that time. [screenshot – There is an unofficial Facebook Page for Steve’s church. On February 21, 2018 Steve removed the church Facebook Page.]
The Pentecostal Lighthouse Church
The website shows a picture [screenshot] of what appears to be men and women who were working on some construction. As previously shared, the website domain name was purchased on October 1, 2011 (in March 2012 he was referring people to it). While Facebook stated it “is an independant Apostolic One God, Acts 2:38 church,” the about us section of the website claimed, “We are not isolated or independent, we are part of a very large and growing movement of churches” and mentions the United Pentecostal Church.
My thoughts are that when Philip Bridges took over as pastor of Christian Life Center, something may have changed though it could have occurred prior.
John Bridges 1/20/18 Facebook post
Way back in 1995 when the Oconto church started, John Bridges was supportive of it. It appears that sometime in 2006, the Wisconsin District starting listing all the daughter works of churches. The January 30, 2007 issue clearly shows under the Neenah listing that they had a daughter church: “Daughter Work Oconto Pentecostal Lighthouse Pastor: Steven Dahl Phone: 920-834-xxxx Daughter Work Address: xxxx Young Rd., Oconto, WI 54153.” A February 2006 version of the list does not mention it, but no daughter works at all are included, but by April 7, 2006 it is listed. A 2014 version under Philip Bridges does not mention it. [It should be noted that the address given in the District listing for the Oconto church is not a church, but rather is the multi-acre home address of Dahl. Many times churches are started in the homes of ministers.]
We must ask how could this have happened? Besides failing to report Steve Dahl to the police when notified of repeated accounts of sexual assault, did John W. Grant also fail to inform fellow United Pentecostal ministers and pastors? He was the District Superintendent by the time he heard from Debbie. Was he unaware that John Bridges had allowed Steve Dahl to pastor a daughter work for more than a decade? Since this information was distributed by the Wisconsin District, I cannot see that as a possibility. Did he fail to inform him after learning of the daughter work? Or was pastor John Bridges aware of Dahl’s past and chose to use him regardless of the fact that doing so would be against the rules of the United Pentecostal Church? Did all the ministers in Wisconsin turn a blind eye to what was happening or were they left in the dark regarding his past? Either way, the situation is troubling as to the United Pentecostal Church connection with Steven J. Dahl.
I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world. But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. – 1 Corinthians 5:9-11
Since many people do not reveal that they have been assaulted, we may never know the full extent of sexual abuse in the United Pentecostal Church. From what I have been hearing, the Wisconsin District has a problem. Calvary Gospel Church in Madison has a problem. Yet when a pastor does nothing when his own son tells him he was molested, as John Grant allegedly did, it is my opinion that it wouldn’t matter much to him upon hearing it happened to others, even eleven year old Debbie. How extremely sad.
You can see Roy Grant and Calvary Gospel Church, as well as John Putnam in the above video posted on October 8, 2017 by the United Pentecostal Church.
Known as ‘The Rev,’ Steve Dahl runs The Rev Oconto Car Club Facebook Group (started September 28, 2021). He organizes Car N Tunes events in Wisconsin and at the annual Oconto Fly-In Car & Tractor Show (he also runs or helps run that Facebook Page, which started February 16, 2018), where he has served as emcee and DJ at the event for thirteen years. The next Fly-In date is September 21, 2024.
March 11, 2024 Note: Screenshots and some pictures have been added to this post, links have been checked, and some revisions were made.
You will find a complete list of articles in this series by clicking here.
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You are the first monster in my story of abuse. You have tried to throw scripture at me and tried to convince whoever will listen that this is merely a case of adultery. You know that is not true. What you did to me was a crime. Whether or not god forgives you is none of my business, what is my business is trying to gain justice for my child self. You are a pedophile and you ruined my adolescence. You took away my chance to ever be normal. I have been the walking wounded ever since the day I met you. I may have been swayed by your manipulative fake kindness as a child but i can now see it for what it is, grooming. I don’t feel you have ever been honest with yourself about what you have done. When we met I had never had my first kiss, in fact I had not even held a boy’s hand. By time your were done with me that was no longer the case. You cannot hide from the truth forever. I have carried the shame of what you did to me for too long and now I’m trying to do something about it. – Debbie, a survivor of child sexual abuse in the United Pentecostal Church
(Some statements in this article are what have been alleged by a survivor. There have been no convictions as the cases mentioned here were not reported to the police at the time and to my knowledge, the alleged perpetrator has not admitted guilt.)
This article covers information about Steven Dahl and his alleged molestation of at least two children in the 1980s. I am going to start by sharing some details concerning the people involved in this situation and will be making additional posts in order to cover it more in depth.
November 29, 2021 Facebook postNovember 29, 2021 Facebook post
Steven Joseph Dahl was born on February 10, 1952 and was raised Lutheran. Prior to his involvement with the United Pentecostal Church, he “was married, divorced, and went bankrupt by age 22.” In his late 20s, a friend shared with Steve about his religious conversion. Claiming an angel appeared to him the night before, on March 14, 1981 Steve prayed and spoke in tongues and was delivered of “drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes.” On March 17th, he was baptized at Calvary Gospel Church in Madison, Wisconsin.
Steve married Debra (not to be confused with Debbie) on July 18, 1981. She was seven years younger than him and his second wife. On March 26, 1985 Debra would file for divorce and on April 17, 1986, Steve married Alice, Debra’s younger sister, in Clark County, Nevada.
Debra remarried in 1991, and at the time of this article, her husband held a local license in the UPCI. [2024 Note: He is no longer licensed and is with another woman. It appears he and Debra jointly filed for divorce in October 2020 and it was final in late 2021.]
During the time that Steve was molesting Debbie, he was caught in bed with Debra’s sister, Alice, when she was 15. Alice is eight years younger than Debra. By the time Alice turned 18, her and Steve married. Steve was 34.
Steve Dahl’s Involvement at Calvary Gospel Church & Christian Life Center
[Most links in this section take you to partial screenshots of Facebook posts Steven Dahl made in December 2021.]
Steve Dahl 1990s
Steve quickly became popular at Calvary Gospel United Pentecostal Church (CGC), was involved in the music ministry and played the trumpet, as well as being active in other ways. (He had previously played the trumpet semi-professionally in a 14 piece swing band called The Academy of Swing [screenshot December 1, 2021 Facebook post]. They were the house band at the Edgewater Hotel in Madison on Saturday nights. He was told to leave the band by Pastor Grant and sold the band to a friend.)
Much to his dismay, he wasn’t allowed to be an elder due to having been previously married. At the time, CGC was located at 3511 Milwaukee Street and John W. Grant was the pastor, an ordained minister of the United Pentecostal Church. (It is presently located at 5301 Commercial Avenue.)
When he started attending the church, Steve was living in a duplex “with a girl who was a nurse.” As they were not married, he was told by the pastor to stop living with her. He was working as a wholesale company representative for Vincent Supply Company in Madison, where he was fired not long after joining CGC.
He then became a hardware salesman for Bud’s Wholesale Hardware, from which he was also fired about nine months after the supply company job, and claimed Bud was going out of business a month later. He also claimed that his territory at the supply company “never produced another cent.” In his mind, these were punishments from God for firing him.
Within a year of attending CGC, Steve was asked “to go to a nursing home to teach the people a bible study.” Within a few months he “was asked to teach at another nursing home.”
Around 1984, after he had been caught in bed with his second wife’s younger sister, he had moved to Appleton and started attending another church. [In Steve’s December 2021 testimony series, he conveniently neglects to mention his second marriage, how he was caught in bed with Alice when she was 15, or what lead to him moving.]
By 1986 or 1987, he and his third wife Alice were living in Neenah where they attended Christian Life Center, located at 670 North Green Bay Road in Neenah, Wisconsin. John J. Bridges was pastor. There Steve started teaching the senior Sunday School class and sometimes was permitted to preach to the youth. (Let that sink in, knowing what he’d allegedly done to little Debbie.)
Around 1987-1988, Steve was asked by the assistant minister at the Neenah church to go to the Green Bay Correctional Institution, a maximum security prison, to teach a bible study for him there. After his first time doing so, he was asked to take over that ministry on Saturday mornings. He did this ministry for six years.
After needing to arrange for someone else to come to the prison to baptize, he claims he was eventually given a special license by his church to baptize the men there. He also later went to Kettle Moraine Correctional Institution, a medium security prison, on some Saturdays, as well as a prison in Oshkosh on Sundays. He claims that after one service at an Oshkosh Prison where he had been invited, he was told he’d not be invited back.
After Steve stopped doing the prison ministry, he was invited to preach at a United Methodist youth camp for three days, but when others discovered the type of church he attended, he was told he could not preach about Oneness or baptism.
The Beginnings of the Oconto Church
From Yelp post 6/16/20
The church in Oconto came about due to Steve’s brother and sister-in-law wanting him and Alice to come to their apartment in Oconto to teach them a Bible study. The couple started inviting their friends to these studies and this went on for a few months. At the suggestion of Pastor Bridges to look for another place due to it becoming too crowded in the apartment, in April 1995 Steve started holding Sunday meetings in the conference room at the Cruisers Yacht Company factory. The room was large enough for 40 people and in the first few months over 30 were attending. After two years there, the company told them they would have to move.
From there they were given the use of their present building where they were not charged rent, but had to pay the utilities and put them in their name. This was a former VFW hall. Services started there in February 1998. In mid 2014, the building was donated to them after the owner first installed a new roof and added a steeple and cross.
The building was dirty and in need of much work and over time, with the help of the man who allowed them to use it, they made many improvements, both inside and outside.
Because Dahl did not want to be a pastor, John Bridges suggested that an ad be placed in the Wisconsin District News and five men responded. Pastor Bridges disqualified three of them immediately and the other two were invited to preach. One chose to bow out and the other accepted the invitation to preach. However, his pastor, a presbyter from the Michigan District, later called to say Steve Dahl should remain the pastor.
Back to Debbie, John Grant & Calvary Gospel Church
Debbie alleges that she was first assaulted by Steve Dahl in either 1981 or possibly the spring of 1982. She had turned 11 in June 1981 and the abuse started before she turned 12.
11 year old Debbie
She shared with me that “it was warm enough that we stopped for ice cream and we were driving around with the windows down. I remember there was no leaves or snow or anything like that on the ground. …When he started molesting me I was just starting to really get to know the other kids in the church. I was baptized when I was 10 and up until that point we came on Sunday mornings but we were not super involved with other families. I was just starting to make some connections with the other kids in a deeper way. So it was this real window of time when I was just on the verge of starting to make some connections with kids my age. He stepped in and in some ways interrupted that process.”
John Grant 1980s
Debbie reported her multiple accounts of sexual abuse to pastor John W. Grant when she was 12, either in 1982 or 1983. She shared, “It was during the school year because I was pulled out of class to talk with him.” Debbie was attending the church operated school. The pastor did not report the sexual abuse to the police, nor did he get back to Debbie as promised.
John Grant
John Wesley Grant was a presbyter of the Wisconsin District, while R.P. Kloepper was the Superintendent. He had long held license in the organization and had been the pastor of CGC since 1972. Prior to his time in Madison, he was pastor in Cushing, Texas for a few short years, followed by a few years each in Shawano and LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
By 1982 he was the Wisconsin District Superintendent and remained in that position through part of 1999 when John Putnam was elected. JohnPutnam was replaced by James Booker in March 2018. Grant has since retained the position of Honorary Presbyter in the District and Honorary General Presbyter on the national level. In 2014, he was inducted into the United Pentecostal Church’s Order of the Faith, which noted, “He has taught ministerial ethics and Christian principles in a very easy to understand and unique way.” [2024 Note: The Order of the Faith was rescinded in 2023 following a judicial procedure filed against John Grant. He was also removed as an Honorary General Presbyter and District Honorary Presbyter.]
In early 2013, he brought his son, Roy Howard Grant, in as a co-pastor and the following year elevated himself to the position of bishop. On the weekend of February 28, 2015, Roy was officially installed as the senior pastor.
Roy Grant
It wasn’t until 2006 that his son, Roy, obtained a local license in his mid 40s. (While the church website states it was 2006, his name does not appear in the UPCI Directory until 2008, which would be reflective of a 2007 license. However, if he obtained license very late in 2006, that could explain the Directory delay as these are released every January.) It appears that as of 2018, Roy became a section three presbyter for the Wisconsin District and held that position through some time in 2020.
For a great many years, Calvary Gospel Church was not an affiliated church, but became one in 2016 (as was reflected in the 2017 Directory). [Every church whose pastor holds license in the UPCI is considered a United Pentecostal church. In this, there are affiliated and non-affiliated churches. In the former, there is a legally binding agreement between the local church and the organization. Should the organization investigate this church, that change to becoming affiliated would be important.]
Back to Steven Dahl
Steven Dahl 11/30/17 Facebook post
As mentioned above, Steve Dahl worked for many years as a marketing representative selling church directories for Olan Mills and then was a consultant for Lifetouch Church Directories (they purchased Olan Mills), where he retired from on November 30, 2017. At one point he covered “Northeast Wisconsin from Brown county through the Fox Valley to Washington and Ozaukee Counties.”
He is presently the pastor at the Pentecostal Lighthouse Church [the website was taken down after this article was written, so the link goes to an archive] at 821 Superior Ave in Oconto, Wisconsin and the church is a member of the Oconto Chamber of Commerce.
On the Facebook Page for the church, he claims it was founded on April 11, 1995. [screenshot – There is an unofficial Facebook Page for Steve’s church. On February 21, 2018, Steve took down the church Facebook Page.] The website domain name was purchased on October 1, 2011 and the Facebook Page stated it “is an independant Apostolic One God, Acts 2:38 church,” yet on the about us section of the website it stated, “We are not isolated or independent, we are part of a very large and growing movement of churches” and mentions the United Pentecostal Church.
3/24/16 Facebook post
The church used to be a VFW Hall as well as a Depot.
It is troubling to me regarding the origins of the Pentecostal Lighthouse Church and this will be addressed in a future post.
Steven Dahl 8-25-23 Facebook post
Steve and Alice had their first of four children and were in Wisconsin, living in Neenah by sometime in 1986 or 1987. By 1999, they may have moved to their present six acre lot home in Oconto.
In the following posts I intend to cover more about what happened to Debbie, plus Steve’s reactions after some people started posting comments on his Facebook profile and church Page, as well as additional information about the start of Steve’s church in Oconto.
Yes, all too often pastors make the decision to handle crimes ‘in house’ and not report them to police. Doing so in situations such as are being covering in this series of articles, enables pedophiles and other predators to continue harming others. In Debbie’s situation, the man went on to be a pastor, something that would never have happened had he been reported to the police and convicted.
Note: On March 2, 2018 I removed the mention of a registered sex offender as it appears he is not a relation to Steven Dahl.
March 11, 2024 Note: Numerous screenshots have been added to this post, links have been checked, and many revisions were made as since this was first posted in early 2018, much more information on Dahl’s background became available due to a series of Facebook posts he made in December 2021.
You will find a complete list of articles in this series by clicking here.
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