Is Your Identity In Your Dress?

You can be known as a “jean skirt girl” – but why would you want your identity wrapped around what you wear? Or your long uncut hair? Or anything similar? As a Christian, shouldn’t we want our identity to be wrapped around Jesus Christ? And to be known by our love, one for another, as was the early church?

Do you not find it interesting that in the New Testament it is never mentioned that believers should be known by these things, nor were any believers ever picked out of the crowd due to their manner of dress or hair? Instead, it was the Pharisees who wanted to stand out among the people.

Have You Spoken Out About Spiritual Abuse?

I have had people share with me over the years that at first they didn’t realize that they had experienced what has been termed as spiritual abuse. It wasn’t until they came across a site such as that they started to see parts of their experience as actual abuse.

Others are very reluctant to state they had been abused in this manner because of being perceived as a ‘victim’ and they don’t want to be portrayed or seen as a victim.

Call it what you want, the wrong does happen and affects many, many people worldwide. How deeply it affects someone varies from person to person and experience to experience.

Some who have experienced spiritual abuse have spoken out about it in various ways. Some, such as myself, started web sites. Some blog about it. Some have written a thesis paper on it. Some have online or in person support groups. Some make themselves available for people locally. Others have gone to college to become counselors/therapists.

If you would like to write about your experience or any aspect of spiritual abuse, consider joining our blog. Read here and then just scroll down to the ‘meta’ section and click on ‘register’. You will receive an email from me with the information you will need to start blogging. We would love to have many more people blogging here.

Have you spoken out about spiritual abuse/unhealthy churches or ministers in some form & if so, how have you done it?

First Book Giveaway of 2017

This giveaway has now ended, March 7, 2017.

We have given away books for years as part of the ministry and this will be our first one via this blog for 2017. This is your chance to receive one or more free books on various issues. After making your request, be sure to respond to my email requesting your mailing address if I do not already have it. The last giveaway we had someone request several books but never responded. This keeps material from others.

The first people with a USA mailing address who respond will receive their choice of books at no charge to them. (Unfortunately, it is cost prohibitive to mail these books outside of the USA. Canadians with a USA mailing address are welcome to request books.) To respond, just leave a comment for this post. If you are unsure what any book is about, the links will take you to Amazon where you may read their description and reviews.

Up for grabs are several used books and DVDs.

  1. Three paperback copies of Codependent No More by Melody Beattie. (One has some highlighting.) ONE TAKEN
  2. One paperback copy of Love Is A Choice: Recovery for Codependent Relationships by Hemfelt, Minirth & Meier. (Has some underlining.) TAKEN
  3. One hardback copy of How People Grow by Henry Cloud & John Townsend. (It has a little highlighting.) TAKEN
  4. One paperback copy of Safe People by Henry Cloud & John Townsend. TAKEN
  5. One hardback copy of Boundaries by Henry Cloud & John Townsend. (Has a little highlighting.) TAKEN
  6. One paperback copy of Boundaries In Marriage by Henry Cloud & John Townsend. TAKEN
  7. One paperback copy of Cults In Our Midst by Margaret Singer. (Has highlighting and in a little rough condition.)
  8. One paperback copy of The Co-Dependent Parent by Barbara Becnel.
  9. One hardback copy of I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai. TAKEN
  10. One paperback copy of The Search For Freedom by Robert S. McGee. TAKEN
  11. One paperback copy of Stolen Innocence by Elissa Wall. (polygamy)
  12. One hardback copy of Who’s Pushing Your Buttons: Handling the Difficult People in Your Life by John Townsend. TAKEN
  13. One DVD of Holy Bible KJV Complete by Alexander Scourby. TAKEN
  14. One CD MP3 NIV Audio New Testament Dramatized by Faith Comes By Hearing.
  15. One paperback copy of New Testament Amplified Bible Pocket Thin. TAKEN
  16. One hardback copy of The Church Awakening by Charles Swindoll. TAKEN
  17. Two hardback copies of The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey. ONE TAKEN
  18. One bonded leather copy of The NIV Study Bible by Zondervan. (The cover is in poor condition and there is some writing/underlining, but the inside is mostly good.) TAKEN
  19. One paperback copy of Facing Codependence by Pia Mellody.
  20. One hardback copy of Does This Church Make Me Look Fat by Rhoda Janzen. (Mennonite related) TAKEN
  21. One hardback copy of My Utmost for His Highest Daily Devotional Journal by Oswald Chambers.
  22. One paperback copy of Jesus Land: A Memoir by Julia Sheeres. TAKEN
  23. One hardback copy of The Year of Living Like Jesus by Ed Dobson. TAKEN
  24. One bonded leather copy of Nelson’s NJKV Bible with Concordance. (pocket size- cover is in poor condition)
  25. Three paperback copies of The Shack by Wm. Paul Young.
  26. One paperback copy of The Unauthorized Guide To Choosing a Church by Carmen Renee Berry.
  27. One paperback copy of New Testament Amplified Bible Pocket Thin.
  28. One paperback copy of Testament The Bible Odyssey.
  29. One hardback copy of The Grace Awakening by Charles Swindoll. TAKEN
  30. One hardback copy of Secrets of Your Family Tree Forgiving Our Parents Forgiving Ourselves by David Stoop & James Masteller. TAKEN
  31. One hardback copy of We Are Driven (Compulsive Behaviors) by Hemfelt, Minirth & Meier. TAKEN
  32. One hardback copy of Overcomers Outreach A Bridge To Recovery by Bob & Pauline Bartosch.
  33. One hardback copy of Unstoppable by Nick Vujicic. TAKEN
  34. One hardback copy of Naves Topical Bible.
  35. One hardback copy of The New Strong’s Concordance of the Bible Concise Edition. (Only the concordance.) TAKEN
  36. Three hardback copies of Authority Abusers by G.G. Bloomer. TWO TAKEN
  37. One hardback copy of Holy Bible New Revised Standard Version.
  38. One paperback copy of Holy Bible KJV Reference Edition edited by C.I. Scofield. (Has some water damage at the bottom through part of the Old Testament. Still very usable.)
  39. One paperback copy of The Art of Forgiving by Lewes Smedes. TAKEN
  40. One paperback copy of From Forgiven To Forgiving by Jay Adams. TAKEN
  41. One paperback copy of More Jesus, Less Religion by Stephen Arterburn & Jack Felton. TAKEN
  42. One paperback copy of The Kingdom Of The Cults Limited Edition by Walter Martin.
  43. One paperback copy of Since Nobody’s Perfect…How Good Is Good Enough by Any Stanley. TAKEN
  44. Two paperback copies of Neo-Phariseeism by David Wasmundt (former UPC minister)
  45. Two paperback copies of The Rapture of Canaan by Sheri Reynolds. ONE TAKEN
  46. One paperback copy of Out Of The Salt Shaker & Into The World by Rebecca Pippert. TAKEN
  47. One paperback copy of The Pursuit of God With Study Guide by A.W. Tozer. (Has writing/highlighting & underlining.) TAKEN
  48. One paperback copy of Finding The Real Jesus by Lee Strobel.
  49. One paperback copy of 2009 United Pentecostal Church Manual.
  50. One DVD of Divergent. (Has parallels with spiritual abuse.) TAKEN
  51. One DVD of Paradise Recovered (new- on spiritual abuse/unhealthy churches). TAKEN

The first people with a USA mailing address who respond will receive their choice of book(s) at no charge to them. To respond, just leave a comment on this post. Please understand that comments require approval unless you have previously commented. So while it may look like you are first or second, etc. there may be someone ahead of you whose comment is pending. Be sure to use your actual email address when setting up to comment as I will be contacting you through it. Check your spam folder as email sometimes goes there. (For your privacy, do not put the email or address in your actual comment.)

Be sure to mention in your comment which book(s) you would like and you may refer to them by number instead of the title. There is no limit on how many you may request, though you may only have one copy of any title.

Top February Posts

This is for those interested in seeing the top ten read blogs from February 2017.

We are always looking for new people to join our group of bloggers, so please register and watch your email for more information. You are under no obligation to make a certain number of posts. Commenting directly on the blog is an encouragement to our authors as they often cannot see all the places where these are shared and discussed on social media.

Below are the top ten read posts for the month. Thanks so much to all our readers and authors! It is our hope that many more will be helped and encouraged by our blogs in 2017.

Is Your Pastor Ruinous To Your Spiritual Life? – author Lois. (accessed 497 times)

When A Pastor Morally Fails – author Lois. (accessed 467 times)

Stumbling block: a little about what happened to me – author Mary. (accessed 233 times)

Questioning Teachings: Is There Any Biblical Precedence? – author Lois. (accessed 230 times)

Correction In The Church – author Lois.

Lessons Learned: The Light Came On – author Random Thoughts.

Gary Chapman- The Five Love Languages – author Mary.

Return to the Body of Christ? – author Lois.

Love Without Fear – author Grace.

Veiled Threats In Sermons – author Lois.

United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 6

Please note that there have been many edits made to this article since it was originally published in 2017 as I wanted to bring it up to date. Because of this, the article is somewhat messy. The edits in bold show the 2023 costs.

In my last post in this series, I covered the basic cost of being licensed in the United Pentecostal Church. We discovered that besides the yearly national fees of $374.00, $386.00 or $398.00, each minister must also pay money to the district in which they live. Using Indiana as an example for 2023, if one held local license it would cost them a minimum of an additional $660.00, making the total cost per year of their license $1,034.00 and it could rise to $1,454.00 depending on their age. Using South Carolina as an example, if one held local license it would cost them an additional $960.00, making the total cost per year of their license $1,334.00.

[December 5, 2024 Edit: At the General Conference in 2024, they raised the licensing fees as follows: Local: $474, General: $496, Ordained: $518. That’s a pretty high jump in costs. For all of the figures you would need to add this increase to the yearly total district and national dues.]

In addition to the above, the UPCI approved a change in processing payments of membership fees at the 2014 General Conference as mentioned by David Bernard in the October-December 2014 Forward magazine. This started to be implemented in December 2015 for the first quarter of 2016. If a minister does not pay annually, but pays quarterly or monthly, a small fee is now added to each payment. This will cost some ministers additional money, though it isn’t significant. This was also explained in the same issue of the Forward as seen in this screenshot.

We will now look at the expense of purchasing books and videos in order to obtain an initial license or to move up to the next level. (There are three levels: local, general and ordained.) Note that in addition to the prices listed below, there is also a $25.00 application fee for each level of licensing.

As of January 2017, a new reading list was released as well as implementing video requirements. Each video course costs $35.00 and ten are required per each ministerial level, thus increasing the initial licensing cost to at least $350.00. (You will find the cost and list here. A prior updated edition with all but one book price is here.) Not only does this increase the initial licensing cost, but since it also applies to each level, if an already licensed minister wishes to move up to a general or ordained license, it will cost them at least $350.00. It should be noted that these are not yearly costs, but one-time charges. [2023 Edit: Starting at some point after March 2023, the cost for each video course rose to $40.00, thus increasing the initial licensing cost to at least $400.00.]

The reading requirements are nothing new, though they periodically changed the list. In their earlier days, book reading was not always required as is evidenced in the 1969 UPCI Manual where nothing was listed, not even reading through the Bible. However, for those seeking ordination, they were required to read the Bible, “at least one church history book and at least one grammar book.” This was waived if they had completed three years in a UPCI Bible school. By 1975, a very limited reading list was mandated: The Pentecostal Home Bible Study Course, Magnifying The Ministry, United We Stand and For Preacher’s Only.

By at least 1981, reading the Bible in at least year was required, as well as at least one year in a UPCI endorsed Bible College. If the candidate did not attend a Bible college, then they had to read the same books as mentioned in 1975. The same held true through 1989. Starting in 1989 they stated that the UPCI Manual must be read. Regardless of whether a person had attended a UPCI endorsed Bible college, they had to read through the Bible and the Manual at each level of licensing.

On January 1, 1990, a new reading list was made where the specific books were no longer listed in each Manual. From here they periodically changed.

In February 2010, a new list of reading requirements was in force. You may view that here.

You may compare the current reading requirement with what was required starting in 2012. Without considering the cost of the Manual, it was $157.41 for a local license, $143.94 for general and $112.44 for ordination. So with this new change in 2017, the UPCI more than doubled the cost for each level.

One thing that has now changed is that all the reading material is produced by the UPCI and their authors, whereas years back they would include something written by those outside their group and even by non-Apostolics. The Words and Works of Jesus Christ by J. Dwight Pentecost used to be one of them. For years they also let you choose one book out of several in a category (see the 2010 requirements). With them requiring only their books and videos, one gets fully indoctrinated by the UPCI. Consider that for a local license, four of the ten courses are all the thoughts of David Bernard, the current UPCI General Superintendent. The organization also makes more money by keeping everything in house.

Each video course comes with an ebook. If someone cannot or does not wish to read books in digital format, it would cost $157.90 to purchase all the books for a local license. For a general license it is $161.90 and for ordination it would be more than $155.91 (after more than a year, one book price was still pending). [2023 Edit: You will see that they no longer show the paperback editions prices in their list of required reading. As of November 1, 2023, if you did not purchase any book on sale, it would cost $180.90 to purchase the books for a local license. For a general license it is $182.90 and for ordination it would be $200.90.]

If the individual wanted to purchase physical copies of the books, the total initial cost to attempt to receive a license would be $507.90 for a local, $511.90 for a general and more than $505.91 for ordination. Otherwise each level would be $350.00. These figures are in addition to the yearly national and district fees should the individual be granted license. They also do not include the cost of the United Pentecostal Church Manual, which must be read at the cost of $10.00 [2018 paperback price]. In addition, applicants must read the Bible through once for each level of license. [2023 Edit: If the individual wanted to purchase physical copies of the books in 2023, the total initial cost to attempt to receive a license would be $580.90 for a local, $582.90 for a general and $600.90 for ordination. There could be an additional charge for a printed copy of the Manual. If one is fine with digital copies, each level would be $400.00. In addition at each level there is the $25.00 application fee.)

What does this all mean? The applicant from Indiana going for a local license, would expect to pay $1,204.00 or $1,361.90 (if paperback books are purchased) for their first year and to satisfy the reading requirements. Ouch. [2023 Edit: The applicant from Indiana going for a local license, would expect to pay at least $1434.00 or $1614.90 (if paperback books are purchased) for their first year and to satisfy the reading requirements. South Carolina would be higher. Prices do not include the application fee.]

There is good news for the applicant who has completed at least one year of a UPCI endorsed Bible college (they only endorse their own). They do not need to complete the reading requirements, according to the 2017 UPCI Manual (Article VII, Section 2, #9). They would have already spent well over $350.00 at the college. For instance, at Indiana Bible College, tuition and activity fees for one year (without room and board) cost more than $4,000.00. [2023 Edit: The 2019 Manual removed this mention of a UPCI endorsed Bible college and it now states, “All applicants must have completed the required reading and training program established by the General Board. The reading and training requirements may be obtained from the District Board or from the office of the General Secretary-Treasurer. At each level of credentialing, all applicants must read the Bible through and must read the current Manual of the UPCI.”]

All of this can become a little more complex as each district is at liberty to impose additional requirements of any kind in order to be considered for licensing.

While the requirements and fees have changed for those whose language is English, they did not change in 2017 for those seeking a Spanish license. The reading requirements are fewer and are considerably cheaper for those who speak Spanish, plus they do not have to view videos and take the accompanying tests. The present costs are $76.01 for local, $37.53 for general and $24.30 for ordination. Compare those with it costing at least $350.00 for those whose language is English. That is not very balanced. [2023 Edit: On January 1, 2019 this changed and they now have reading and video requirements, with some differences in the material. The speakers are different since the lessons are in Spanish. See here.]

Should a minister fall behind in payment of either national or district fees, their license will be suspended or revoked and they may need to reapply and meet with the District Board to get it back.

Please note that in all of the requirements, there appears to be no mandated training on the issue of sexual abuse. This is troubling since the organization has had problems with their ministers failing to report these cases, as well as ministers and members being arrested, charged and convicted of various types of sexual crimes. [2023 Edit: There is currently available a series of ten videos that address various aspects of abuse and sexual abuse. They are listed on Ministry Central under SafeChurch. However, these are not mandated for licensing. Anyone may sign up to watch these at no charge.] Some may want to read our ongoing series of articles on sexual abuse in the United Pentecostal Church.

United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 5
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 4
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 3
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 2
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 1

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