Giveaway: Heretics & Politics: Theology, Power, and Perception in the Last Days of CBC

UPCI Book giveaway

This is only open to those with a USA mailing address.

This is your chance to receive a new copy of Heretics & Politics: Theology, Power, and Perception in the Last Days of CBC by Thomas Fudge. It is the second book in his series on Oneness Pentecostalism. It sells for $29.95. It covers the United Pentecostal Church sponsored Conquerors Bible College that was founded in Portland, Oregon in 1953 and abruptly closed in 1983. Fudge attended this college. Former UPCI minister Don Fisher is addressed in this book as he used to be the president of the college. Some will also be interested in his daughter’s memoir, The Uncomfortable Confessions of a Preacher’s Kid, by Ronna Russell.

This giveaway is a drawing and not a first come, first served giveaway. To enter, just leave a comment to show you wish to be included. The drawing will close on November 4, 2021 at 6pm (eastern time), after which I will draw the winner. Be sure to check back to see if you have won as in the past some people have not responded after winning and so a new winner had to be drawn. You will then need to email me your mailing address if I do not already have it, so be sure to watch your email and check the spam folder. There is absolutely no cost to enter. Don’t be alarmed if your comment does not immediately show as they require approval when you are commenting for the first time.

We always provide these at no charge to our readers. If anyone would like to help with the expenses involved in providing material to people, you may do so via our Fundraiser at GoFundMe.

Some might be interested in a series of lectures by Thomas Fudge on the history of Christianity from the Roman Empire until the Reformation.

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Author: Lois

I was a member of the United Pentecostal Church for just under 13 years and was a licensed minister during a short part of that time. I am the owner of the website, which was started four years after leaving. I am originally from southern New Jersey.

26 thoughts on “Giveaway: Heretics & Politics: Theology, Power, and Perception in the Last Days of CBC”

  1. Hello. Thank you for your generosity. Yes I would certainly welcome the book. God bless.


  2. I would love this source. Thank you Lois for offering it. I would love to do more research on the 1-steppers. A UPC minister asked me to contact the headquarters and speak with RJ. I did not because I already know they are controlling the historical center, giving patent answers, and being yes men. I trust this source over any scholar at the UPCI headquarters or their Oneness Pentecostal Historical Society.

  3. I use the information in Thomas Fudge’s book as a witnesses tool to reach Oneness Pentecostals, many of which have misinformed about their church history. I was not selected for the last book, C. H. Yadon and the Vanishing Theological Past of the Oneness Pentecostalism, so I order it. I would very much would love to have this copy and am interested.

  4. Definitely interested! 30 years out and still unpacking all of the pain and manipulation.

  5. I would love a copy of this book! I’m still struggling to find my way out of this. It’s not an easy process but your information has helped tremendously!

  6. It has been great to see all the interest! Our winner is Laura- congratulations! I will be contacting you.

    In December we should be giving away a used copy of Fudge’s first UPC related book, Christianity Without the Cross.

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