Book Giveaway- Redeeming Power by Diane Langberg

As with all of our giveaways, this is only open to those with a USA mailing address.

This is your chance to receive a new copy of Redeeming Power: Understanding Authority and Abuse in the Church by Diane Langberg. We will be giving away two copies of this book. You may read the prelude and first chapter for free here and watch the book trailer here.

This giveaway is a drawing and not a first come, first served giveaway. To enter, just leave a comment to show you wish to be included. The drawing will close on Tuesday, December 15 at 8pm (eastern time), after which I will draw the two winners. You will then need to email me your mailing address if I do not already have it. Watch your spam email folder. There is absolutely no cost to enter. Don’t be alarmed if your comment does not immediately show as they require approval when you are commenting for the first time.

We always provide these at no charge to our readers. If anyone would like to help with the expenses involved in providing various spiritual abuse related material to people, you may do so via our fundraiser or you may visit our Amazon storefront and make any purchase via a link there (you need not purchase the item you click on) and we will receive a small percentage of the purchases.

Interviews with Diane Langberg that are related to this book:

Redeeming Power Master Classes:

Part 1:
Part 2:

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Author: Lois

I was a member of the United Pentecostal Church for just under 13 years and was a licensed minister during a short part of that time. I am the owner of the website, which was started four years after leaving. I am originally from southern New Jersey.

29 thoughts on “Book Giveaway- Redeeming Power by Diane Langberg”

    1. abuse, (and the neglect that allows abuse), in the church makes an even deeper wound than (civil?) domestic abuse. these are betrayals of the worst kind. real church would be saving the precious scraps from both.

  1. I would love to read more on this subject. The Spiritual Abuse site has brought up a lot of memories of my childhood.

  2. Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you. I write for The Phantom Tollbooth (website address provided).

  3. Dr. Langberg is full of wisdom, and I am excited to learn and understand from her more about spiritual abuse.

  4. Ever since I heard of Diane I’ve been following her Twitter account and looking for any podcasts/interviews with her. And now I need to read this book!

  5. I had to draw again as one winner, Pam Massey, never contacted me back after emailing her. Steven Ford won the second copy, which was already mailed. So I just drew a new winner and Beverly Pyles is the lucky one! I am sending you an email.

    Edited on December 22 at midnight: I have not heard back from the second person whose name was drawn, so a new name was selected. Kellie Riegel is the new winner. Please check your email.

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