Lee Stoneking Lied About A Deaf Boy Being Healed

United Pentecostal Church minister and evangelist Elton Leroy “Lee” Stoneking isn’t known for always being truthful. Five years ago I wrote an article about his false account of Osama Bin Laden having 40 wives that were held in a cave. Some have exposed the errors in his claim to have been raised from the dead. (See Rev. Lee Stoneking Lies To The United Nations, Rev. Lee Stoneking Lies At The UN Part 2 [This article shows that the man Stoneking identified as a doctor, isn’t one. He’s since been in trouble with the law.] and Lee Stoneking lies about everything.) I also wrote an article about Stoneking’s brief appearance at the United Nations where he neglected to address the topic he was to address and instead shared about being raised from the dead. You may partly blame UPCI pastor Art Wilson for that as he claimed to have written Stoneking’s speech. Others have addressed his alleged doctorate and claim to being an adjunct professor of Southern Eastern University in the United Kingdom. I am certain that there are other false claims which he has made and this is one of them.

On July 19, 2020, Lee Stoneking turned 80 and on his Facebook Page he posted this image, where it appears he is claiming to have raised people from the dead, healed people who are lame, blind, deaf and who were afflicted with cancer. I asked on Facebook if anyone could present some documentation that these things had happened during his ministry. No documentation was provided by anyone, though one person claimed to have witnessed a woman being healed of arthritis.

In a private group, one man responded and shared the story of his son, who is deaf, and Lee Stoneking claimed that he was healed and proceeded to tell the story at other churches, even though it was not true and he had been informed it was not.

The following took place sometime in 1987 at a Back to School revival. The boy was under one year old, probably about ten months. On the Thursday night of revival, Stoneking prophesied that this boy would be healed of his deafness. The following night he prayed for the parents and the boy after calling them to the front before he was to preach. He prophesied to the father that God would use him in great ways and that he would be like Gideon. After praying for the man’s son, he did various things to make it appear as if the boy was responding, such as turning his back and whispering. He laid hands on the father and he ‘took off’ as many do in Pentecostal circles. Everyone started going crazy, thinking that this infant had been healed.

The parents believed the declaration of healing, but soon after they began to have doubts. When the speakers to the stereo somehow got turned off and then suddenly blared loudly, their son showed no reaction. That Sunday they went again to the front of the church after Stoneking’s sermon and were ignored by him until they could no longer be ignored. When told what happened, Stoneking shared that it was on the parents now- that they had to keep the faith. He instructed them to play Christian music 24/7 and to put a Bible in the boy’s crib. Believing he would be healed, the parents stopped all intervention and tests which their doctor recommended and told the doctor that their son was healed. An entire year went by and there was no change.

The father broke down and took his son for a hearing test and he was fitted with hearing aids. He had to accept the fact that his son had not been healed, despite following Lee Stoneking’s instructions. Below is the father’s account as he wrote it, with the omission of his son’s name. It is used with his permission and he wishes to remain anonymous due to having family yet in the United Pentecostal Church.


I have a deaf son, and when he was an infant, Stoneking came to the Pensacola Church. He prophesied telling us my son would be healed. That was on a Thursday night.

Friday night Stoneking called us to the front of the church and told my wife to get our son. He wanted to pray for him. The church went eerie silent as my wife went over and picked up our son from my mom. (That’s been many years ago AND he is still deaf). After praying for him, he told the church he was healed. He did some crazy stuff trying to get my son’s attention. The church went from being eerie quiet to wild.

There was so much theatrics going on that night. I started crying and shouting, my wife is shouting, I am talking a “Holy Ghost hoe down.” We left church truly believing our son was healed.

By Sunday morning it was obvious he wasn’t. So after the preaching during the altar time, we took my son back up for prayer, initially Stoneking totally ignored us. Finally he had to recognize us or he would have been embarrassed. I mean we’re both crying holding our baby, everyone was looking, he didn’t have much choice.

Stoneking told us that Satan was real and that he would test us. He explained that my son’s hearing would come and go. We had to stand strong on God’s word. He told us to play music in his crib, every night, and let him sleep with the Bible. We were told to SPEAK (with faith) that he could hear. In other words, we were told to ignore his deafness, waking up everyday as if he was hearing. He told us no matter what any doctor had to say, we had to in faith, tell them our son could hear.

After the revival, Stoneking went on to his next church and told them that a deaf baby was healed at his last meeting. This rumor got repeated over and over again. Some of y’all might remember it.

My son’s deafness never went away.

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Author: Lois

I was a member of the United Pentecostal Church for just under 13 years and was a licensed minister during a short part of that time. I am the owner of the SpiritualAbuse.org website, which was started four years after leaving. I am originally from southern New Jersey.

32 thoughts on “Lee Stoneking Lied About A Deaf Boy Being Healed”

  1. I don’t believe you. I feel you back slid and made up lies You can not prove this gossip about Rev Lee Stone King. And if he made mistakes. Or fell short. I bet you have too. A true Christian would pray because he is a man of God. You sound vindictive. Shame on you. Why blast him. ? If you feel it’s true. Your supporse to go do it how God says. Let’s hear about your shortcomings. Holier then thou art. ( Not). I feel most you wrote is lies. Prayers for Rev Lee Stone King. Wow you need prayer too cause it’s lies on that man of God. He had proof he was raised from the dead

    1. You obviously haven’t fully looked into his claim of being raised from the dead. And it doesn’t matter whether you believe this man’s report or not- both he and Stoneking know of its veracity as he confronted him about it even years later. I am not putting through any additional replies from you as you are attempting to appear like you are more than one person and are just ranting bringing up things not even stated in the article.

    2. What a horrible and disgusting comment. Lee Stoneking is full of hype. How dare you abuse this poor child’s parents

    3. I don’t read one word of criticism or slander. This man is simply telling what actually happened. It’s obvious he doesn’t approve of Lee Stoneking using his child as an example of healing when his chil wasn’t healed.
      If God had healed his baby you can bet he would be shouting it as a constant testimony. Don’t point fingers at people, or make accusations just because they reveal the truth you don’t want to hear.

    4. Anonymous,

      Why is it so important to you for Lee Stoneking not to have lied?

      From an outsider’s perspective, it is so important to you that you were willing to make a cruel and abusive comment to a man whose son is hearing impaired and is obviously grieved over this, along with grieving his experience of having been humiliated and lied to by someone he had believed to be an honorable, powerful man of God.

      The way I read this story, this man and his wife have suffered due to their son’s hearing impairment. Then they suffered when Lee Stoneking essentially said that their son’s healing was dependent on their faith (a Benny Hinn/prosperity gospel tactic that blames the family and not the preacher if there is no healing). This accusation meant that if their son wasn’t healed, it was their fault. That is spiritual abuse.

      And then your comments provide further abuse and mistreatment.

      The reactive nature of your comment indicates a very deep need for Lee Stoneking, and by extension other UPCI pastors/leaders, to not be exposed for their deceptive and abusive behavior.

      It is sinking sand to build your faith on any one person, no matter who it is, even someone with the notoriety of Lee Stoneking, because when they are exposed as frauds, your faith can crumble as they topple.

      And topple many of them will.

    5. What a sad, delusional’Coldhearted’ comment! You are definitely not a Christian to attack parents for just telling the truth about mr. Stoneking

  2. And no, he didnt have proof he was raised from the dead. What happened to him happens to people all the time. And, just like his own personal story, he embellishes some truth or makes false claims and repeats these stories, sometimes adding more embellishment or lies. It’s horrible. God doesnt need that kind of help.

  3. 1 Corinthians 1:29-31
    New King James Version
    29 that no flesh should glory in His presence. 30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption— 31 that, as it is written, “He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.”

    1. Is the tragedy of a wounded spirit that’s the bottom line has nothing to do with stone king or anyone else has to do with Wounded Spirits and now they are on a mission with a vendetta instead of walking and forgiveness trying to lump things together as a whole against an organization instead of getting over what happened to them

  4. Seems like the author of all these GET the Preacher articles has an axe to grind…maybe she should just seek God for her own bitterness!

    I don’t see any thing being better by writing the blogs except personal vendettas being taken.

    May God Bless and Reveal Light

    1. One sign of an unhealthy church is that the person who brings up a problem becomes the problem. They are labeled things like being bitter, being on a personal vendetta, rebellious, etc.- just like is seen in the above comment. That way the actual problem/issue doesn’t get addressed as attention is diverted from it to the person.

  5. Jesus told Peter to walk on the water and come to him. But when Peter stepped out of the boat and began to see the waves of the storm, he was afraid and began to sink. Did Jesus lie to Peter? No, it is like it is written elsewhere, that Jesus could not do many mighty works in his hometown, except that he healed a few folks, because of their unbelief. This sounds like this situation with the deaf child.

    1. You’re reaching hard…how about reality. A man hyped a situation using emotional hurting people that were desperate for God to heal their deaf child. He then used it as he does everything to bring glory to himself. God certainly can heal the deaf, but his parents said God did not, so let truth be told.

    1. Why? Because he exposed Stoneking for what he did? Fear permeates the teachings of unhealthy churches. I see you learned well.

    2. I am the man who this happened to. My son was used as a pawn for theatrics during the back to school revival.

      You have no idea the pain I went through as a father learning his first child was deaf. Being raised in the UPC music is everything.

      Initially, I was angry. Once the anger went away, I went on a mission to do everything I could for my son.

      When Lee did what he did to us, who was I to question the man of God. I believed every word he said that night.

      Imagine the pain I felt when my son’s deafness was not healed. Imagine the pain I continued to feel, because I was told his “full healing” would be dependent on my faith.

      Is God really that narcissistic that He plays with one’s emotions? If God is the great healer, why would He need my help.

      Why make a little infant deaf because he’s testing his father’s faith? When (according to Lee) my son was never healed, why would God punish my son for my lack of faith?

      This is the kind of lies, manipulations and nonsense that the UPC continues to model themselves after.

      Fear mongering keeps their constituents in bondage.

      All of these hateful comments, when you or others have never walked in my shoes.

  6. It’s all sad, and very unfortunate. I pray for healing for the families affected by the confusion so many upci ministers have caused without challenge. In life, it matters what you say, especially when, you are in a position of power. A heavy heart for all those facing unnecessary challenges placed on them by men. That’s what they are, and it’s important to remember. Just men. 1 Corinthians 4:15 KJV
    [15] For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. Seek the father.

  7. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. They make a living off their lies.

  8. People need to examine their own standing with God instead of attacking others. Yes, people have been hurt by the UPCI (myself included), as well as other denominations. Forgiveness is the key, and is necessary for a pure heart before God.

  9. I have read several of the articles written. It seems there is such bitterness and desire to hurt the United Pentecostal Church. If that is the desire, I am sure you all have succeeded to some degree.
    Pray for those who offend one of God’s children.
    Consider your motive and stop trying to hurt some really good and godly people in all the churches mentioned in the articles.

    1. It is so interesting how, because we expose things that happen in the UPCI, we are automatically accused of being bitter. For me, that is so far from the truth and does not come into play at all in the reasons why I write. The organization is hurting itself by doing or allowing these things, or not addressing them. Us reporting on them isn’t what causes the harm- the harm has already been done.

  10. I am a man of faith that believes God is who he says he is. Then again there are Charlatans who are out for money, power, and fame. Why do people hold so many of these UPCI Preachers in a sphere of ultimate adoration? The UPCI is full of these leaches that are really wanting to be the main attraction not the one true God. Most Pentecostals are not very well to do and usually give money to support these preachers who live lavish lifestyles, while they struggle just to get by.

  11. Pray for Bro. Stoneking and that family. There is no perfect church. And only Jesus heals. And if Bro. Stoneking did fail does not mean he is a false prophet. Those that preach lots of false doctrine (more than just a mistake of words or people misinterpreting) are false prophets. Need to doublecheck the spirit to whom you are listening to as your guide in life.

  12. In 2010 as a then member of the UPCI, I heard Lee Stoneking speak in Okinawa Japan. He prayed for my Autistic 8 year old son that was home in Oklahoma by saying, “Church, stretch your hands across the ocean and declare healing of this child in the Name of Jesus.” He then told me that through my faith and his intercession, that my son had been healed from all of his autism symptoms and that he would no longer need therapy and/or medical treatment. Fast forward 12 years…my 10 year old adult son is still very much autistic with a 62 IQ and is deaf in one ear. I guess it’s my fault that he wasn’t healed….but Lee is a quack and yet people still pay him ten of thousands of dollars to come speak to them in his bogus aristocratic accent.

  13. I am oneness Pentecostal, I’ve alattended UPCI churches in the past. I’ve also heard Lee Stoneking a few times. What I will say is this…I don’t know him personally but I was taken aback by his story that he tells everywhere he goes and is also on his personal web page. The story of his heart attack and being dead. I’m not saying he didn’t have a heart attack but I am saying there is a HUGE lie STILL on his web page that is easy to debunk with just a little bit of Google. He tells about Dr. JEFFREY YOUNG JR. I personally know some of the Young family and have met Jeff (we’re the same age) .Not only is Jeffery Young not a cardiologist (as stoneking told the story when I heard it live about 10 years ago) Jeff Young isn’t a doctor at all , he is a nurse practioner or should I say WAS a NP. He currently in prison for trading drugs for sex! Look it up! He calls himself the Roc Doc (Bethel springs Tennessee)
    My point is..tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Why lie? Maybe in the beginning brother stoneking mat have been told that Jeff was a doctor (idk ) but surely he knew he wasn’t his cardiologist and by now certainly he knows Jeff isn’t a doctor at all. This makes me questions Lee Stonekings integrity altogether!

    1. The truth Lee Stoneking could not understand the difference between a NP and a cardiologist . In fact most Americans don’t know the difference unless you’re in the medical field. Many who have commented on this discussion have failed to recognize that the devil is trying to make us lose our faith in the healing power of Jesus. Bashing each other in blogs about a preacher doesn’t solve anything. If you have an issue with the preachers confront him in person and try to resolve the misunderstanding . Let the church be the church and stop fussing over the internet

    2. First, I think most people understand that an NP is not a doctor and is limited in what they are able to do.

      Second, a person telling their story is by no means ‘bashing.’ And if you read the whole article, you would see where the parents DID confront Stoneking in person about it. Despite doing so, Stoneking went on to lie that the son had been healed. That wasn’t a misunderstanding on his part- it was a deliberate outright LIE. Writing about such things does not- in any way- make people lose faith in God. But what Stoneking did with these parents could do just that when they were to pretend that a healing had taken place.

  14. It was so easy to look up University of Tennesee Health Science Center, medical school, dress code, that Lee Stoneking was preaching about, not allowing women to wear jewelry, pants, makeup, & have their hair up in a bun. Since nurses must wear scrubs, at work, (pants) the dress code at that medical school said, “neutral color scrubs, for women, hair should be neatly trimmed, clean, away from face, or pulled back in a bun to avoid hair falling toward simulator. No loud clanking jewelry, or body piercings, just a single ear studs, makeup kept minimal, to have a professional appearance. Lee Stoneking reminds me of Titus 1:10 & 11.

  15. It is so sad to see people miss the whole point of this article. Would the apostle Paul address something like this if it happened in Bible times? You bet he would! Would we gaslight Paul and accuse him of being bitter? He called Peter a hypocrite, did anyone speak up and get onto Paul and call him bitter? There is SO much spiritual abuse in the UPC church that goes unaddressed. It takes courage to address it. My 15 year old daughter was ran over and a few weeks later in a Friday night service, the lady in charge gives us all three examples of someone being ran over (one of them being her son), and she tells how they were ALL miraculously protected by angels, because of the power of their praying mother. She stresses the “power of a praying mother” about ten different times. This is in a tiny church and she was an elder and a leader. For many years I blamed myself for my daughters death because of spiritual abuse. The sad thing is, my daughter was also her niece. This is blatant spiritual abuse and I hate that I believed her for so long. People say that these are just mistakes made..and yes, they are, but they are commonplace in the UPC church because it is performance based christianity. Listen to Stoneking’s message on the power of a woman’s uncut hair. This is flat out heresy. It is so attractive to people because it appeals to our pride..it is something that WE can do. The power is in us instead of Him. Words are taken out of context. I am so thankful for blogs like these that are bold and not scared to put themselves out there and stand up for what is right. It is so dangerous when people use human things to bring about the spiritual things of God. This is so much like the word of faith movement and exactly the same type of things that Benny Hinn has done…the only difference is, we can see straight through Benny Hinn but we are blind when it comes to ministers from the UPC. Would you shame anyone for calling out Benny Hinn and say, I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes??? I certainly hope not. When there are falsehoods stand up for truth!

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