United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 4

This is a continuation of the requirements for licensing in the United Pentecostal Church, taken from the 2017 Manual. It is the same as it appeared going back to at least the 2005 Manual, with the exception of three additions to number 2 under General License and number 2 under local license.

As you will see, a licensed minister in the organization is not required to have any formal training. In fact, the experience they need in delivering sermons is very little and requires no supervision. (For instance, much of mine was accomplished at a nursing home outreach I started and the pastor did not attend.)

Below are the specific requirements for each of the three levels of licensing. Once again, the only Bible colleges endorsed by the UPCI are their own.

[2023 Edit: All of the below appeared the same through the 2020 UPCI Manual. In 2021, revisions were made in how the rules were listed and worded and these have been added to bring readers up to date through 2023.]

Article VII, Section 3. Local License.

1. All applicants must be seventeen (17) years of age or over.

2. All applicants must have preached an average of one (1) sermon each week for a period of six (6) months or more before being examined by the District Board in relation to their call to the ministry. Exceptions to this requirement would be left to the discretion of the District Board. (It is understood that teaching a Sunday school class or leading services does not meet this requirement.)

[Note: in 2018 the wording of #2 changed to the following, which potentially lowers the number of sermons required. Teaching a Bible study, etc. doesn’t require the same skills and knowledge as preparing a sermon. “All applicants must have been involved on a consistent weekly basis in the evangelistic and ministerial efforts of their local church under the direction of their pastor for a period of six (6) months or more before being examined by the District Board in relation to their call to ministry. This involvement must primarily pursue actively preaching on a weekly basis, but may also include teaching home Bible studies, participating in structured soul winning activities and discipleship classes, as well as other evangelistic venues of the local church. Exceptions to this requirement would be left to the discretion of the District Board.”]

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to: “All applicants must have been involved on a consistent basis in the evangelistic and ministerial efforts of their local church under the direction of their pastor for at least six (6) months before being examined by the District Board relative to their qualifications for the ministry. This involvement must primarily be
actively preaching on a weekly basis, but may also include teaching home Bible studies and participating in structured soul winning activities, discipleship classes, and other ministries of the local church. Exceptions to this requirement are left to the discretion of the applicant’s District Board.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

3. All local licensed ministers are to labor in full cooperation with, and under the supervision of, their local United Pentecostal Church pastor until they enter into ministerial responsibilities severing them from their local assembly.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to: “All local licensed UPCI ministers are to labor in cooperation with, and under the supervision of, their local UPCI pastor until they enter ministerial responsibilities that remove them from their local assembly.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

Section 4. General License.

1. All applicants must be nineteen (19) years of age or over.

2. All applicants must be presently engaged in the ministry as pastor, full-time evangelist, full-time teacher (added in 2012 Manual), assistant pastor, assistant to the pastor (added in 2011 Manual), elected or appointed official, full-time Bible school administrator, or instructor, except those qualifying under Paragraph 3. Exceptions to this requirement would be left to the discretion of the District Board. (added in 2011 Manual)

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to: “All applicants must be presently engaged in the ministry as pastor, full-time evangelist, full-time teacher, pastoral assistant, elected or appointed official, or full-time Bible/Christian college administrator or instructor, except those qualifying under Paragraph 3 immediately below. Exceptions to this requirement are left to the discretion of the applicant’s District Board.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

3. Theological students (majoring in religion) who complete three (3) years of Bible training in any Bible college endorsed by the United Pentecostal Church International, and who otherwise qualify, may be granted either a Local or General License at the discretion of the District Board of the district in which they establish their legal residence. These students shall request their respective colleges to send the Bible College Report form to the District Superintendent. In no event shall the students be granted a license from the district in which the Bible college is located unless they are actively engaged in the ministry in that district prior to and at the time of licensing.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to: “Ministerial students (majoring in religion, theology, ministerial studies, etc.) who graduate from any UPCI endorsed Bible/Christian college, and who otherwise qualify, may be granted either a Local or General License at the discretion of the applicant’s District Board. Students from UPCI endorsed colleges shall not be granted a license from the district in which the college is located unless they are either from that district or actively engaged in ministry in that district
prior to and at the time of licensing.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

4. All applicants who are not Bible college graduates must have held Local License for at least one (1) year. They must also have proven their ministry for a period of one (1) year or more. During said time, applicants must have preached an average of one (1) sermon each week. (It is understood that teaching a Sunday school class or leading services does not meet this requirement.) Exceptions may be made for applicants who are being accepted from another church organization. (See Section 5, Paragraph 4.)

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to: “All applicants who are not graduates of a UPCI endorsed Bible/Christian college must have held Local License for at least one (1) year during which they have proven their ministry. All applicants must have preached at least twenty-six (26) times during the time period of one (1) year prior to meeting the District Board for General License. (It is understood that teaching a Sunday school class or leading services does not meet this requirement except for teaching an Adult Sunday School class.) Exceptions may be made for applicants who are being accepted from another Oneness Pentecostal/Apostolic church organization. (See Section 5, Paragraph 4.)” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

Section 5. Certificate of Ordination.

1. All applicants must be twenty-one (21) years of age or over and must have held General License for at least two (2) years. Any exception to this would be left to the discretion of the District Board.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to: “All applicants must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age and have held General License for at least two (2) years. Any exception to this is left to the discretion of the applicant’s District Board.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

2. All applicants must have proven their ministry for two (2) consecutive years and must presently be an active pastor, full-time evangelist, assistant pastor, appointed or elected official, full-time Bible college administrator or instructor.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to: “All applicants must have proven their ministry for two (2) consecutive years and must presently be an active pastor, full-time evangelist, full-time teacher, pastoral assistant, or full-time Bible/Christian college administrator or instructor.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

3. All applicants for Ordination to Military Chaplaincy must fulfill all doctrinal and other qualifications except the specified time of active ministerial service and the need to hold General License prior to applying.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to: “All applicants for Ordination to Military Chaplaincy must fulfill all doctrinal and other qualifications except the specified time of active ministerial service.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

4. All applicants who have previously been ordained by another church organization shall appear before the District Board and be thoroughly examined to determine the merits of their ordination and their qualifications for the ministry. The District Board shall determine whether to accept their former ordination, recommend ordination by the United Pentecostal Church International, or grant Local or General License.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to: “All applicants who have previously been ordained by another Oneness Pentecostal/Apostolic church organization shall appear before the applicable District Board and be examined to determine the merits of their ordination and qualifications for ministry. Said District Board shall determine whether to accept the applicant’s former ordination, recommend ordination by the UPCI, or grant Local or General License.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

5. All applicants endorsed for ordination shall be notified by the District Secretary as to the next official meeting where they may be ordained.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to: “All applicants endorsed for ordination shall be notified by the District Secretary as to the next official meeting in which they may be ordained.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

6. An ordination may be held at any district meeting and must be presided over by a member of the Board of General Presbyters. A district meeting includes regular or special called District Conferences, conventions, or camp meetings to which all of the ministers of the district are invited. It does not include fellowship meetings, youth rallies, or other sectional gatherings.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to: “An ordination service should be held at district meeting and must be presided over by a member of the Board of General Presbyters. A district meeting includes regular or special called district conferences, conventions, or camp meetings to which all ministers of the district are invited. It does not include fellowship meetings, youth rallies, or other sectional gatherings.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

To be continued.

United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 6
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 5
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 4
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 3
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 2
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 1

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Author: Lois

I was a member of the United Pentecostal Church for just under 13 years and was a licensed minister during a short part of that time. I am the owner of the SpiritualAbuse.org website, which was started four years after leaving. I am originally from southern New Jersey.

2 thoughts on “United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 4”

  1. Have you or someone you know not get their upci ministerial license granted? If so, why not? How did you cope? Thanks

    1. A man in my former UPC church in NJ applied and was turned down at the District level. I forget the exact reasons given, but recall that he was already licensed by a small Oneness group. He became angry afterward and started openly breaking some of their standard rules. He never went back to apply again, at least not to my knowledge.

      There are many reasons a person could be turned down for license, though it is MUCH easier to be licensed in a group like the UPC as compared to organizations that actually require a person to attend seminary and learn more than the indoctrination of the group. Personally, knowing what I know now, I’d encourage someone who didn’t receive license there to be glad about it. There is too much wrong in their organization.

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