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Author: Lois
I was a member of the United Pentecostal Church for just under 13 years and was a licensed minister during a short part of that time. I am the owner of the website, which was started four years after leaving. I am originally from southern New Jersey.
As previously shared, I personally have known four people from the United Pentecostal Church who have been convicted of sexually related crimes. In Part 2 of this series, I shared about two cases, where one man held license. These are the other two.
Some of us were gathered for a ladies prayer meeting that night at the church when the phone rang. Answering, I recognized the voice as one of the older male members. He was married and had children. George asked to speak to Rebecca (not her real name), one of the young church girls. Her mother happened to be there and she shared he had been calling Rebecca at home.
He didn’t hold any position in the church or organization. I believe it was prior to this when he tried to cause trouble for a good friend of mine who worked where he did at Lenox China. The false accusation didn’t work, but the pastor called her into the office to question her about what was said.
George Pyott
It was revealed that he had been spending time with some young girls. Rebecca’s parents were concerned and put a stop to future contact. I don’t know details of what happened at the time, nor what happened later at his arrest on an unrelated event. In July 1993 he was sentenced to prison on sexual charges and was a registered sex offender until his death in February 2018.
There was a United Pentecostal minister who married a woman from my church. Tom and his family lived in northern New Jersey. He came to God while serving a prior prison sentence in Louisiana and upon release quickly became active and licensed in the UPC in the 1980s, even being featured in one of their publications, Freedomline (Spirit of Freedom Ministries).
He was licensed by the UPCI since at least 1985. (He is seen in the 1986 UPCI Directory with a local license. I don’t have the previous three years.) He eventually became a pastor in Westwood after assisting at a small storefront church in Riverdale. The church was a rented building.
As of at least 1988, he had returned to criminal activity and that year he also became a volunteer chaplain at the Bergen County jail. In March of 1990 while a pastor, he was arrested on some charges and there was also a prior charge of a sexual nature.
He claimed he did not commit the sexual assault of the 15 year old minor but was found guilty of sexual assault, criminal restraint and making terroristic threats. In October 1992 he was sentenced to 25 years in prison, with having to serve half that time before possibly being eligible for parole.
The woman later recanted her testimony in an affidavit, after receiving a letter from Tom’s wife, which included pictures of their two children, but then she recanted this. She claimed to have been harassed.
I don’t know if Tom was ever released from prison prior to his death in February 2013 after a battle with cancer.
At the time, very few in my church knew details of what happened, including myself. Back then, there wasn’t the easy access to news reports from other areas. I’d never heard that he had been accused of sexual assault in this case, nor did I know of his prior sexual related convictions, such as the rape of a 14 year old, or details of all his previous charges. In the article he wrote for Freedomline, no assault was mentioned. Tom had a criminal history going back to the 1970s when he was a military policeman at an Air Force base in Louisiana.
My former church was probably what one would consider a medium size in the United Pentecostal organization. Many people came and went through the years. Both prior to my joining and while I was a member, there were numerous situations of sexual activity outside of marriage with some resulting in pregnancies, along with cases of adultery. A close friend once confided that she had been raped by a male member, who at one point had been living at the church, but I don’t believe charges were filed.
You will find a complete list of articles in this series by clicking here.
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As I was looking into the situation, I discovered a cached version of the opinion article to Sweetwater Now from Jeff Ramaj on Wayback, which showed that there was one, probably two, people attempting to have it removed. A man had visited their office the same day that it posted, asking that it be removed. After this, an attorney contacted them, also asking that it be removed. Since someone had already been to the office (and, to me, while there he must have changed his mind about having it removed as it still exists today), they requested that the attorney have their client appear in person. They did not comply. Because of this, the paper posted a video of the man who visited the office, asking for the public to clarify who it was. Below is what the paper wrote.
UPDATE — According to Attorney Danielle M. Mathey, the letter we received was sent by someone who accessed her client’s tablet computer, she asked that the letter be removed. We asked that she have her client come to our office and identify himself via photo ID, as just prior to her call, a man identifying himself as the person who sent the letter to the editor to SweetwaterNOW visited our office asking that it be taken down.
Since she refused the request for an in-person identification, we have no choice but to publish the video of the man who came to our office in hopes that the community will be able to identify him to confirm the sender’s identity.
The video indeed showed that it was the actual author, Jeff Ramaj, who had visited the office. In a discussion on the newspaper’s Facebook Page, Ramaj explained, “It is unfortunate that letters such as this have to be written it is however sometimes neccessary in order to get peoples attention after seding this in to sweetwaternow i realized the wrong letter had posted this one was meant only for the district the other letter was meant to demonstrate our resolve in continuing the fight against an unjust situation.” In response to a woman who mentioned the subject of separation of church and state and that she didn’t see this as a Rock Spring problem, he replied, “We watched lives diminish here a once prosperous church now gone”. One woman with UPC ties tagged pastor Keith Riley and his wife, Tanua, acknowledged it. At the time of this discussion, Ramaj shared that they were “hoping to bring this to a close soon.”
It appears the original letter that Ramaj wanted posted was never submitted. The situation also seems to indicate that another party unsuccessfully attempted to have the article removed via the attorney. It makes no sense to me that Ramaj would have gone to an attorney, either before or after he visited the paper, since he was the one who sent it, the article has remained available all these months, and these events happened the same day it was posted. It also seems very suspect to me that an attorney would refuse to have her client appear in person at the newspaper’s office. Note that according to the paper’s statement, Mathey didn’t seem to indicate that her client was the author of the letter, but rather that she stated it was her client’s tablet computer that was used to send it. Also, if Ramaj had hired the attorney, and since he had visited the paper, it would be ridiculous to refuse another appearance. Because of all this, it does appear that someone else, who obviously did not wish to be identified, hired the attorney in an effort to have it removed.
According to the article linked to at the end of this section, Jeff Ramaj claims the following of pastor Keith Riley, “The examples of false doctrine preached by Riley are legion, but the messages listed here were among the most frequent. As we began to resist his false doctrine, Riley’s favorite saying was that one cannot come against a man of God without being killed by Jesus.”
Ramaj has accused the Rocky Mountain District of not investigating this church/pastor and stated that their inaction led to a lawsuit which was filed in January 2016. The law office of Lemich Law Center, particularly Jon Aimone, appears to have been hired to contact the parties involved prior to the actual lawsuit. After it was filed, Riley allegedly ignored a judge’s order compelling discovery, and the District failed in an attempt to have the lawsuit dismissed.
At an August 2017 court hearing, “The judge entered partial default judgment in our court case and sent our attorney to the church to get the documents we requested.” As a result, documents and computers were seized and they have allegedly uncovered evidence “to show that the Rileys diverted monies from the general fund to their own personal enrichment”. It is further alleged that “There is evidence that inculpates Matthew Pearce and Steve Carnahan in Riley’s actions.” Ramaj also claims, “In 2015 and 2016, the W2 that was submitted to the IRS for Samuel Keith Riley said that he was paid just under $24,000. Church records and bank records show that he was paid tens of thousands of dollars more than that each year—the difference in 2015 is more than $34,000.”
The article also alleges that a former ordained UPCI minister from Montana, Kenneth Hogue, “embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from the District and was not prosecuted.” Hogue used to be a presbyter as well as the District Secretary and was pastor of the United Pentecostal Church (aka Grace and Truth UPC) in Butte. He also was the District Foreign (Global) Missions Director and served on the Global Missions Board. His wife, Teresa, also served in the District. His name is last seen in the 2016 UPCI Directory, indicating that 2015 was probably his final year.
Ramaj calls for Keith Riley’s license to be revoked and for both Carnahan and Pearce to resign. These are serious and troubling accusations. Are they true or false? Time will tell. Meanwhile there is a public battle going on. In the linked article below you will find additional information on Ramaj’s accusations.
August 30, 2019 Update: According to a press release from the Montana Department of Justice, on August 29, “The pastor of the United Pentecostal Church in Butte appeared today on wire fraud charges and admitted to embezzling $288,757 from the organization over a four-year period, U.S. Attorney Kurt Alme said.
“Kenneth Emmett Hogue, 66, of Butte, pleaded guilty to wire fraud as charged in an information during an initial appearance. Hogue faces a maximum 20 years in prison, a $250,000 fine and three years of supervised release.” He has a sentencing date on December 12, 2019. See also Butte pastor to plead guilty to embezzling from United Pentecostal Church. Kenneth Hogue had been elected secretary and treasurer of the Rocky Mountain District in April of 2012. A $5,000 bank transfer transaction made in May 2015 is what triggered an investigation. In March 2018 he admitted his scheme to the FBI.
On December 19, 2019, Kenneth Hogue was sentenced “to five years of probation and ordered to pay $288,757 for embezzling from the church organization over a four-year period.”
Jeff Ramaj August 2016 Facebook post
Jeff Ramaj and others were (and may still be) having home and other meetings according to The Pentecostals of Rock Springs Facebook Page (no longer available). Their first service was held in August 2016 at 1695 Sunset Drive, Suite 104. You can see a few pictures of Ramaj at a service there. It appears that Ramaj is the pastor and it involves a small number of people.
Tanua Riley, Keith’s wife, publicly accused Ramaj of stealing the image for Revival Center of Rock Springs via this Facebook account. (Her main account is here.- This has since been closed down.) I find no reason to disbelieve her as that could easily be proven. She also appears to accuse him or someone else of not supporting their children.
The public feud includes an accusation by Ramaj that even though the organization has one, an area pastor (assuming Riley) claimed that the United Pentecostal Church didn’t have a retirement fund, so the church needed to pay him money for retirement.
Ramaj made it clear on the Page that it was not associated with the one operated by the Rileys, stating The Pentecostals of Rock Springs “in no way endorse or promote the pastor and his families unchristlike behavior. We do however keep those few who remain there in our prayers. Our prayers are that the truth will be revealed and the church will be renewed.”
In March 2017, he also posted, “There are many unanswered questions as to why we left revival center and have filed a lawsuit against the pastor. Here is the short answer. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. -Ephesians 5:11 [other passages follow] …This is the apostate church of which revival center has become under the leadership of an ungodly man who worships money and himself. I once asked him if he was a self made man who worships his creator his reply “yes”. Supporting you pastor is a scriptually correct practice unless he is not in line with the word of God. I tried for over a year to help him but he refused to listen. Will you or will you blindly follow him on a path that leads to destruction? Choose this day whom you will serve.” On October 13, 2017, Ramaj posted two pictures, allegedly of items seized from Revival Center of Rock Springs as a result of the lawsuit. He also commented that “the district is also working to resolve this matter.”
Keith Riley used to have a Twitter account but it has been removed. Google had a cached version which was only available temporarily. The website listed for the church,, is not available.
March 15, 2024 Note: Screenshots have been added to this post, links have been checked, and some revisions were made. Many links were no longer available as the Facebook Pages for The Pentecostals of Rock Springs and The Revival Center of Rock Springs were taken down at some point after we posted the article. Some profiles were also deleted.
In February 2018, the blog section of the spiritual abuse website had 10,431 visits, with 6462 being unique. Below are the top ten read posts for February from three different authors.
We are always looking for new people to join our group of bloggers, so please consider registering and watch your email for more information. How frequently you post is up to you. Let your voice be heard and help others recover. You may find healing for yourself as well. Read here for more information.
Commenting directly on the blog is an encouragement to our writers as they often cannot see all the places where their words are shared and discussed on social media.
‘This was never something I anticipated. This is not a platform that I ever wanted,’ she said. ‘I actively desired not to be a public figure on the issue of sexual abuse because it requires relinquishing so much privacy. I feel that in many ways, particularly leading up to this, I was given a job that I did not want to do.’ – Rachael Denhollander, the first woman to speak publicly and file a police report against pedophile Larry Nassar
(Some statements in this article are what have been alleged by survivors. There have been no convictions as the cases mentioned here were not reported to the police at the time and to my knowledge, the alleged perpetrators have not admitted guilt.)
Steven Dahl 1990s
This article covers information about Steven Dahl and his alleged molestation of at least two children in the 1980s as well as allegations of failure to report instances of child sexual abuse by pastor John Wesley Grant, of Calvary Gospel United Pentecostal Church in Madison, Wisconsin. Please see Part 1 and Part 2 for background details.
11 year old Debbie
Debbie was a member of Calvary Gospel Church (CGC) in Madison, Wisconsin from 1978-1986, when she was eight to sixteen years old. The church is a United Pentecostal Church and John Wesley Grant was the senior pastor when her sexual assaults occurred. He is presently considered the bishop, while his son, Roy Howard Grant, is now the senior pastor.
Steven Dahl 9-16-23 Facebook video
It wasn’t until last year at age 47 when Debbie started writing about her past and shared about her molestation from age eleven to twelve by Steven J. Dahl, the current pastor of the Pentecostal Lighthouse Church in Oconto, Wisconsin. What she could not foresee was that her blogs would be the catalyst that would give other women the strength to come forward with similar stories of sexual assault, as well as the failure of ministers to report such crimes. She has been “overwhelmed by the number of people who have come to me with their own stories or stories about things that have happened in their family.”
Darlene & John Grant 10-3-15 Facebook post
She didn’t desire to become a public figure or a hero to some as she does pay a price. Speaking out has caused her wounds to be reopened as present members of her former church have further victimized survivors by claiming this is a spiritual attack on them, saying they need to ask themselves what part they played in why this happened (as if young children play a role in their sexual molestation by much older adults), and have claimed that they always report these cases to the police and that parents didn’t want to report them when police were contacted. Roy Grant and John Grant’s wife, Darlene, have thanked such members for their support.
Even people who have not come forward as survivors have felt the wrath of current church members simply because they are related to those who were. A former member shared how there are people who haven’t been talking to relatives for the past couple weeks. They are elderly members of CGC. She shared, “They look straight ahead and ignore them as they pass by. These are people who for almost 30 years have been nice to them. One has not been invited to the men’s breakfast the past few weeks, either. This is a result of situation and reviews a group of us did on the church FB page in order to make people aware of sexual abuse situations, cover ups and other church issues. We think it’s beyond pathetic that the church would treat these sweet elderly people like this due to someone else’s (ours) FB reviews on their page. Total spiritual abuse. We have been shunned and now they are going to shun people who had nothing to do with the situation whatsoever. Can they sink any lower?”
Church leaders should have shown an immediate recognition of the severity and the truth of the sexual assault of a child under his care and how he misused his authority, Denhollander said.
‘You saw again the exact same dynamics that sexual assault victims always suffer from: minimizing the severity of the abuse, mitigating the damage that was done, and misusing principles of grace and forgiveness to keep a man in leadership who has done something that is very, very serious and disqualifying from leadership,’- Rachael Denhollander, regarding Andy Savage’s admission of a ‘sexual incident,’ where he received applause from his congregation after requesting forgiveness.
I have a prayer request! Please pray for me personally! Thank you, I appreciate your prayers very much! Lord bless each of you! [then later added]…
Just to let you all know,,, I appreciate your prayers very much,,, I am not sick,,, it’s just a huge spiritual battle,,, “Avenge me of my adversaries”,, that is my prayer!! In Jesus name!! Thank you, with great love to you all!! – Steven J. Dahl on his Facebook profile, February 20, 2018 Edited to add: Then on February 21 he posted about spiritual attacks and the enemy. [screen shot as the post was later made private or removed]
Yes, Debbie (and probably others such as myself who have been covering the story) are adversaries. Debbie is not a victim, not a survivor of repeated child sexual abuse, she is relegated to an adversary and Steve Dahl is the one who needs to be avenged and vindicated. He needs a hedge of protection around him. People are commenting that they are with him in this and praying for him. There is absolutely no concern expressed or prayer requested for Debbie or others who have been sexually assaulted. There has been no apology from Steve and he has failed to reach out to her, even though she had posted on the church’s Facebook page (he removed it) and it would have been so very easy for him to do so. Instead, he banned her from commenting there and banned her from his profile. [There is an unofficial Facebook Page for Steve’s church. On February 21, 2018 Steve removed the church Facebook Page.]
Steve has been leaving messages on Facebook, made after some people started commenting about his past (he has since changed settings to disallow comments by non-friends), saying things like, “If damage has been done in the past, those of us who have been hurt, MUST forgive, and move on! Forgiveness is a natural healer! Love is a healing. And letting go of the things of the past, moving forward is conquering our deepest hurts! That is the beauty of our Lord Jesus Christ! We can be made free from our wounds and pains!” [January 29, 2018 – screenshot] Speaking on the topic of adultery, he wrote on January 30, “The accusers, all walked away, because they admitted, they also had sin in their lives! We all need God’s mercy! If there was no forgiveness, no one would have any hope!” [screenshot]
In other words, Debbie needs to simply walk away and must forgive Steven Dahl. She will be made free from her wounds and pains if she would just move on and admit she has sinned, too. Give it a rest, this is old news and should be left in the past. It would make Steve’s life so much easier.
Steve Dahl went on to write on January 31, “Some people have a soft and tender conscience. And some people have a hardened conscience! Again, here is more on the story of the woman taken in the act of adultery! The SELF RIGHTEOUS RELIGIOUS PEOPLE BROUGHT HER TO JESUS TO SHAME HER, AND HAVE HER KILLED! Notice what Jesus says to them,, and her; [he quotes John 8:7-11]…Did you notice verse 9, when it said, ‘being convicted by their own conscience’. This is how I view this. The person being attacked has their point of view, or opinion! The people making the accusations have theirs! But the Lord knows mercy, and truth! So, it is said this way,, There are 3 sides to every story, My side, your side, and the truth! Who in this world is really, fully, truthful! ONE DAY, WE ALL WILL STAND BEFORE GOD, AS HE TELLS THE TRUTH, AND MAKES THE FINAL JUDGMENT UPON EACH OF US!” [screenshot]
What a way in which to spin the story. Once again the person who brings up a problem, becomes the problem. Debbie is self-righteous, attempting to shame poor Steven Dahl, who is being attacked. She cannot be believed as no one is fully truthful in what they share, and besides, Steve has his own point of view regarding what happened between them.
Let’s hear from Debbie about how Steve Dahl allegedly acted toward her when she was a young child. “After he started molesting me I became very anxious. Always worried about people finding out, my own salvation, and then some level being worried about him. I was worried that he was unhappy and I was worried that he was always so upset. He would do things and then repent and then come back and a little while later repent. He would sometimes pick me up and tell me right off the bat that he wasn’t going to lay a finger on me while we were together and then by the end he would be trying to engage in sexual activities with me. Being a kid this was all very confusing and I did not really understand what was going on. He was just as sincere in his repentance as he was determined in his deviant behavior.”
Steven Dahl, you are not the victim here, this is not a spiritual attack or battle, and there is no avenging of your so-called adversaries on the horizon. Your alleged actions can be seen as nothing other than that of a pedophile.
Experts explain the distorted thinking of abusers always involve beliefs about their entitlement. They are entitled to feel what they feel, say what they say, and act how they act no matter what. With known offenders this can include expecting victims or betrayed loved ones to get over the injuries as quickly and quietly as possible. Offenders believe they are owed an infinite degree of loyalty and forgiveness….
If you are working with known abusers and you are attempting to discern if an abuser is authentically repentant, look for signs that they feel entitled to sympathy instead of accountability and restrictions, or to forgiveness and reconciliation from their victims and/or loved ones, or to being restored to a position of power. A truly repentant abuser will have relinquished their ‘right’ to control another. – Maureen Farrell Garcia
Known as ‘The Rev,’ Steve Dahl runs The Rev Oconto Car Club Facebook Group (started September 28, 2021). He organizes Car N Tunes events in Wisconsin and at the annual Oconto Fly-In Car & Tractor Show (he also runs or helps run that Facebook Page, which started February 16, 2018), where he has served as emcee and DJ at the event for thirteen years. The next Fly-In date is September 21, 2024.
March 13, 2024 Note: Pictures have been added to this post, links have been checked, and some minor revisions were made.
You will find a complete list of articles in this series by clicking here.
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