The Darkness of Spiritual Abuse Part 1

I am going to use Becca Anderson’s and Jennifer Redcay’s book, Pushing Back the Darkness, to share some thoughts about spiritual abuse. Near the beginning of the book, it says,

The heart of the issue in Jennifer’s experience of being drawn into a cult was her lack of discernment about the things the leader was telling her. It sounded so great to hear that he thought she had a “special ministry.” Without the tools of biblical discernment, she was unable to separate truth from lies.

Many unhealthy groups either claim God has something special for you or that they are, or have, something special that others do not. It is an exciting feeling to be part of something that appears to be special and important, especially in the spiritual realm. Sometimes people get so pulled up into this aspect, and because they may see some things happening, they may fail to discern what is really going on.

After this, the authors share some helpful points on how to discern truth from error. Below is the first point:

Read the Bible for yourself. Jennifer was a casual Christian. She was not familiar with the Bible and was therefore vulnerable to the leader twisting the Scriptures to suit his own purposes. Biblical knowledge doesn’t come overnight or from casual reading. It takes work. Read it systematically and regularly. If you are confronted with something that sounds like it “might” be from the Bible, or someone makes claims and backs them up with Bible verses, talk to someone more knowledgeable about the Bible (a friend, pastor, etc.) if you do not feel you have the ability yet to properly check out what you’re being told.

Some who become involved in unhealthy groups either have little to no knowledge of the Bible or when they do attempt to check the veracity of what they are being taught, they only know how to study the way the group has shown them. They may not read passages in their proper context. They may not consider the whole, or all, of what the Bible teaches on the subject. By only using the ‘proof texts’ supplied by the group and not reading them in their proper context, it may appear that the group’s teaching is true, even though it is in error.

That is what happened to me when I became involved in the United Pentecostal Church. I had very little Bible knowledge and did not know how to properly study it. The manner in which they pulled out a passage here and there, piecing them together, appeared to make sense and I was hooked and pulled in. Had I read everything in context and considered what the rest of the Bible taught, I would not have come to the same conclusion.

Later when one leaves, sorting through the teachings is an important aspect of healing. Some people shove this to the side, feeling it is unimportant or they are afraid to tackle it. I encourage everyone to take the time to look objectively at what the Bible actually says. You can know if a teaching is based upon the Bible or not. It takes time and it can be difficult to look at doctrines that the group has tied to your salvation and relationship with God. But if you do not tackle these, you may find yourself periodically in fear of something not true. You may forever believe that distorted view of God that was instilled into you. These things may well affect you at least off and on throughout your life if you do not seek these things out for yourself. Don’t allow that to happen.

The second point the authors share is:

Don’t be afraid to question what is said. When the apostle Paul was preaching in various cities, he praised the people of Berea because they didn’t take what he said at face value. They spent diligent time comparing it with the Scriptures they had and learned for themselves he was telling the truth. Anyone who insists you take his or her interpretation and not question it should set off alarm bells. Ask. Dig. Go to those who know more if you need to.

A person who teaches something true is not afraid of questioning. They are assured of their belief and are not insecure or needing to dominate others by commanding them to accept what they teach based on their word alone.

The unhealthy group often has an unwritten rule against questioning their practices and beliefs. A person usually discovers this by making the mistake of voicing a question and seeing how this is twisted into making them look bad and not having enough faith. You are to believe and follow the teachings because the leader said so. They are “watching for your soul” and “must give account” of you to God, so they say.

People all too often place ministers and pastors on a pedestal of sorts and in an unhealthy church this becomes especially dangerous as that will be taken advantage of. The pastor is seen as all knowing, even speaking as the voice of God. Disobedience to pastor is seen as disobedience to God. This places your spiritual welfare and destiny at stake in your mind. It is easy then to take this mindset and create a no questioning rule that can lead the person down all types of treacherous paths.

I cannot recall how many times since 1997 (We just celebrated the 21st anniversary of the website this week.) where I have had people share that they were afraid to question and/or were afraid to voice their questions to anyone at their church. They often learned to push them aside or rationalize them away. “Well, the pastor was put there by God and he knows best.” “If the pastor is wrong, God will correct him.” “There must be something wrong with me that I am having these questions about what is being taught.”

Questions are normal. There is nothing wrong with questions. Jesus himself allowed people to question him. He did not forbid them and he did not berate or turn on people for doing so.

If your church is healthy, they should be open to questions. Leadership should not be insecure and turn you away or view you negatively because you questioned something taught. If you encounter anything else, then take a huge step back as you are likely in an unhealthy group.

The Darkness of Spiritual Abuse Part 2
The Darkness of Spiritual Abuse Part 3

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Giveaway 2: C.H. Yadon and the Vanishing Theological Past in Oneness Pentecostalism

This is only open to those with a USA mailing address.

This is your chance to receive a new copy of C.H. Yadon and the Vanishing Theological Past in Oneness Pentecostalism by Thomas Fudge. It is the third book in his series on Oneness Pentecostalism and was released last year. It sells new for just under $30 and we paid $31.75 for this copy, including tax. It covers Oneness Pentecostal history, and highlights the United Pentecostal Church, of which Mr. Fudge was once a member. The emphasis is on the life of C.H. Yadon. Yadon turned in his UPC license in 1993 when the affirmation statement started being required of all ministers. Over the years, the UPCI has pushed various people out of its group for one reason or another.

This giveaway is a drawing and not a first come, first served giveaway. To enter, just leave a comment to show you wish to be included. The drawing will close on August 11 at 10pm (eastern time), after which I will draw the winner. You will then need to email me your mailing address if I do not already have it. There is absolutely no cost to enter. Don’t be alarmed if your comment does not immediately show as they require approval when you are commenting for the first time.

We always provide these at no charge to our readers.

Some might be interested in a series of lectures by Thomas Fudge on the history of Christianity from the Roman Empire until the Reformation.

There is also a lecture, The Prophetic Voice of Jan Hus: as well as additional ones on Hus here:, &

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Top July 2018 Posts

In July 2018, the blog section of the spiritual abuse website had 16,402 visits, with 10,988 being unique. Below are the top twelve read posts for July from five different authors. Because so many of mine were in the top ten, I have added two others in this report. I have not included the giveaway posts. For something a little different this time, I am also adding the top ten accessed pages from the main website.

We are always looking for new people to join our group of bloggers, so please consider registering and watch your email for more information. How frequently you post is up to you. Let your voice be heard and help others recover. You may even find it therapeutic. Read here for more information.

Commenting directly on the blog is an encouragement to our writers as they often cannot see all the places where their articles are shared and discussed on social media.

Woman ‘in the Spirit’ on a Jamaican Flight – author Lois (accessed 6184 times) – The false story surrounding this post went viral again in July. It is amazing what people will blindly believe and never fact check.
Harmed In The United Pentecostal Church – author Lois (accessed 551 times)
Physical Stress Response and Preachers – author Grace (accessed 478 times)
Harmed In The United Pentecostal Church Part 3– author Lois (accessed 387 times)
My story pt. 1 – author Beth
The United Pentecostal Church and Sexual Abuse – author Lois
Harmed In The United Pentecostal Church Part 2– author Lois
Harmed In That Cesspool Of Awfulness Part 5 – author Lois
Scrupulosity – Obsessive fear of sinning – You are not crazy! – author There Is Life
One Woman Remembers Steven Dahl’s UPCI Connection – author Lois
Healing – author There Is Life
When The Church(Pastor) Invades Your Home – author dividing his word

And from the main website, the top ten pages:

Make-up and Fingernail Polish are a Sin

Oneness Versus Trinity – Has been one of our top read pages for many years

The UPCI and the Movie Borat – Another one that has consistently been highly accessed

Does the Bible Say it’s Wrong for Women to Cut their Hair?

Anthony Mangun: That is Why I am for Television

Sexual Abuse Cases In United Pentecostal Churches

United Pentecostal Church International Beliefs – Another that is usually in the top ten accessed

Angela Driver’s Case Against Pastor Mark E. Fogarty

Scriptures Prohibiting the Wearing of Pants by Women?

Nathan Dudley & The Faith Tabernacle Apostolic Church in Junction City, Kansas – Part of a series of articles about a pedophile case at the church.

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One Woman Remembers Steven Dahl’s UPCI Connection

One would think that with all the cases that have come to light in recent years, where ministers have been caught failing to report instances of sexual abuse, that it wouldn’t be happening much today. Yet we still have ministers who think that such criminal activity should be handled behind church doors. While this series revolves around the United Pentecostal Church, I wanted to share that there is a Oneness Pentecostal church not affiliated with them that is presently in the news for two different cases of sexual abuse, with the pastor having been accused of failing to report both to police. In June 2018, Randy Allen Westmoreland, pastor of The Church of Jesus Christ, 791 Juniper Road in Valparaiso, Indiana, was hit with two misdemeanor charges of failure to report. One involves his son-in-law, Jeffrey Michael McGehee, who is accused of sexual misconduct with a male minor, vicarious sexual gratification, child solicitation and possession of child pornography. (It appears he goes by his middle name.) It was claimed that McGehee’s wife and father were aware and that similar incidents by McGehee occurred at a church in Tennessee.

The second case concerns Valerie Clabaugh, a member of Westmoreland’s church, who was charged with sexual misconduct with a minor. She had allegedly first been interested in the boy’s father, who attends a Michigan church, before becoming intimate with his son. It has been reported that not only did Westmoreland fail to report, but that some other church members knew about both situations and even advised Clabaugh not to speak with police. It was also said that a leader at the Michigan church was attempting to persuade the boy’s mother not to go to police. In doing a quick online search, there appears to be a network of Oneness Pentecostal churches called The Church of Jesus Christ, with ones readily found in Indiana, Michigan, Florida, and Tennessee. It is unknown if these cases will lead to any criminal charges in Michigan or Tennessee for failure to report.

Considering the seriousness of criminal sexual acts involving minors, I believe it should be more than a misdemeanor for a minister to fail to report and there should be no statute of limitations for it. If the person suffers additional abuse or if there are others who are harmed after they are aware of such, they should be charged with being partially responsible. Had they done what was right, the person may not have been able to continue assaulting people.

This brings me back to situations involving United Pentecostal Churches in Wisconsin. This article covers information about Steven Dahl, who allegedly molested two children in the 1980s, as well as allegations of failure to report instances of child sexual abuse by pastor John W. Grant, of Calvary Gospel United Pentecostal Church in Madison, Wisconsin. Please see prior blogs for additional details. (Some statements in this article are what have been alleged by a survivor. There have been no convictions as the case mentioned here was not reported to the police and to my knowledge, the alleged perpetrator has not admitted guilt.)

This is part 13 of an ongoing series.

To very briefly summarize: On December 15, 2017, Debbie McNulty started her blog and shared that in the early 1980’s, Steven J. Dahl had repeatedly sexually molested her when she was 11-12 years old. She reported this to her pastor, John W. Grant. It was never reported to police. Soon afterward, Dahl was caught in bed with his wife’s minor sister and then quickly moved (possibly out of state to Nevada). His wife eventually filed for divorce in March 1985 and when her sister Alice turned 18, he married her in April 1986 in Nevada. At some point afterward, he returned to Wisconsin, still involving himself in, and being welcomed with open arms by, United Pentecostal Churches. On April 11, 1995, Dahl started the Pentecostal Lighthouse Church  [go here when the prior link doesn’t work] in Oconto.

In my previous article, I shared that Christian Life Center, located at 670 North Green Bay Road in Neenah, Wisconsin, while under the long-term pastorate of ordained minister John J. Bridges, supported Steven Dahl as the pastor of their daughter work in Oconto. (Christian Life Center years back was called Twin Cities United Pentecostal Church and is presently CrossPoint Church, with Philip Bridges being the pastor since 2011.)

Though there was undeniable evidence that the Pentecostal Lighthouse Church was considered a daughter work of the Neenah church in the 2000’s, it was unknown by me at that time how far back this affiliation went. Below you will find what one woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, remembers of her time in the Wisconsin District of the UPCI. From what she shares and what we previously reported, the affiliation between the Pentecostal Lighthouse Church and Christian Life Center went back to April 1995. There never should have been any affiliation as Dahl’s alleged sexual behavior disqualified him. How this ever was allowed to happen and continue is beyond belief. And UPCI ministers still speak at Dahl’s church in 2018.


I verify that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge and memory. My goal in sharing them is to inform others of what I feel is important for them to know, as it was important to me. If I had the choice to have been informed of similar testimony at an earlier time, I would have appreciated it. I feel I need to speak out as I feel strongly that the survivors have a right and a responsibility to tell their stories, to prevent future occurrence, as well as to inform people of the truth behind those who they may not be aware committed these acts. I state clearly though, this is my own story, and my own opinions.

Around August of 1995, I had recently turned 18 and had gotten married. I had a son at the age of 15, and was still with his father. Prior to that, at a younger age, I had heard of the Holy Ghost in bits and pieces from evangelic based believers, and then through a few church services I attended with a friend, whose older sister attended a small United Pentecostal International church in Monroe, WI. The main and only thing I really knew was that speaking in tongues was a sign of the Holy Ghost and not much else. I stopped going to that church after a youth group meeting one evening because they played a kind of trivia game where you had to know a lot of bible verses, and I did not. I was embarrassed and didn’t want to go after that. When I think back, I completely see now how I was in fact targeted for not being raised in the church, but that’s a different story. However, I would say I do not feel that I was abused in any way there, nor did I see anyone abused. It was no different than ways I had been targeted by teachers in the public school I attended.

Anyway, back to 1995. One day a neighbor knocked on my door and asked if I knew of the Holy Ghost and I said yes. Eventually that lead to starting a Bible study with that same neighbor, his wife, and my husband. Then we went to a different UPCI church in Madison, WI named Calvary Gospel Church, which at that time was run by Pastor John Grant Sr. who was also the District Superintendent of all UPCI churches in WI. I received the Holy Ghost there, and I began to change my life into more of a “Christian” lifestyle. I was considered a new convert, my husband occasionally attended, my son who was still very young attended one Thursday evening service as well, and two Sunday services every week. I also continued attending Bible studies at my home or other homes. The UPCI churches in WI also have many other meetings of various sorts. For instance, youth service, family camps, music ministry, church picnics, etc. One thing they did at that time was have a prayer conference in Milwaukee, WI that was up to three days long, and one night I decided to attend with the same neighbors who introduced me to the church.

Now by that time I had learned quite a bit from them and others. I had a pretty good knowledge of what the church counted as holiness standards. This included such things as woman dressing “modestly” by wearing skirts below the knees, nothing too form fitting, sleeves no shorter than a few inches above the elbow, not cutting your hair, no low-cut tops where you could see cleavage, etc. I did have a good time at the prayer conference, but one thing that stood out to me very obviously was that the humongous choir that sang had several women who had makeup and low-cut tops, and other slight differences in appearance compared to what I was told was allowed on stage in the UPCI. So, on the trip home I asked my trusted neighbors this. It was a common occurrence for me to ask them questions riding to and from church and they always answered me.

Please understand that this conversation took place long ago, and I do not recall all the details. What I do recall is them answering me that the choir that sang was from a church that wasn’t still in the UPCI and that their holiness standards were a bit different. What I do recall that they never bothered to say, was that one of the main leaders (Brother Dahl) at that time involved heavily in leadership in that church, had previously attended the Madison church and was a leader in a lot of the involvement with youth. Now, I do not know if they knew what he had done that got him removed, but I do feel that they should have made that clear to me right away if they even had suspicion of him, and that they knew to do so which I will explain a bit later.

Now I am going to skip ahead a bit. I stayed involved and as an active member of that same church for four to five years. When I decided to leave it was for several reasons but the main one being, I was very active in the choir, and I started to feel very hypocritical because at home my marriage was falling apart. I know that the church is against divorce, so I knew I wouldn’t be accepted the same way by my church family there if I decided to leave my husband. I separated from my husband and just stopped going to church. I still carried a sincere love for the people there and counted Pastor Grant as the most honest Christian man I knew. I felt heavy guilt all on my own about leaving the church, but for many years I still refused to say it was any sort of cult, and that they did nothing but preach from the oldest English copy of the Bible, and just counted myself “backslidden”. My then ex-husband continued to attend off and on with my then three children, and I fully trusted everyone that I knew there with them. I still felt it was a place where they could be safe.

Moving on, it has been over 15 years since I left that church and rarely went back. I have been a user of social platform finding people I knew, and meeting new people as well for about 10 years now. Some of the people on my contact lists are people who do still attend Calvary Gospel Church in Madison, and some even just attend a UPCI church. The neighbors that I said brought me in, the husband is one of them. I also notice that Steve Dahl is on one of the social platforms and he is a friend of my same neighbor that brought me in, in fact they even talk on the news feed regularly and joke around. So, this is not the relationship of someone that my friend doesn’t know. It is VERY apparent they knew and know him well.

To keep others in confidence, I will only say that I began finding in the last couple of years, serious, personal, criminal, stories beginning to emerge about religious groups, and then later specifically about the UPCI worldwide, and then specifically about Calvary Gospel Church, and then about Steve Dahl. This became more and more personal very quickly. Now, let me be frank here, I am quite aware that nearly every church organization, and even just individual human beings, have flaws. I am not blind to the evils of the world. I am however also very firm about justice being served, protecting my children, and honesty. One thing is for sure, I used to think that the UPCI church organization always would preach that to lie is a sin, that even hiding the truth is a sin. One reason I know this, and trusted Pastor Grant, was because when anything would happen that was simply too non-biblical to ignore, such as adultery, there would be consequences and you would be held accountable for it. During my time there, one licensed minister lost his license and was persuaded to confess to the entire church (adults only) that he had committed adultery. In summary, I trusted his decisions.

So, after learning that the main leader of the church I attended, as well as the church that my children attended, had allegedly mishandled allegations of child molestation (a girl under the age of 13) and not reported the accusation to authorities, or possibly even neglected to inform the entire church or leaders, I was worried, upset, and very angry. From that, I also learned that not just one but many girls in the church, some of whom I even knew or know, had been sexually harassed, and emotionally abused. Even now, there is a strong possibility that these were only a few of the many who experienced these things. I immediately contacted those I did have as contacts whom I knew had or even still attended the UPCI church, telling them specifically of what I had heard about Dahl, with the main intent of informing them. My ex-husband contacted me, and my children also did and they know nothing about it, and have no bad experience which I am thankful for. I am happy for that, but very unhappy that the unknown risk was there in the first place.

As for the rest, not even one of them answered outside of the original source and those who already knew. They answered me many other times on various other things completely unrelated to this. So, the question remains, why wouldn’t they answer if there’s nothing to hide? Not even a simple, “I am sorry, but I don’t know anything about this”. If I say, “Happy Easter” they say it back, when I asked quite recently about a woman who passed away they responded with no issue. If I was still in the church, and I heard this, I would at least respond that I don’t know. I don’t know why the church or its members have decided not to respond. I do know that a few have responded negatively elsewhere and there is evidence of such that I have seen. Though this is not my entire story about my experience with the UPCI, I felt it vital to relay this specific information. I have hopes that it encourages people, specifically the abused, to stand up and tell their story no matter who it implicates. I hope that they know there are people like me who do believe them even if we weren’t there, people who do feel punishment is due to those who committed the acts, and people who are willing to stand with you and tell the truth of what they do know. No, I’m not encouraging playing a victim, I am not encouraging reliving the experiences, but I am encouraging sharing knowledge, lifelong healing, prevention, and standing for justice. Thank you for reading.

You will find a complete list of articles in this series by clicking here.

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Giveaway: C.H. Yadon and the Vanishing Theological Past in Oneness Pentecostalism

We just finished a series of articles where former members of the United Pentecostal Church (and a few others) shared how they were harmed in the UPCI and will be resuming the series about sexual abuse and the UPCI this week. So let’s have a second book giveaway that pertains to UPCI history. We just finished the first this evening.

This is only open to those with a USA mailing address.

This is your chance to receive a new copy of C.H. Yadon and the Vanishing Theological Past in Oneness Pentecostalism by Thomas Fudge. It is the third book in his series on Oneness Pentecostalism and was released last year. It sells new for just under $30 and we paid $31.75 for this copy, including tax. It covers Oneness Pentecostal history, and highlights the United Pentecostal Church, of which Mr. Fudge was once a member. The emphasis is on the life of C.H. Yadon. Yadon turned in his UPC license in 1993 when the affirmation statement started being required of all ministers.

This giveaway is a drawing and not a first come, first served giveaway. To enter, just leave a comment to show you wish to be included. The drawing will close on July 27 at 6pm (eastern time), after which I will draw the winner. You will then need to email me your mailing address if I do not already have it. There is absolutely no cost to enter. Don’t be alarmed if your comment does not immediately show as they require approval when you are commenting for the first time.

We always provide these at no charge to our readers.

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