A Day Of Reckoning For Calvary Gospel Church

This is Part 23 of an ongoing series of articles pertaining to sexual abuse and the United Pentecostal Church. It is the eighth article addressing Calvary Gospel Church in Madison, Wisconsin and Steven J. Dahl of the Pentecostal Lighthouse Church in Oconto. As you read this article, keep in mind that I must call what I am sharing to be allegations because no one has [yet] been arrested, charged or convicted of a crime. It’s what happens when people fail to report child sexual abuse to police or CPS. It doesn’t mean I do not believe the reports of these survivors, of which there are many. I do believe them, stand firmly with them, and support them.

Just as the church has authority to examine and approve ministerial candidates, so it has authority to remove someone from a ministerial position if he no longer meets God’s requirements. Actually the person disqualifies himself by his actions, and the church simply recognizes this fact. Solomon permanently removed Abiathar from the high priesthood, a hereditary role explicitly ordained by God, because of his rebellion (I Kings 2:26-27). – David Bernard, January-March 1988 Forward

Today is a day of reckoning, a time for light to shine into the darkness found within Calvary Gospel Church. No more can certain alleged crimes, sins and the mishandling of child sexual abuse be kept from its members. While the leadership of John Wesley Grant and his son, Roy Grant, have controlled what information has been shared with members, they cannot control what is happening today because it has reached outside their walls and gone public for the world to see. While they may be able to manipulate and pull the wool over the heads of some who enter their church doors, they will not be able to do so as the public learns of decades of horror that some members have suffered.

They have had more than a year to come clean, to admit they failed to protect children and to report crimes against them, but instead of reaching out in humility to those harmed, they have attempted to create an us versus them mentality among its members, crying out how they are not a cult, and going so far as to read Scriptures just last Wednesday and proclaim that the survivors who have come forward have brought damnation upon themselves. More than a year ago their response was similar when they further victimized survivors by claiming this was a spiritual attack, saying they [the survivors] needed to ask themselves what part they played in why their sexual abuse happened (as if young children play a role in their sexual assault), and have claimed that they always report these cases to the police and that parents didn’t want to report them when police were contacted. This is simply not true. When Debbie McNulty, one of the survivors, went to report her case last year, she discovered that the church had not reported any cases of sexual abuse to police.

We know that Calvary Gospel Church and its leadership have been aware of the articles and blogs written about them. They shut down the review section of their church Facebook Page last year after some former members started leaving negative reviews there. They have deleted comments that some have left on their posts. The same happened with Steven Dahl and he even removed the Facebook Page for his church, changed what was written on his profile, and made it so only friends could comment. The website for his church disappeared as well. He also did not reach out to his alleged victim, Debbie McNulty. He has previously claimed that this was a spiritual attack on him and that he was praying that God “Avenge me of my adversaries.” [scroll down for this comment] He periodically posts about people needing to forgive others, as early as yesterday.

It has come to the place where Katelyn Ferral, a reporter from Capital Newspapers, has heard the voices of the survivors crying out, saying there is something very wrong at this church. She initiated an investigation and her article was released today. Police Chief Mike Koval is now involved in this situation as well. Later today at 11:15 am, at the State Capitol, Senate Parlor, “Wisconsin Senator Lena Taylor, Representatives Chris Taylor and Melissa Sargent will be joined by survivors of childhood sexual assault, the Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault, (WCASA), the Wisconsin Chapter of The National Association of Social Workers (WI-NASW), and the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) to introduce two major victim rights and child protection bills.” [link] These bills “would significantly reform Wisconsin’s mandated reporting law on child sex abuse and eliminate the civil statute of limitations on child sex crimes.” One would close the current loophole that allows clergy to claim clergy privilege and not report cases of child sexual abuse. The bills need your support and they need to be passed. Debbie McNulty and Rebecca Martin Byrd spoke boldly at this event and afterward they were interviewed by more than one news source. This is just the beginning.

I have been up all night in anticipation of today’s events. My heart goes out to all the courageous people who have stepped forward to shine a light where darkness has prevailed for far too long. May your voices prevail and be heard and may the lies of others be exposed.

I call on David Bernard, the General Superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church, as well as James D. Booker, the Wisconsin District Superintendent, to fully investigate this church and its leadership. Let’s see actions to go along with what you wrote in the 1988 Forward article. I also call on David Bernard to review how United Pentecostal Churches are handling, and mishandling, sexual abuse cases. Introduce a resolution for the organization to take a strong stand against sexual abuse, take action against ministers who fail to report or who cover up these crimes and revoke their ministerial license, and create a policy that clearly states that all your licensed ministers are required to report any suspected case of child sexual abuse regardless of what the law in their state stipulates. There is nothing in your Manual that addresses the need of your ministers and pastors to report abuse.

Jon Eckenrod, a former ordained minister in the UPCI and former associate pastor at Calvary Gospel Church, now says he was aware of instances where older men pursued young girls while he taught at the church and school. He heard rumors of other sexual improprieties with members, but said he always deferred to [John] Grant on how best to handle them and never sought details. – From the article, Stolen childhoods: Women allege they were sexually abused as kids at Calvary Gospel Church in Madison

Katelyn Ferral later released an article about the statute of limitations in Wisconsin, with a picture of Calvary Gospel Church and the notation, “Calvary Gospel Church at 5301 Commercial Ave. in Madison. Numerous former members have said they were abused there as children. They say finances are the only thing holding them back from filing a civil suit against the church and would pursue that route if it is within the state’s statute of limitations for such cases.”

On August 15, a second article was released where another survivor has come forward to tell her story: Another woman comes forward to allege sexual abuse at Madison’s Calvary Gospel Church

“What I didn’t realize is that in addition, they were going to tell all my friends … never to speak to me,” she said. “I don’t even know how to put it into words. We were never allowed to have friends outside of the church or associate with people outside of the church and all of a sudden all of my friends are gone.” – Lisa Kum, child sexual assault survivor, from the article: Another woman comes forward to allege sexual abuse at Madison’s Calvary Gospel Church

On August 19, 2019, Dee from The Wartburg Watch started blogging about this church and the survivors. The second article posted on August 21.

Since this article was released, Calvary Gospel Church has removed their Twitter account. They had previously blocked me some time back when they discovered I was tagging them in some tweets. But on August 8, I discovered after tagging them in things related to this story, that their account is no longer available. It was @CGCMadison.

Note: I have updated this article as events transpired through August 31.

Related articles:
Proposal for clergy to report accusations gets support from alleged Madison child victims – August 7, 2019 (with video)
Group alleges ministers at Madison church sexually abused them as children: ‘I still don’t sleep’ – August 7, 2019 (with video)
Proposal would make it easier for victims of child sexual abuse to seek justice – August 7, 2019 (with video)
Democrats look to end lawsuit limits, force clergy reports – August 7, 2019 (with video)
What are the statutes of limitations for child sex abuse crimes in Wisconsin? – August 7, 2019
Lawmakers push bills to end statute of limitations on lawsuits for childhood sex assaults, close loophole for clergy to report abuse – August 7, 2019
Democrats look to end lawsuit limits, force clergy reports – August 7, 2109
Democrats look to end lawsuit limits, force clergy reports – August 7, 2019 (Washington Times picked up part of the story)
Democratic State Lawmakers Renew Push For Child Victims Act – August 7, 2019
Democrats look to end lawsuit limits, force clergy reports – August 8, 2019
Democrats look to end lawsuit limits, force clergy reports – August 8, 2019
A Pentecostal Church in WI Has Covered Up Sexual Assault Allegations for Decades – August 8, 2019
Wisconsin bill would force clergy to report child sex abuse – August 8, 2019
Wisconsin Lawmakers Propose Legislation To Combat Sexual Abuse By Clergy – August 8, 2019 (with audio)
Wisconsin Democrats look to force clergy reports of sexual abuse learned in confession – August 8, 2019
Editorial: State laws must protect victims of child sexual abuse – August 14, 2019
Pentecostal Church Allegedly Covered Up Sexual Abuse for 30 Years – August 14, 2019
Calvary Gospel Church in Madison, Wisconsin Covered Up Child Sex Abuse Cases Since 1980s – August 14, 2019
Rape Culture: What the pedophilia cover-up at Calvary Gospel Church has in common with the Jeffrey Epstein case – August 14, 2019
Another woman comes forward to allege sexual abuse at Madison’s Calvary Gospel Church – August 15, 2019
Randy B. Christianson: Calvary Gospel Church’s actions unsettling – August 19, 2019
Child Sex Abuse Allegations Raised Against United Pentecostal’s Calvary Gospel Church, Wisconsin – August 19, 2019
Debbie McNulty Was 11 Years Old When She Was Assaulted by Steve Dahl at Calvary Gospel Church, WI. She Was Called a *Hussy* and the Church Did Nothing – August 21, 2019
Rebecca’s Story: Calvary Gospel Church, WI, Encouraged Her to Date and Marry Her Alleged Pedophile Molester – August 23, 2019
As a Child, Rachel Was Taught to Fear Hell and to Date Older Men: The UPCI ‘s Calvary Gospel Church and a Fractured Gospel – August 30, 2019
Fabu: After a tough August, Labor Day offers a chance to honor all workers’ contributions – August 31, 2019 brief mention
Clergy required to report child sexual abuse told in confession under bill (YouTube)

You will find a complete list of articles in this series by clicking here.

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Top July 2019 Posts

In July 2019, the blog section of the spiritual abuse website had 7423 visits, with 4107 being unique. Below you will find the top ten read posts from four authors.

We are always looking for new people to join our group of bloggers, so please consider registering and watch your email for additional information. Be sure to check your spam folder. How frequently you post is up to you and no one needs to be a professional writer. Let your voice be heard and help others recover.  Read here.

United Pentecostal Pastor Howard Geck & Dexter Lee Hensley – author Lois (accessed 567 times)

A UPC Church Responds To Sexual Abuse – author Lois (accessed 354 times)

Woman ‘in the Spirit’ on a Jamaican Flight – author Lois (accessed 263 times) Unfortunately, hundreds of people keep spreading this lie from October 2017.

Fake Trump Tweet to the NAYC – author Lois (accessed 178 times)

United Pentecostal Pastor Dannie Hood’s Refusal To Testify – author Lois (accessed 165 times)

Why Oneness Pentecostals have Salvation Wrong (Acts 2:38) and you should Avoid It – author DividingHisWord

The Impact of God Distortions – author AJ

Harmed In The United Pentecostal Church – author Lois

Art Therapy Toolbox: Comfort Box – author Chloe

Am I a Christian if I Don’t Go To Church? – author DividingHisWord

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Leaving Behind Performance Based Religion

The following is a guest post by John, a former member of the United Pentecostal Church.


In my world and realm of connection of UPCI (and such like churches), I am noticing a trend. Now I realize this isn’t the same in all circles or regions, but it could be soon.

The once high standards are falling away. The outward standards are being let down, reinterpreted, not preached as much, and in some instances being done away with.

Some churches are allowing saints to go to theaters, sporting events, allow facial hair on men, allow hair coloring, allow hair trimming, allow some make-up, etc…

For someone that left an ultra conservative legalistic Oneness church, this makes it tempting to return to one of these. They can still enjoy the worship service and the friendships they have been accustomed to without as much condemnation or guilt.

I’m going to steal the analogy I heard one of my former pastors use, it’s like putting “lipstick on a pig.” When they remove old standards there are simply new ones that replace them that determine your salvation. The following phrase was often said in such liberal setting, “you can’t behave your way into heaven but you sure can misbehave your way into hell.” It is still performance based religion. Whether it’s your pastor or fellow members watching you to see if you dress or appear right, OR if they are simply watching now if you talk or act right, it’s still the same mindset!

This church culture may start to water down their so-called standards but they will still treat sin the same. Sure they may have more patience, but they will still see you as someone that needs to ‘perform’ the role of a Christian, as they define it, to be saved. They still expect you to ‘fake it until you make it.’ Renaming or redefining the standards doesn’t change the fact they are trying to earn the right to maintain their salvation and it is that mindset that oppressed every man and woman.

I took some time away from a group for about three months. I needed to silence voices from both sides of this spectrum to make sure my influence was that of genuine ‘truth.’ In that time, I have seen how horribly divisive some churches are, even outside of Oneness churches. If you choose to live with God, then do it genuinely, not to please man; do it genuinely, not in hopes to generate a feeling; do it genuinely, not to complete a series of ‘checklists;’ do it genuinely, so that your relationship with him is your own!

Even in the watered down UPCI churches it is still divisive. It is still their ‘Acts 2:38’ message that is the only way, and that ‘my way or the highway’ mentality is a bunch of garbage. For three months I had been a part of a non-denominational Trinitarian church, until I learned they believed that if someone didn’t fully believe the Trinity then they weren’t saved. When I learned this I got so sick to my stomach. It was no different than what I just left. It’s not only the overwhelming standards and micromanaging of lives (not to minimize the affect of this stuff in our healing), but it is that overriding thought process that says beyond ‘belief’ we (a church,) have additional aspects that must be followed. It is this divisiveness that destroys, that generates the judgment, that fuels the micromanaging, that turns the wheels of the performance based religion and oppressed people.

I say all this… I know many are atheist now, or agnostic, or believers but not church goers. For each category I respect and understand your decisions and this isn’t necessarily for you directly. But for those looking or attending a new church, be wise. Even in the liberal Apostolics, Protestants, and non-denominational churches, there are those that have a performance based religion. I’m convinced in such atmosphere you won’t grow. It will be the lipstick on a pig. The same mindset, just different ways of doing it. I’m convinced there are churches that truly allow you to live, to exist without such condemnation. There are churches that believe that God isn’t concerned with changing our outward behaviors, but rather doing a work on the inside, that, yes, will eventually affect our outward behaviors naturally in everyone’s own time, and it’s okay that everyone’s journey is different. I personally am thankful that I have finally found one.

I’ll end with this… I have learned that I am sickened, and dare I say that I think God is also sickened, by churches that are legalistic, regardless if UPCI, Apostolic, Protestant, Non-denominational, or even Catholic/Orthodox. We all came out of an extreme version of it;  beware of the more subtle versions as well. I highly recommend that you don’t simply leave a church because it had the name UPCI, to another church simply because it’s name isn’t UPCI. Leave the performance based religion and enter into an actual joyful and liberating walk and journey with God!

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Top May & June 2019 Posts

In May and June 2019, the blog section of the spiritual abuse website had 12,688 visits, with 7265 being unique. Below you will find the top ten read posts from these two months.

We are always looking for new people to join our group of bloggers, so please consider registering and watch your email for more information. Be sure to check your spam folder. How frequently you post is up to you and no one needs to be a professional writer. Let your voice be heard and help others recover. You may even find it therapeutic. Read here for more information.

Here are some of the words people used in search engines which led them to the blog: gentile believers are accepted pentecostals, guardians of his glory at amazon, physical abuse stress response, emotional abuse in the church, pentecostals raping children, speaking truth to ifb, upci decrease, does upci requires women to be licensed to preach and baptize, sexual abuse upci california, why oneness pentecostals are wrong, patriarchy in churches and wisc pedophile pastor.

United Pentecostal Pastor Dannie Hood’s Refusal To Testify – author Lois (accessed 1221 times)

United Pentecostal Pastor Howard Geck & Dexter Lee Hensley – author Lois (accessed 664 times)

The United Pentecostal Church and Sexual Abuse – author Lois (accessed 570 times)

Woman ‘in the Spirit’ on a Jamaican Flight – author Lois (accessed 486 times) Unfortunately, hundreds of people keep spreading this lie from October 2017.

Denying Oneself – author Grace

A UPC Church Responds To Sexual Abuse – author Lois

Why Oneness Pentecostals have Salvation Wrong (Acts 2:38) and you should Avoid It – author DividingHisWord

United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 4 – author Lois

Harmed In The United Pentecostal Church – author Lois

Leaving an Unhealthy Church #11: Confusion & Not Knowing Who or What to Believe – author Lois

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United Pentecostal Pastor Dannie Hood’s Refusal To Testify

Dannie Ray Hood became the senior pastor of Landmark Tabernacle-The Pentecostals of Denver in 2012. Landmark is located at 2727 S. Sheridan Blvd. in Denver and is part of Section Three of the Colorado District of the United Pentecostal Church.

In 1990 Dannie obtained a general license in Tennessee and in 2009 he became ordained in Colorado, during the time Billy Hale was the District Superintendent. (The United Pentecostal Church has three levels of licensing: local, general and ordained.) Landmark Tabernacle formed in 1977 under the leadership of Billy and Brenda Hale and is a legally affiliated UPCI church. (Any church whose pastor is licensed by the UPCI is considered a UPCI church. They can go a step further and have a legal affiliation with the organization.) Hood is married to Lori, a daughter of the Hales, thus keeping the church in the family as Billy Hale is now considered the bishop. Hood has also operated the non-profit corporation called Dannie Hood Ministries Inc.

Jesse Allen Klockenbrink

On November 10, 2016, 21 year old Jesse Allen Klockenbrink, a member of Landmark Tabernacle, was arrested. The complaint was: “Between and including approximately July 11, 2014 and July 11, 2015, JESSE A KLOCKENBRINK unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly inflicted sexual intrusion or sexual penetration on [name redacted] causing submission of the victim by means of sufficient consequence reasonably calculated to cause submission against victim’s will; in violation of section 18-3-402(1)(a), C.R.S.” Jesse Klockenbrink, born June 30, 1995, is now serving time in prison after being convicted following a court trial in August 2018. This is case 16CR07464.

It has come to my attention since first learning of this case, that at the time it was reported to the police, it is alleged that Klockenbrink was already in the process of going through court ordered classes in an unrelated separate case. This was not able to be brought up at trial. Subsequent to this 2016 case, Jesse Klockenbrink was charged again in February 2019, with an additional sexual assault charge for crimes that occurred between the dates of July 10, 2010 and June 29, 2013 when he was 15 to 17 years of age (just one day shy of 18). His victim was four years younger. This case, 2019CR15046, is presently going through the court system, with a hearing scheduled for June 10, 2019. It appears that Jesse Klockenbrink will be taking a plea offer, thus avoiding another trial.

This is part 22 of an ongoing series.

On the flip side, if you fail to report suspected child abuse or neglect, you’ve committed a criminal offense, according to the Texas DFPS. That’s particularly true for professionals such as teachers, medical personnel or day-care employees who come into contact with children during the course of their job.
Time is of the essence because evidence of abuse can disappear or be muddied as days pass, the Texas DFPS indicates on its website. A bruise may heal and memories may fade before investigators can take note of them. – Editorial: How to report suspected child sex abuse

Are you aware that in Colorado, clergy members are mandatory reporters? In Colorado under State law C.R.S.19-3-304, there are many professionals who are required by law to report child abuse. However, unlike Texas and some other states, Colorado law also says that this doesn’t apply if clergy privilege is in play, according to C.R.S. 13-90-107 (1) (c), which covers who may not testify without consent. [“A clergy member, minister, priest, or rabbi shall not be examined without both his or her consent and also the consent of the person making the confidential communication as to any confidential communication made to him or her in his or her professional capacity in the course of discipline expected by the religious body to which he or she belongs.”] In other words, the person speaking with the minister could give their consent but the minister could still refuse to testify. Clergy privilege is what United Pentecostal Church pastor Dannie Hood claimed in June 2018 to avoid testifying about Jesse Klockenbrink, a sexual offender of at least one child in the church. In a PDF file we have provided the two court documents filed by Dannie Hood’s attorney so you may view them for yourself.

Please note the key words of ‘in the course of discipline’ used in this section of the law as you will see Dannie Hood claimed this in his petition to quash the prosecutor’s subpoena to testify. Discipline in this sense means the tenets or traditions of the religion. Let’s consider some questions:

  • Do the by-laws of Landmark Tabernacle address this issue?
  • Do the by-laws/constitution of the United Pentecostal Church address it?
  • Something else to determine is whether a confession was made under the seal of confidentiality or if it was given less formally.

I have no knowledge of the by-laws of Landmark Tabernacle. While the UPCI Manual has a position paper on ministerial ethics and states, “I will hold as sacred all confidences shared with me,” it’s made clear that the policies listed therein are “not laws to govern but principles to guide.” However, under Article VII, Section 8 and #32 it states, “When a minister receives information that is a privileged communication, the minister shall not divulge or repeat any part of such communication to any other person unless compelled to do so by law or if the communicant waives the privilege. Privileged communication shall be defined as any confession or communication made to a minister in confidence by a person seeking spiritual advice or consolation and who expects that such information will not be divulged by the minister to another person.” [screenshot– Quote is taken from the 2019 edition of the Manual.]

On the other hand, David Bernard [the General Superintendent of the UPCI] writes in his book, Spiritual Leadership in the Twenty-first Century, “Child Abuse is a particularly sensitive area. Of course, the church should do its utmost to protect children. Failing to protect children can cause lasting harm to them as well as adverse publicity and great legal liability. Generally, ministers don’t have a right to privileged communications when child abuse is involved. Many states require ministers, teachers, counselors, or the general public to report cases of suspected or confessed child abuse. There can be both criminal and civil liability for failure to do so. Of course, there is an even greater ethical obligation to prevent ongoing and future harm, which generally means the abuser must be held accountable by proper authorities. Church leaders should know the law of their state, including what to report and to whom they should report.” [emphasis is mine]

Jesse Allen Klockenbrink

When a person tells a member of the clergy something in confidence, they are sharing a matter which is private or secret and it is expected that the clergy will not tell anyone else. According to court documents, Dannie Hood had communication with the parents of the victim, the victim, and Jesse Klockenbrink. He did not speak to the victim without one or both of her parents present. He claims all of these talks were confidential and were conducted in his capacity as the senior pastor of Landmark. In the document submitted by his attorney, Hood states that he “reasonably believed no party ever gave him permission to speak about the confidential conversations.” Please note that he does not claim that any of the parties explicitly stated that they were speaking to him in confidence. It goes on to say, “Witness Dannie Hood does not consent to testify about any confidential communication with any witness in this case.” [emphasis is mine] He lists the victim, the victim’s parents and Jesse Klockenbrink as these witnesses.

While it is understandable that Klockenbrink may not have ever consented to allow Dannie Hood to say anything (was he even asked?), wouldn’t the victim or the victim’s parents have consented? Since it was the prosecution that wanted to call Hood as a witness, surely the family would have consented to him doing so. Yet because Hood would not consent, he was allowed by Colorado law to not testify. The law states that “a clergy member…shall not be examined without both his or her consent and also the consent” of the other party. What happened here was that not only did Dannie Hood refuse to testify against Jesse Klockenbrink, but he also refused to testify in support of the victim and her family. He could have easily testified about his interaction with the family and not brought into it anything that he later discussed with Klockenbrink. He chose to not consent; it was not forced upon him, nor required of him by law or UPCI discipline when it came to the victim. While Hood claimed that he “reasonably believed no party ever gave him permission to speak about the confidential conversations,” it is alleged that the victim’s family did indeed consent to him testifying about their communications.

In Dannie Hood’s refusal to testify, it is interesting that Preston Klockenbrink, Jesse’s older brother and a yet unlicensed minister at Landmark Tabernacle, posted this publicly on December 8, 2018 on his Facebook timeline: “Recently there has been some things posted on Facebook in regards to Jesse Klockenbrink my brother. This has come to my attention from many of you. We do not wish for any conflict. We hope for restoration, truth, peace and unity. If anyone should have questions. Pastor Hood or I could answer any questions you have. However most importantly I’d like to direct your attention to scripture and would pray you would talk to our Pastor before you make a decision.” [screenshot– He later removed or made private this post.]

Now one must ask, why would Hood “answer any questions” about the situation when he steadfastly refused to testify in court and claimed everything said to him was in confidence? What could he possibly tell members of the church, or others, that he wouldn’t tell the court or the detective that had investigated the case? (Yes, he also refused to share with the detective what happened in his meetings with the ‘witnesses.’ screenshot from affidavit) Why would anyone need to discuss the case with the pastor, a case that that had already been settled in court with a guilty verdict, before making a decision apparently about what to believe regarding Jesse Klockenbrink? Court records show Preston attended a meeting with his brother and the victim’s father where Jesse Klockenbrink made an apology. This occurred before the case was reported to the police. There are many questions which beg an answer.

It should also be noted that Dannie Hood’s adult son, Adrian, is a friend of Jesse Klockenbrink, even speaking on his behalf during the sentencing phase of the court case.

In practice, these provisions mean that a clergy member does not need to report their “reasonable cause to know or suspect that a child has been subjected to abuse or neglect” unless they obtain this information from a source other than a confidential communication. Conversations where a person is speaking with a pastor or clergy for spiritual advice or counseling in a confidential manner are protected by law. – Terry O’Malley of O’Malley and Sawyer, LLC

Why would a pastor not report sexual abuse cases to police, even if not required to do so by law? Why would any pastor want to protect someone who sexually abused a child and not help and support the victim by testifying? Why would a pastor refuse to testify when the victim and her family consented for him to do so? How many times has this church remained silent when known sexual abuse has occurred? Will this continue to happen in the future at Landmark Tabernacle in Denver, Colorado? When a pastor refuses to testify and hires an attorney to avoid a prosecutor’s subpoena for him to testify about a young man who repeatedly sexually abused a child for years, in my opinion something is wrong. It is terribly wrong. It is unconscionable. It is reprehensible.

The Telios Law website (Colorado) states, “Many states—Colorado as an example—have explicitly noted in their reporting statutes that the mandatory reporting requirements do not apply if clergy privilege is in play. But as the case from Louisiana demonstrates, arguments about statutes that seem clear may often end up looking more complicated in litigation.” It goes on to say, “Without reporting abuse, how will children be protected? Churches vary a lot in what their doctrine holds privileged. Some churches may wish to clarify that certain conversations are not privileged or confidential when it comes to child abuse reporting—for instance, counseling sessions outside the confessional. Depending on each organization’s religious doctrine, clergy may consider encouraging the parishioner to report the abuse. A victim or even an offender can be encouraged to report. Clergy may investigate further to see if non-privileged information is available. Spiritual discipline may also be imposed. While keeping confession confidential is sacrosanct in churches with this doctrinal position, the church should continue to fulfill its role in protecting children.”

Colorado law needs to be changed. Either clergy are mandated reporters or they are not. If the people are unable to persuade lawmakers to change it, then the United Pentecostal Church (and all other churches) need to develop a strict and clear written policy mandating that confessions of crimes to any of their ministers in any setting is not considered privileged communication and must be reported to police or CPS. They should pull the license of every minister who fails to report sexual abuse or who refuses to testify for a victim in court.

The church must treat all allegations seriously and not dismiss them out of hand. The church should also show compassion and offer assistance to victims and their families, perhaps arranging for professional counseling. The worst thing it can do is to ignore, blame, or attack the victim. – David Bernard, Spiritual Leadership in the Twenty-first Century

Because of decades of cover-ups of sexual abuse by various religious groups, I recommend that anyone who suspects such, that they go directly to the police or Child Protective Services and report. Do not first turn to a pastor or minister as they might choose to not report, regardless of whether they are mandated reporters, and might advise you to not report. Only after the abuse has been properly reported to authorities would I recommend going to a pastor. Church leadership should be made aware of a sexual predator, especially if they hold position in the church or have access to the children.

Never assume a pastor has reported child sexual abuse, especially in a state like Colorado where children are not fully protected by the law due to clergy privilege. The facts in the case of Jesse Klockenbrink are that Pastor Dannie Ray Hood:

  • chose not to report sexual abuse allegations to the proper authorities when he learned of them (he was aware for a few months before they were reported to police by the family)
  • made the decision to handle a sexual assault allegation ‘in house’ and claimed that “the church took steps to prevent Jesse Klockenbrink from being alone with female parishioners”
  • refused to share with a detective details of conversations he had with those involved, claiming clergy privilege
  • refused to testify for the victim in the court trial after being granted permission by the family to do so

Do ministers ever consider the fact that when they decide to handle sexual abuse cases ‘in house,’ that besides their actions doing little to prevent future harm to members as they cannot have someone follow perpetrators everywhere they go in church and other church related events, they do absolutely nothing to warn or protect people who are not members. Do these leaders only have concern for those who attend their individual church? Do they believe that perpetrators have no life outside the church? What about those from neighboring churches even in the same organization? Did Dannie Hood call all the pastors of the nearby UPCI churches and warn them about Jesse Klockenbrink? Did he even make an announcement at Landmark Tabernacle so members would be aware that a child sex offender was in their midst? Did he offer assistance to the victim and her family or offer to arrange professional counseling as David Bernard clearly suggests? What actual steps were made by him to prevent Klockenbrink from potentially harming other young girls in the church? Did he think an apology from the perpetrator to the victim’s father would make everything alright? Did he believe that simply telling him to not be alone with girls would be sufficient? It is my firm opinion that any minister who handles instances of sexual abuse ‘in house’ is negligent, irresponsible and unethical and should the perpetrator assault anyone in the future because they chose to not report it to police, that they are partly to blame.

[August 13, 2024 Edit: Nothing happened to Dannie Hood as a result of this situation. Instead, the UPCI continued to endorse his The Jesus Message podcast ministry, even advertising it years later in a official UPCI communication. On March 23, 2023, in his email David Bernard wrote, “The Jesus Message is an endorsed ministry of the United Pentecostal Church International. Podcasts prepared by Dannie Hood are distributed to 40 radio stations in the United States.”

Later in 2023, Dannie Hood was a scheduled speaker on September 21, during the UPCI’s General Conference during the children’s ministry service, of all things.

Earlier, in March 2023, former UPCI minister Marquis Johnson, was arrested on sexual abuse charges and later more charges were added. Johnson was a very involved member of Landmark Tabernacle for years. In 2017 he obtained a local license and by 2019 he was granted a general license. From July 2018 until he left Landmark, he was part of their leadership staff as the Assimilation Director. In the first half of 2020, Marquis Johnson became engaged to a woman and at some point the same year he either turned in his license or it was revoked and he left Landmark. The engagement ended. His criminal charges, which are yet pending as of August 2024, came after he moved to North Carolina and became a teacher at Rocky Mount High School. The victims are students from the school.

With the history of this church, one cannot help but wonder what may have happened during his time at Landmark.]

If you attend Landmark Tabernacle- The Pentecostals of Denver, be fully aware that Pastor Dannie Hood may claim clergy privilege and neither report sexual abuse, nor testify on your behalf in court. Perhaps he and all leadership at Landmark should make use of the new free training, Becoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused. There is a free book and related video segments. It is designed to help churches “be equipped to respond well in the initial stages of learning about instances of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse.” From all I have been hearing for over a year from various people, this church is in dire need of such training.

Jesse Klockenbrink is a registered sex offender in Aurora, Colorado. He has two separate cases as can be seen in the link.

Please also see these related articles: Colorado United Pentecostal Sex Abuse Cases Part 1Colorado United Pentecostal Sex Abuse Cases Part 2, Colorado United Pentecostal Sex Abuse Cases Part 3 & Colorado United Pentecostal Sex Abuse Cases Part 4.


Dannie Hood’s court documents in PDF format
Colorado Title 19 Children’s Code
Some might be interested in reading this PDF file from the Child Welfare Information Gateway. It summarizes laws in the states that list clergy members as mandated reporters and covers clergy privilege.

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