This is the second installment of my coverage on former United Pentecostal Church minister, Don Giovanni “Donnie” Martin. Read part one here. He plead guilty on October 28, 2021 to the second degree rape of a minor, a felony. He was sentenced to twenty years in prison, with 18 of them suspended and he must serve five years of supervised probation. He is currently serving his time at the Baltimore City Correctional Center, a minimum security level facility in Baltimore. This is case number C-03-CR-21-002614. You may read some of the court documents in PDF format here.
I am going to share some details of the licensing process and UPCI rules. This case will give you insight into UPCI pastors wrongfully endorsing people for license, as well as what can happen in their judicial procedure. I am not going to jump right into the judicial procedure as there are important aspects of this case that need to be understood. Some may consider this to be tedious or unnecessary, but it is crucial in understanding the egregious nature of what occurred.

On May 18, 2017, Don Martin graduated from the Purpose Institute that was conducted at Abundant Life Church. The church held a ceremony for the four graduates. Purpose Institute is not a college, nor is it accredited. It is a “ministry training institution that partners with local Apostolic trainers” and “enables trainers to develop leader’s ministry skills and to clarify their individual purpose.”
The UPCI has three levels of licensing: local, general and ordained. Many start with a local license, though those who have attended one of the Bible colleges may start with a general. In order to apply for a local license, the applicant must be at least 17 and complete the mandatory requirements set by the organization, of which I will only point out that one includes preaching an average of once a week for six months and another is that the UPCI Manual must be read. They will then meet with the District Board of their state, where they will be examined.
They are expected to “labor in cooperation with, and under the supervision of, their local UPCI pastor until they enter ministerial responsibilities that remove them from their local assembly.” Additionally, a minister holding local license is not permitted to conduct marriages unless they are a pastor or have been authorized by their pastor to do so.
Don Martin applied for, and was granted, a local license in 2019. For this case, there are three important aspects of the application.

On page five, question 38 asks, “Have you ever been convicted of or pleaded guilty to child abuse or a crime involving actual or attempted sexual molestation of a minor? If yes, please explain.” First, no explanation should be needed if the response is ‘yes’ as such should prohibit them from being licensed. That should be an instant denial.
Second, because Martin had not yet been arrested or convicted for his crimes, he could respond to this with ‘no’ and not be lying. The UPCI needs to add to this question, if they have ever been accused of those things and/or ever committed those acts, but was never accused or charged. Had this been added, Martin would have had to answer ‘yes’ and explain what happened…or lie, and answer otherwise.

On page six, two questions are asked which pertain to the reading of the Manual. One asks, “Have you read the Articles of Faith and do you agree with them?” The next asks, “Have you read the ministerial obligations and rules and do you agree with them?” Keep in mind that Don Martin had to read the Manual before obtaining license. Later in this article you will see what he read, which should have shown him that he was not eligible to be licensed or to even preach in a UPCI church.

On the final page of the application, you will see where the pastor, or another ordained UPCI minister, must sign. Applicants need to have the recommendation of their local pastor. That brings us to the inexcusable actions of Martin’s pastor, David Reever, in endorsing him for his license. He clearly violated United Pentecostal Church policy in doing so.
You will recall from the first article, that in 2003 David Reever and two other UPC ministers met with Don Martin as he wanted to return to Abundant Life Church. Reever was not the pastor when Martin raped the victim in 1990, but had been the pastor since 1997. Don Martin admitted at the 2003 meeting to ‘having sex with’ the victim and claimed that she was attractive and came on to him.
When Reever was interviewed by police in 2021, when they were investigating the crime, he remembered who the victim was and shared that Martin admitted to having sex with her when she was a minor. Knowing this, Reever STILL signed Martin’s license application and apparently did not inform the Maryland-Washington DC District Board about his knowledge of Martin’s past. If he did, that makes this extremely more troublesome. In addition, in 2019 when the license was approved, Reever was the District Secretary and most likely was present when the Board met with Martin and voted to approve his license.

Why is this inexcusable? No matter how David Reever viewed what happened, even if he saw it as Martin described, with the 11 year old coming on to him, he should not have endorsed Martin. A minor, especially not one so young, can never consent to intercourse with an adult. If Reever viewed this as repented of and forgiven because Martin confessed in the 2003 meeting, he still should not have endorsed him. A person is disqualified from holding license in the UPCI if they have committed sexual abuse. This was not an affair, nor adultery, nor consensual intercourse- it was the rape of a minor.
David Reever obtained his UPCI license sometime after 1980 and before 1986. (I do not have a complete set of Directories from the 1980s.) The 1981 UPCI Manual, even back then, clearly stated that, “For the purpose of ministerial membership in the United Pentecostal Church International or for ministering in a United Pentecostal International church, immoral conduct shall be defined as: adultery, fornication, homosexuality, incest, and/or any other sexual acts determined by the District Board to be perverted or immoral.”
The 2019 Manual, which was released that January, stated the same and was in effect when Don Martin was granted his license.
Remember that one of the requirements of obtaining license is that the applicant must preach an average of once a week for six months. It is not unreasonable to assume that David Reever would have allowed Don Martin to preach at times before obtaining his license, in order for him to meet this requirement. That would be despite the clear mention in the Manual that said, “or for ministering in a United Pentecostal International church.”
The 2019 Manual continues saying, “Any minister affiliated with our organization proven guilty of adultery or fornication, or committing any other immoral offense, shall forfeit his or her papers immediately. Immoral offense shall include sexual molestation of minors.
“In the event a minister confesses in writing to immoral conduct and surrenders his or her fellowship card, no trial shall be granted. In either case, such minister shall never be qualified for reinstatement into the ministry of the United Pentecostal Church International.” Note that the sexual molestation of minors was specifically mentioned.
While the Manual does not specifically state that this applies to those seeking licensing, it should be clear that Martin’s actions and prior confession would have permanently disqualified him from obtaining one. You will later see that this is true.
I am attaching the entire local license application in PDF form. I have previously written an article on the United Pentecostal Church Rules Regarding Sexual Immorality & Ministers as well as a six part series with information on licensing in the United Pentecostal Church and the rules for ministers.
The June 23, 2021 video below is UPCI minister Scott Graham, describing the local license application.
You will find a complete list of articles in this series by clicking here.
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