Then & Now: Changes to the United Pentecostal Articles of Faith Part 2

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Then & Now: Changes to the United Pentecostal Articles of Faith: Holiness. Comparing 1952 to 2022.

1952 Articles of Faith Holiness Section
1952 Articles of Faith Holiness Section

The United Pentecostal Church formed in 1945. Over the years they have increasingly added rules. Here we will examine what the Articles of Faith have stated about holiness.

Please note the added changes between 1952 and the current year. Back then there was one sentence followed by four scripture quotes. While the same passages are quoted today, a whole list of disapproved practices follow.

1954 resolution to add to Articles of Faith
1954 resolution to add to Articles of Faith

It was in 1954 that a resolution was considered and passed at General Conference to add the last paragraph to the holiness section. It was prompted by how television had been pervading our society.

The addition first appears in the 1955 Manual, with the exception of “or swimming” after mixed bathing, as we see in the present version. Somewhere between 1994 and 2002 those two words were added. (I have the 1994 and 2002 Manuals, but not those in between.)

December 1954 Pentecostal Herald hair tract
December 1954 Pentecostal Herald hair tract

In the October 1954 edition of The Pentecostal Herald (the UPCI’s official publication), they featured a 4 and a half page article about not cutting a woman’s hair. The Hair Question was written by Murray E. Burr. By the end of the year they had released the article in tract form.

It is interesting to note, for as much as they harp on women wearing pants, this was never specifically mentioned in the Articles of Faith. In addition, though many today believe that the UPCI has dropped their stand against television, it is still spoken against here.

2022 Articles of Faith Holiness
2022 Articles of Faith Holiness

To read the entire 1952 UPCI Articles of Faith, go here.

Position Papers referred to: Media Technology
Gender Distinction

Then & Now: Changes to the United Pentecostal Articles of Faith Part 1: Public School Activities
Then & Now: Changes to the United Pentecostal Articles of Faith Part 2: Holiness
Then & Now: Changes to the United Pentecostal Articles of Faith Part 3: Fundamental Doctrine
Then & Now: Changes to the United Pentecostal Articles of Faith Part 4: Atonement
Then & Now: Changes to the United Pentecostal Articles of Faith Part 5: Conscientious Scruples

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Author: Lois

I was a member of the United Pentecostal Church for just under 13 years and was a licensed minister during a short part of that time. I am the owner of the website, which was started four years after leaving. I am originally from southern New Jersey.

One thought on “Then & Now: Changes to the United Pentecostal Articles of Faith Part 2”

  1. I’m an Apostolic who wants to give outsiders some inside information. Most of us don’t believe in the “holiness” standards. Most of them are just afraid to speak up. Fortunately that is changing. There is an uprising against legalism in our churches.

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