There is a partially false story being rapidly spread on Facebook (and probably elsewhere) that a woman aboard a flight to Jamaica saved the plane from crashing by being ‘in the Spirit’ before take-off. The plane was at Owen Roberts International Airport in the Cayman Islands. While the woman caused a disturbance by jumping around, clapping and yelling ‘Jesus’ in the aisle, the part about there being a major problem with the plane that would have caused it to crash is untrue.
Here is what is being shared, taken from a post made on November 25 by a female pastor who is touted as an apostle, prophet, and prophetic voice: “A woman got in the spirit of the Holy Ghost this morning when she boarded a flight to Jamaica causing the flight to be delayed for 2hrs. They had to remove her from the plane. Soon after, the Airport authorities realised that something was gravely wrong with the plane engine & that if they had taken off 2 hours earlier, the plane would definitely have crashed!!! Thank you Lord! The lives of your children are precious to you & you know when their work on earth is done. God saved all the passengers and crew, because of the obedience of one woman! HALLELUJAH! OUR GOD is truly the Chief Pilot of our lives!” (Note: The video itself initially was shared on the day of the event as can be seen here (this has since been removed). The inaccurate portrayal of events goes back to October when people started saying things like, “This Lady was in spirit on the plane to Jamaica and because of the delay they found that there was a problem with one of the engines.”)
A few days later the story grew to an even taller tale when one man wrote (this has since been removed) in part, “This woman felt the Holy Spirit just before a plane flight to Jamaica yesterday. She told them God informed her that the flight would go down. It took a while to get things situated and eventually throw her off the plane, so the flight was delayed for 2hrs. Soon after, the Airport authorities realized that something was gravely wrong with the plane engine. If they had taken off 2 hours earlier, the plane would definitely have crashed!!!”
On the date of the incident, wrote about it. They stated that, “Apparently something happened with the one of the engines and after taxing off and they had to return to the gate” and said that a passenger stated a man started praying, which seemed to prompt the actions of the woman in question. That is when she got out of her seat and was jumping and shouting. Their website is the only one where I found the mention of engine trouble or that the plane had taxied out and then returned to the gate. I have never been able to verify there was any engine trouble.
The official statement from Cayman Airways was that the video of the incident which had been circulated did happen on flight KX-620 on October 23, 2017. In their statement, there is no mention of any major malfunction with the plane and certainly not that the woman’s actions caused them to discover it or that the plane would have crashed. Here is part of what they said: “The aircraft was at the gate with passengers boarded, but with the main cabin door still open while a minor maintenance issue was being resolved before departure. Shortly after the Captain announced that the maintenance work was completed and that the aircraft would soon be on its way, a female passenger left her seat and began shouting and jumping as can be seen in the video.” There was only a delay of an hour and 13 minutes as the woman was removed from the plane and her luggage retrieved.
So there are only three basic statements from the November 25th post which are accurate:
1) it was a morning flight to Jamaica
2) the woman was removed from the plane
3) the woman ‘got in the spirit’ (which I won’t attempt to address in this article)
It is NOT true that:
1) the woman’s actions caused them to discover a problem with the plane
2) there was a two hour delay
2) there was something gravely wrong with the engine
3) the plane would have crashed
4) the woman’s actions saved the lives of the people on board
It is so important to fact check stories before spreading them across social media and elsewhere. One should not embellish a story, especially not in order to promote or prove their beliefs. Doing so causes others to shake their head in disbelief as thousands of people rapidly share a false story that could have been easily fact checked in a few minutes time.

What is even more problematic is when people are shown the report is untrue and they attempt to discredit the airline’s statement, insinuating or outright stating that they wouldn’t tell the truth. Please look at the facts and use discernment. There was only a 73 minute delay in the flight and some of that was taken in evicting the woman from the plane and retrieving her luggage. Had there been a major problem with the engine, enough that it would have crashed, is it reasonable to believe that it could be repaired in just over one hour or that they would have taken the chance on using the plane after such a discovery?
In the short time it took me to write this, the post I linked to was shared an additional 2,068 times. Most of the comments are praising and believing the report. As of my update to this article on November 29, it had almost two million views, was shared 50,412 times and commented on by 25,000 people.
Added July 13, 2018: For some reason in July 2018, the story went viral again. People had never stopped commenting, liking and sharing what was posted by the above mentioned female pastor. As of this update, the post has been viewed 7.2 million times, liked by 123,000, commented on 68,000 times and shared 137,176 times. It is quite disheartening to see so many Christians sharing this tale and never once questioning its veracity or checking first to see if it happened as stated and then berating people who question it. Within twelve hours of this update, it had been viewed another .6 million times, commented on 6,000 more times and shared another 13,000 times. That people are so quick to believe and pass on this report is sad.
December 1, 2017 Update: Cayman Marl Road reported on October 27, “Our sources have informed us that as of yesterday the passenger, identified as Ms. Barbara Cecile Bryan, remains on islands. Apparently she was removed from the flight that day and had her ticket cancelled for travel for the following morning. We understand that Cayman Airways/CIAA are in talks as to whether or not she should be banned from traveling on the airline and for how long.” If the name is accurate, she was granted Caymanian status on December 31, 2003 according to an official report.
On their Facebook page, they reported on October 25 that this woman had been hospitalized in the mental health ward after being removed from the flight. Another person shared that the woman “was out in the street where she was staying doing the same thing two days before boarding the plane.” Yet another commented, “Sadly, there were Haitians on that flight who are heading home via Jamaica after being here for almost 3 months. Recovering Open heart surgery patients who became very scared. Their translator who is also a born again Christian said he’d never seen anything like this before and they are all relieved the lady was removed from the flight.” In a separate Facebook discussion, (this has since been removed) one woman claiming to have been on the flight shared similar thoughts, “i was on the flight sitting across from her it was scary for my kids too.”
On November 29, buried amidst hundreds of comments on another Facebook post (this has since been removed) that was spreading this false report, a woman named Lori made the following comment that was ignored by others praising the story, “I was the flight attendant on that flight and your information is wrong. We had discovered a minor mechanical issue before this happened and went back to the gate to have it corrected. We were about to close the door when this occurred. She was removed and we departed safely to Kingston. I repeat this happened AFTER the problem was corrected.”
There is a news article on the incident:
This is the Facebook discussion about the above mentioned news article (this has since been removed):
Here is the video with commentary from KevOnStage, made October 24.
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I am a Christian and I did fact check (I came to your page)
thanks for the info
You are welcome. It is alarming that so many thousands of people have not even bothered to check its veracity and yet will jump on anyone who shares that they disbelieve the story.
I am a Christian also and thank you so much for the fact check. It is sad that people wrongfully attribute the Holy Spirit to behaviors like these that are due to psychiatric conditions (assuming that the report of her receiving psychiatric treatment is true).
Thank you!! I read this story, searched to find the truth and found your page. There are literally thousands of wonderful (true) faith promoting stories and this one takes away from the real ones! Thank you again for seeking out the truth for us!
People can behave like this when filled with the holy spirit!! I’ve seen it many times and have many Christian friends who have been filled with the spirit just like this. It does not indicate psychotic behavior! You should do some fact checking on how God moves in mysterious and unusual ways. Better yet, read your Bible and you’ll find stories of others filled with the spirit. I cry when filled, though quietly and calmly. But others are loud and dance, while others still are slain in the spirit.
The article is about whether or not things happened as reported by some, not how people may or may not act. She WAS hospitalized afterward according to the reports I saw. This behavior is not acceptable on an airplane.
Indeed you act superior as if you are the Holy Spirit himself. May God receive his own glory , non of you know what happened because you look with your eye balls. You supposed christians, with small letter c,you did fact check did you proceed to do Spirit check, I bet not because the very sound of your texts denies your faith. God will triumph watch the space.You agree with those who term the work of the Spirit a psychiatric gesture
It’s always very telling when a person must resort to personal attacks instead of simply addressing the issue. If you wish to believe a lie, despite all the evidence that clearly shows that aspect of the story was made up, that’s your prerogative.
tell them again and again my dear,In their argument they nullify the authority of the HOLY SPIRIT and seems to suggest there is no POWER in the name of JESUS.
all in all those who believe will be saved but those whi dont stand condemned already.
This gets silly after awhile. To show that people are believing and spreading a lie about a story somehow gets twisted by you to mean one is saying there is no power in the name of Jesus, etc. Then a scare tactic gets thrown in about being condemned and not saved. I am a Christian but I took the time to fact check the story in several ways. Nothing at all was found to support the untruthful aspects of the story. I’m sorry that you cannot, or will not, see this. You resort to fear tactics and have nothing at all in your responses that shows proof this did happen. You have to portray the airline as lying (in a different reply) in an effort to legitimize the story.
I am happy I came to this site. Naturally as a Christian, I verify my fact before accepting any news especially if such news or information can be verified. I just saw the information on our group WhatsApp chart and decided to check the information.It was posted as if it just happened some moments ago.I will try to link them to this page for members of the group to know the true state of the matter.
all i wanna kno was there something wrong with the plane or not
Your answer is in the article. There was a minor problem that was already fixed. AFTER that is when the woman shouted. Nothing was repaired after her actions.
YES Indeed the airline admit there was a mechanical problem as you can read above,however since the airline is afraid of loosing its image they have to come up with counterfeit stories to nullify the POWER OF OUR LORD JESUS.
Actually, people who were on the airplane confirmed that the minor problem was fixed first and then she started shouting. Responses like this cause people to laugh at Christians and Christianity when, despite finding the facts about a story, you continue to spread the fake news as if it were true. Why is it so hard for some of you to believe what really happened?
That minor issue may and could have turned into a major issue in flight.
Sorry, but the airplane wasn’t going to crash. Some people will grasp at anything to attempt to make this look like a miracle with people being saved. Even if what you assume would have been true, the woman’s actions didn’t cause them to find the minor problem. She didn’t start jumping and shouting until AFTER they had already discovered and fixed it.
It is sickening how anything claimed in the name of Religion or God becomes The Truth for the gullible….and it is sad that so many ppl fall for this kind of thing…
All I know is this…I am a believer…and if I’m in a cigar shaped enclosure about to defy the laws of gravity and go 30000 feet on the air…I’m following Jesus…Right on sister for your faith and obedience! Praise Him!
What obedience? Her actions did nothing but scare some people and further delay take off. I am a believer, too. But in an airplane that is not the place for such actions.
Ofcourse the airline can recreate the story to justify their side and may conceal what truly happened that can discredit their side,we don’t know really.. But the good news is Jesus was glorified! And I think we have to listen to the woman’s side as well and not jump and passed judgment against her and other.
But we do know! It amazes me how many Christians simply want to dismiss what the airline shared, even though there are other people who were on the plane who also show it was not going to crash. Stop and THINK – consider the whole sequence of events. Why do you wish to believe a lie?