United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 3

In this post I am sharing from the 2017 United Pentecostal Church Manual, Article VII, Section 2. It is the same as it appeared going back to at least the 2005 Manual, with the exception of #7, where the part about preterism was added in the 2006 edition. The second sentence in #4 was added in 2016. In addition, for #11, it used to say the “Foreign Missionary” Board or District instead of “Global.” In 2011 they changed the name of the division and this was reflected in the 2012 Manual.

This section of the UPCI Manual covers the requirements for ministerial license or ordination and is shared in its entirety. Besides these set by the organization, each District is at liberty to add their own additional requirements. The organization has three levels of licensing: local, general and ordination. Each have their own requirements, but those listed below are for any of the three.

The reading requirements have changed over the years and were last revised as of January 2017 and added required video viewing at an additional cost of $35 per video/book. Note that at some point after March 2023, the price for each video lesson rose from $35 each to $40.

As a side note, the only Bible colleges endorsed by the UPCI are their own.

[2023 Edit: All of the below appeared the same through the 2020 UPCI Manual. In 2021, revisions were made in how the rules were listed and worded and these have been added to bring readers up to date through 2023.]

[May 14, 2024 Edit: Starting June 1, 2024, at each level of licensing every applicant will have to watch two specific free videos on the Ministry Central website. One is by David Bernard and the other is a 53.5 minute video from SafeChurch. This video explains this as well as applying for a license after graduating from one of their endorsed Bible colleges: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac-0qrCaM74 ]

1. Anyone desiring to be affiliated with the United Pentecostal Church International must believe in the Oneness of God as taught in Mark 12:29, John 14:6-11, and I Timothy 3:16; must have the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as in Acts 2:4, 10:46, and 19:1-6; must have been baptized by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as in Acts 2:38; must be living a holy and godly life according to the Scriptures as described in the Articles of Faith of the United Pentecostal Church International; and must believe in, teach, and preach the same.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to:  “Anyone desiring to be credentialed with the UPCI must believe in the Oneness of God as taught in Deuteronomy 6:4; Mark 12:29, John 14:6-11, and I Timothy 3:16; must have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as taught in Acts 2:4, 10:46, and 19:1-6; must have been baptized by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as taught in Acts 2:38; Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:12; and I Peter 3:21; must be living a holy and godly life according to the Scriptures, as taught in I Peter 1:16; II Corinthians 7:1; Hebrews 12:14 and as described in the Articles of Faith of the UPCI; and must believe, teach, and preach the same.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

2. The acceptance, deferral, or rejection of any application shall be the prerogative of the District Board.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is now #3. The wording has changed to:  “The consideration, acceptance, deferral, or rejection of any application shall be the prerogative of the applicable District Board. However, the denial by a district board does not preclude the applicant from reapplying at a future date.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

3. An application must be properly completed, all questions being carefully answered. The same must be endorsed by a majority of the District Board including the District Superintendent.

(a) All applicants who reside and/or labor in unorganized districts shall be examined by the District Superintendent and District Secretary who in turn shall refer their decision to the Executive Board for final decision.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is now #4. The wording has changed to:  “An application must be properly completed and all questions carefully answered. The same must be endorsed by a majority of the District Board.” (a) no longer is stated. It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

4. All applicants shall be required to appear before their District Board for examination, having made application at least sixty (60) days prior to meeting the Board and must have met any training or seminar requirements set forth by their District Board. The sixty (60) day time frame may be adjusted by a district at its discretion. [Added in 2016 Manual.] The applicants must have the recommendation of their local pastor, having proven themselves faithful to their home church. In the event that they have no local pastor, the matter shall be left to the discretion of the District Board.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is now #5. The wording has changed to:  “All applicants shall be required to appear before their District Board for examination, having made application at least sixty (60) days prior to meeting the Board, and must have met any training requirements set forth by the General Board and their District Board. The sixty (60) day timeframe may be adjusted by the District Board at its discretion. The District Board shall provide notice of upcoming district board meeting dates in which applications may be considered at least ninety (90) days in advance. Each applicant must have the  recommendation of his or her local pastor and must be faithful to that local church. If the applicant’s church has no pastor, the matter shall be left to the discretion of the District Board.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

5. All applicants shall be willing to submit to questioning and, if necessary, investigation by the District Board relative to their financial stewardship.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is now #6. The wording has changed to:  “All applicants shall submit to any questioning by the District Board relative to their financial stewardship. If deemed necessary, they shall produce all requested, related documents for review.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

6. No minister shall be permitted to hold license or ordination with any other religious organization or association. Exceptions to this rule shall be made in the case of ministers residing where they cannot receive proper governmental recognition without belonging to an organization in that country. In such a case, special permission shall be obtained from the Executive or General Board, in writing, for said ministers to belong to an organization in that country for this purpose only.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is now #7. The wording has changed to:  “No minister shall be permitted to hold ministerial license or ordination with any other religious organization or association. Special permission for exceptions shall be obtained in writing from the Executive or General Board in the case of
ministers residing where they cannot receive proper governmental recognition without belonging to an organization in that country.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

7. License or Certificate of Ordination shall not be issued to anyone who teaches the doctrine of unconditional eternal security, and/or annihilation of the wicked dead, and/or the divine (or heavenly) flesh of Christ, (defined as that the flesh of Jesus Christ had no biological or genetic relationship to other human beings), and/or all forms of preterism. (Please see the pertinent position paper for a more detailed definition.) [Preterism was added in the 2006 edition.]

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is now #2. The wording has changed to:  “Ministerial Credentials shall not be issued to anyone who teaches the doctrines of unconditional eternal security, annihilation of the wicked dead, the divine (or heavenly) flesh of Christ (defined as: the flesh of Jesus Christ had no biological or genetic relationship to other human beings), or any form of preterism. (Please see the pertinent position paper for more detailed information.)It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

8. All applications and all information submitted with the applications, together with the action of the District Board, shall become the property of the organization.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to:  “All applications and related information submitted, together with any documents and information resulting from the action of the District Board, shall become the property of the UPCI.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

9. All applicants must have completed at least one (1) year in a Bible college endorsed by the United Pentecostal Church International (see paragraph 10) or have completed the required reading schedule established by the General Board. The required reading schedule may be obtained from the District Board or from the office of the General Secretary. All applicants, including Bible college students, must read the Bible through at each level of ministry and must read the Manual of the United Pentecostal Church International.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to:  “All applicants must have completed the required reading and training program established by the General Board. The reading and training requirements may be obtained from the District Board or from the office of the General Secretary-Treasurer. At each level of credentialing, all applicants must read the Bible through and must read the current Manual of the UPCI.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

10. If the applicant has attended a Bible college endorsed by the United Pentecostal Church International, the applicant must request the respective college to send the Bible College Report by certified mail, return receipt requested, from the college to the District Superintendent. This report must be received and reviewed by the District Board before a license can be granted. The Bible college shall comply with this request within sixty (60) days. If no report is received within this time period, it is assumed the applicant is in good standing with the Bible college.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to:  “If the applicant has attended a Bible/Christian college endorsed by the UPCI, the applicant must request the respective college to send the College Report by certified mail, return receipt requested, from the college to the applicant’s District Secretary. This report must be received and reviewed by the District Board before a license can be granted. The college shall comply with the applicant’s request within sixty (60) days. If no report is received within this time period, it is assumed the applicant is in good standing with the college.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

11. Any US or Canadian citizen residing in a foreign field and desiring ministerial license or credentials shall be examined by the Regional Director and the Missionary Superintendent of the particular field in which he or she is residing and laboring. The names of all applicants endorsed by the Regional Director and the Missionary Superintendent shall be forwarded to the Global Missions Board [This used to be called the Foreign Missionary Board] for its decision. Notification shall be given to the District Superintendent where the applicant previously resided.

(a) All applicants in a Global Missions District shall meet the requirements of Article VII, Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

(b) All national ministers residing and laboring outside North America shall be examined and granted license or credentials by their respective national church only.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to:  “Any US or Canadian citizen residing in a foreign field and desiring ministerial credentials shall be examined by the applicable Regional Director and the Missionary Superintendent of the particular field in which he or she is residing and laboring. The names of all applicants endorsed by the Regional Director and the Missionary Superintendent shall be forwarded to the Global Missions Board for its decision. Notification shall be given to the District Superintendent where the applicant previously resided. The District Superintendent shall communicate any objections to the application to the Global Missions Board
within sixty (60) days of being notified of said application. If no objection
is received by the Global Missions Board within said time period, it will be
assumed the applicant is in good standing with his or her former district.

(a) All applicants in a Global Missions District shall meet the requirements of Article VII, Sections 2 – 9.

(b) All national ministers residing and laboring outside the US and Canada
shall be examined and granted credentials by their respective national
church only.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

12. In 2022, the following was added: “At times, the UPCI may publish a list of all newly credentialed ministers, ministers advancing in ministerial status, deceased ministers, and/or ministers no longer credentialed in its own publication(s) at its discretion. Such publication shall not be a breach of privacy.” [It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

To read the position paper on preterism, adopted in 2005, go here. To read the position paper on the humanity of Jesus, adopted in 2004, go here.

To be continued…

United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 6
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 5
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 4
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 3
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 2
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 1

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Author: Lois

I was a member of the United Pentecostal Church for just under 13 years and was a licensed minister during a short part of that time. I am the owner of the SpiritualAbuse.org website, which was started four years after leaving. I am originally from southern New Jersey.

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