United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 2

Here are some others rules from the United Pentecostal Church Manual. (Again, the wording goes back to at least 2005, with the exception of number 31. In 2005 number 31 said: “No minister having a television in his or her home, shall be permitted to hold license or credentials with the United Pentecostal Church International. Furthermore, no United Pentecostal Church International minister shall be permitted to advertise or minister on television. This does not preclude unsolicited representatives of the news media covering functions.” This changed in 2008 to what is seen in italics below. In 2014, 31 and 32 were replaced. This is explained below. Also a and b were added to 21 in 2008.)

For this second post, I just picked out some of the ones people might be more interested in seeing. Number 14 pertains to the affirmation statement that took effect in 1993. It was annual then and they later changed it to every other year and at the 2018 General Conference it no longer was required.

Also, note that for number 18, the UPC does not just consider licensed ministers as members. It also considers as members any who are members of local affiliated UPC churches. (Not all UPC churches are affiliated.) I will quote that section from the manual at the end of this post. I have even heard licensed ministers proclaim that it is only a ministerial organization, which shows they are not reading their Manual. The old numbers 31 and 32 were laughable, knowing that a number of ministers indeed had televisions and watched Hollywood films.

Sadly, 35 has been broken too often.

[2023 Edit: All of the below appeared the same through the 2020 UPCI Manual. In 2021, revisions were made in how the rules were listed and worded and these have been added to bring readers up to date through 2023.]

14. (This is now #12) All ministers, licensed or ordained, during the same year as the normally scheduled election of the General Superintendent (biennially), shall be required to sign a statement reaffirming their loyalty to the Fundamental Doctrine as stated in the Articles of Faith and the holiness standards as stated in the Articles of Faith of the United Pentecostal Church International. Said statement shall be sent to each minister at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the current fellowship card. Any minister failing to sign and return the statement within this sixty-day period shall be notified that after thirty (30) days the membership fellowship card will be suspended. After this thirty (30) day grace period, a suspended minister must fill out a new application for license or credentials together with a signed statement and appear before the District Board before he or she may be considered for reinstatement.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is listed under “4. Loyalty (a).” The wording has changed to: “At the beginning of each even-numbered year, all credentialed UPCI
ministers shall receive a reminder that loyalty to the Fundamental Doctrine
and holiness standards as stated in the Articles of Faith of the UPCI is a
requirement to continue to retain credentials with the UPCI. Any UPCI
minister who is unwilling to affirm such loyalty must follow the specific
instructions to indicate his or her choice. Upon the receipt of that indication, his or her membership will be revoked, and the applicable district shall be notified. Any minister whose credentials are revoked in this manner must complete a new application include a signed statement reaffirming loyalty as described above and be approved by the District Board before he or she may be reinstated.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

16. (This is now #14) Any minister holding or seeking to hold credentials or a license with us who speaks or writes in opposition to any Articles of Faith shall be called before the District Board who shall decide upon the penalty to be inflicted.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is listed under “4. Loyalty (b).” The wording has changed to: “Any minister holding or seeking to hold credentials with the UPCI who
speaks, writes, or acts in opposition to anything in the UPCI Articles of
Faith shall be called before the District Board which shall decide upon the
appropriate course of action.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

17. (This is now #15) No minister, whether licensed or ordained, can be a member of any secret lodge society (exclusive of labor unions) and hold license or credentials with the United Pentecostal Church International.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is listed under “4. Loyalty (c).” The wording has changed to: “No credentialed UPCI minister can be a member of any secret order or
secret society and continue to hold credentials with the UPCI. This prohibition does not apply to membership in labor unions.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

18. The United Pentecostal Church International requires all of its members to avoid mixed bathing or swimming in public places or any other time when there are those of the opposite sex present outside of the immediate family.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is listed under “1. Integrity (b).” The wording has changed to: “The UPCI requires all its ministers to avoid activities that require immodest attire, such as swimming at any time with members of the opposite sex present who are unrelated by blood or marriage.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

21. (This is now #19) No minister who withdraws or is dropped from our fellowship, whose conduct is under question, shall be allowed to preach for any of our ministers, nor pastor any of our churches. Neither shall any minister of the United Pentecostal Church International fellowship be allowed to preach or participate in any form in services (except funerals and weddings) sponsored or conducted by any minister who has withdrawn or been dropped, whose conduct is under question. This does not apply to anyone being used in any capacity in his or her local assembly, with the exception of the position of associate pastor or assistant pastor.

(a) The term “under question” shall be taken to mean a formal decision by a District Board reflecting a concern that conduct in flagrant violation of the Manual of the United Pentecostal Church International has occurred.
(b) The term “conduct unbecoming a minister” shall be taken to mean any conduct of a moral, financial, or ethical nature that would cause reproach upon the ministry.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is listed under “6. Revoked/Withdrawn (b & c) & 7 Ministerial Offenses (a).” The wording has changed to: “(b) The term ‘under question’ shall be taken to mean a formal decision by a District Board reflecting a concern that conduct of a moral, financial, ethical, or theological nature in flagrant violation of the Manual of the UPCI has occurred.
(c) No minister whose credentials have been revoked or who withdraws from the UPCI, whose conduct is under question, shall be allowed to:

(1) Outside the Local Assembly: Preach for any UPCI minister, nor pastor any UPCI church. No UPCI minister shall be allowed to preach or participate in any form in services (except weddings, baby dedications, and funerals) sponsored or conducted by any minister whose credentials have been revoked or who has withdrawn, whose conduct is under question.
(2) Within the Local Assembly: Fill the position of associate pastor, assistant pastor, etc. This prohibition does not prevent this individual from being used in his or her local assembly in other capacities.
7. Ministerial Offenses
(a) The term ‘conduct unbecoming a minister’ shall be taken to mean any
conduct of a moral, financial, ethical, or theological nature that would cause
reproach upon the ministry. A minister may be subject to discipline under
the Judicial Procedure for conduct unbecoming a minister.

In 2022, the following was added to (c) (1):An exception allowing preaching and/or ministerial participation beyond the local assembly (without ministerial credentials) shall be left to the discretion of the local pastor, the District Board in which the minister’s license is held under question, and the District Board where the exception is requested, if not the same District.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

In my opinion, the 2022 exception allowing preaching and/or ministerial participation beyond the local assembly, should never have been added.

24. (This is now #22) Any minister committing sins that are a great hindrance to the body and continuing to preach and fill the pulpit shall be silenced indefinitely.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is listed under “7. Ministerial Offenses (d).” The wording has changed to: “Any credentialed UPCI minister committing sins that are a great hindrance to the body may be indefinitely placed on probation and not permitted to speak and/or fill the pulpit, according to the UPCI Judicial Procedure. Any credentialed UPCI minister having knowledge of such a one being on probation and allowing him or her to speak and/or fill the pulpit shall be subject to disciplinary action by the applicable District Board.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

25. (This is now #23) Any minister having knowledge of one being so silenced and admitting such a one to preach and fill the pulpit shall be silenced until proper restitution is made.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is listed under “7. Ministerial Offenses (d).” It was combined with the above paragraph.]

30. (This is now #28) No licensed minister who is a student in a recognized Bible school shall be permitted to transfer from his or her home district into the district where he or she is a student in said Bible school as long as he or she is enrolled as a student in same.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is listed under “9. Transfers (b).” The wording has changed to: “No credentialed UPCI minister who is a student in a UPCI endorsed Bible/
Christian college shall be permitted to transfer from his or her home district
into the district where he or she is a student in said college while he or she
is enrolled as a student in the same.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

31. (2014 to present version, now #29) The use of all media technology must strictly be limited to educational, religious, inspirational, and family content that is consistent with wholesome Christian principles. No minister shall use television or other media technology for the purpose of viewing worldly, carnal and unwholesome media; endeavouring to maintain a Godly atmosphere and influence in their lives.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is listed under “1. Integrity (a).” The wording has changed to: “The use of all media technology must strictly be limited to educational,
religious, inspirational, and family content that is consistent with wholesome Christian principles. No credentialed UPCI minister shall use any technology for the purpose of viewing worldly, carnal, and unwholesome media; endeavoring to maintain a godly atmosphere and influence in his or her life.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

[ Prior to the 2013 General Conference, the Manual had the following two sections. That year they passed the Media Technology position, replacing the previous positions on Technology and Video Restrictions. None of these changed their stand against watching television and movies as some erroneously believed. In 2013, before this major change, the Manual read as follows: 31. No minister having a television in his or her home, shall be permitted to hold license or credentials with the United Pentecostal Church International. This does not preclude the option to use television for advertising.

32.  The use of video must strictly be limited to those areas in which motion picture cameras and projectors are traditionally permitted to be used: namely, in taking of pictures of families, friends, and church activities and the viewing of educational, religious, and inspirational films that are consistent with wholesome Christian principles. Furthermore, we strongly oppose the viewing of all worldly motion pictures and video films that are shown commercially in theaters and on television for entertainment purposes. All video receivers must be altered so that they are not able to receive television channels.]

33. (This is now #30) No minister affiliated with us shall accept any individual recognized as a member from a church pastored by another United Pentecostal Church International minister without a letter of release or transfer. No minister affiliated with us shall refuse a letter of release or transfer to an individual recognized as a member desiring to withdraw from his or her assembly unless proven guilty of misconduct by confession or conviction prior to his or her request for transfer.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is listed under “2. Ethics (h).” The wording has changed to: “No credentialed UPCI minister shall accept any individual recognized
as a member of a church pastored by another UPCI minister without
communication of release or transfer. No credentialed UPCI minister
shall unreasonably refuse a release or transfer to an individual recognized
as a member desiring to withdraw from his or her assembly unless said
individual has been proven guilty of misconduct by confession or by church
board determination.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

34. (This is now #31) A minister shall not be the sole trustee or owner of real property of the local church. Neither shall the majority of the trustees be from the minister’s immediate family. Any extenuating circumstances that warrant an exception to this trustee policy shall be made by the District Board.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is listed under “2. Ethics (i).” The wording has changed to: “A credentialed UPCI minister shall not be the sole trustee or owner of real
property of the local church. All real property of a UPCI church shall be
held in a manner congruent with the church’s specific state/provincial laws
and the codes of the Internal Revenue Service/Revenue Canada. The majority of the trustees of a UPCI church shall not be from the pastor’s or any church minister’s immediate family. Any extenuating circumstances that warrant an exception to this trustee policy must be presented to the District Board for consideration.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

35. (This is now #32) When a minister receives information that is a privileged communication, the minister shall not divulge or repeat any part of such communication to any other person unless compelled to do so by law or if the communicant waives the privilege. Privileged communication shall be defined as any confession or communication made to a minister in confidence by a person seeking spiritual advice or consolation and who expects that such information will not be divulged by the minister to another person.

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section, but is listed under “2. Ethics (j).” The wording has changed to: “When a credentialed UPCI minister receives information that is a privileged communication, the minister shall not divulge or repeat any part of such communication to any other person unless compelled to do so by law or if the communicant waives the privilege. Privileged communication shall be defined as any confession or communication made to a minister in
confidence by a person seeking spiritual advice or consolation and who has
a reasonable expectation that such information will not be divulged by the
minister to another person.” It appears the same through the 2023 Manual.]

For more about the affirmation statement, go here. To learn more about the letter of transfer, go here.

Here is the quote from the UPCI Manual about who is considered a member. To my knowledge, it stated this from their inception in the 1940s. Under the General Constitution, Article II titled ‘Membership’ states: “Membership in the United Pentecostal Church International shall consist of all ministers and missionaries holding an accredited credential or license, AND ALL MEMBERS OF LOCAL ASSEMBLIES WHICH ARE AFFILIATED WITH US, and shall be called ‘Organization.'” (emphasis mine)

[Starting in the 2021 Manual, this is now found in the same article and section. The wording has changed to:  “Membership in the UPCI shall consist of all ministers and missionaries holding an accredited credential or license AND ALL MEMBERS OF LOCAL ASSEMBLIES WHICH ARE AFFILIATED WITH US and shall be called the ‘General Organization.’” (emphasis mine)]

In contrast, only licensed ministers are considered members of the ALJC: “Membership in the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ shall consist
of all accredited ministers and missionaries holding license or credentials in said body, and shall be known as an organization.” (Article II 1 of their General Constitution)

To be continued…..

United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 6
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 5
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 4
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 3
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 2
United Pentecostal Church Manual Part 1

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Author: Lois

I was a member of the United Pentecostal Church for just under 13 years and was a licensed minister during a short part of that time. I am the owner of the SpiritualAbuse.org website, which was started four years after leaving. I am originally from southern New Jersey.

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