“Guess What Honey – You’re Going to Hell!”

Guess What Honey – You’re Going to Hell!

It would be nice to think that the sentence above was a line out of a book or movie – it wasn’t. These were actually words used on Facebook a few months ago by a Catholic who took offense at another person’s disagreement with a twisted version of what one priest thought constituted a “mortal sin.”

What may have added fuel to the fire is that a few of the people who disagreed were ex-Catholics turned Episcopalian. Rather than rationally discuss the issues, the OP chose to go the route of attacking and patronizing those who disagreed.

I had to restrain myself from joining in and telling the OP that, as non-Catholics, the people she was disagreeing with are not subject to the worship, doctrine, or discipline of the Catholic Church. However, with the sort of mentality that lead to her attacking people she didn’t know, I doubt my pointing that out would have made any impact.

Spiritually abusive and legalistic attitudes do cross denominational boundaries. I’ve encountered members of groups known for being rigid in their thinking who have been open-minded and members of mainline denominations with bigoted attitudes where it comes to doctrines.

My church’s baptismal covenant encourages us to “respect the dignity of every human being.” For me, I’ve found part of that to include not condemning people to hell over doctrinal disagreements or otherwise usurping God’s place.

I think it’s helpful for Christians as a whole to realize that every group has a different basis for their doctrines that is no doubt influenced by the circumstances occurring at a time when the group came into being. When extra-Scriptural traditions or interpretations are treated as a requirement for salvation for all, there is too much of a risk of losing focus on the Gospel.

Adding to the Gospel invariably leads to taking away the whole message.

Love Without Fear

This morning I woke up around 4:40 am as usual, because I’m getting older and I have to go use the restroom about that time.  After I got back in bed, I dozed off, but the rest of my sleep was rather light and restless.  Over and over in my sleep I kept hearing an old verse that I learned years ago, “perfect love casteth out all fear.”

Now, to be honest, I have been in a process of recovery lately.  I’m in the stage where I have been detoxing from religion.  I have still been talking to God (though irregularly—but, hey, at least I’m still on speaking terms).  I haven’t read the Bible in months, and I haven’t been to church since October.  I have altogether avoided any religious influence, other than chats with friends, and support groups that help with my recovery process.

So, needless to say, at first I was rather annoyed that this Bible verse kept tormenting me in the early morning hours.  Yet it has nagged at my mind all day long as I wondered, what can that verse really mean?  On the surface, it sounds comforting and I surely could use some comfort!

Well, this evening I decided to look it up.  I got involved in it the way I used to do.  My mind is still trying to wrap around the concepts.  I will share them with you, knowing that tomorrow I may not read any more.  Maybe this was enough for me to chew on for a long while.

My understanding of 1 John 4

“7 Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God.”

The cult taught that “sloppy agape” love was not true Christianity.  It taught that one had to follow a three step formula to get saved: Repentance, Baptism in Jesus’ Name, and the “infilling of the Holy Ghost as evidenced by speaking in other tongues.”  This verse says that ANYONE who LOVES is a child of God, and KNOWS God.  That means that many who we were taught were lost are really God’s children and know Him intimately. 

“But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”

In the cult, there was a lack of true love.  “Love” and acceptance came only with a price tag.  You did as the leadership wanted you to do, and you were “loved.”  You questioned the rules or the leadership’s decisions at all and you experienced shunning, punishment, hatred and vicious disdain.  Yet that very “sloppy agape” that was made fun of from the pulpit—that very thing is what determines a person’s belonging to God, according to these verses!  So, here it says plainly that if anyone does not love, he does not even KNOW God!  God is love, so if you know God you show love.  No love=no God. 

“9 God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.”

 God showed us what REAL LOVE is—by sending his only begotten son to sacrifice his life for our sins.  THAT is real love—it wasn’t conditional based on our performance or righteousness. If we have real love, it has to be patterned after that—Unconditional. 

“10 This is real love; not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.”

The real love is not us loving a God who sacrificed everything for us, because all of us can recognize that he DESERVES our love.  Real love is that He sent his Son to be a sacrifice, giving his life, because he saw we were sinners.  Sinners—we didn’t deserve anything but death.  He gave us what we DIDN’T deserve—that is REAL LOVE!

“11 Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. 12 No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us.”

Since God loved us that much…Unconditionally…when we did not deserve it in the least…when we were unlovable…when we were filthy in his sight; because of that, we ought to surely be able to love one another. There has never been a gap any wider than that between God and the sinful human.  If He could breach that gap with His love, then anything is possible!

IF we love each other, God lives in us and loves through us.  This indicates that the opposite is also true.  Does this mean that if we do NOT love each other that God does NOT live in us?  If he cannot show his love through us, because we do not let His love into our lives, does that mean we are not His?

“13 And God has given us his Spirit as proof that we live in him and he in us. 14 Furthermore, we have seen with our own eyes and now testify that the Father sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. 15 All who declare that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God. 16 We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love.”

The 13th verse seems to back up cult teaching that being God’s and His living in us is based upon whether or not we have His Spirit.  However, the verses before and after clearly state that ‘God’s love in us is the true proof of belonging to him,’ so, we have to take the verses in context.  Because of this, it seems to me that His Spirit being in us or not is not a matter of whether or not we speak in tongues, but whether or not we have and show His love! 

It goes on to say that everyone who declares Jesus as the son of God is infilled with God’s Spirit.  There is that idea again—the one we were indoctrinated against because it is just too easy.  To declare Jesus as the Son of God is not EARNING anything.  Humanity cannot seem to grasp the concept of simple faith and getting something as valuable as salvation without effort.  Yet, here it is again and again.  We have him living in us and we live in him by our declaration that He is God’s Son.

This involves a rudimentary understanding of God’s love—the REAL love of God—the unconditional love.  By trusting Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, we have put our trust and faith in that unconditional love.  We have given up trying to earn our salvation and we have embraced the idea of His unconditional love that caused him to come and sacrifice His life for filthy sinners, loving us in spite of our condition.  To wrap our hearts around that kind of love is a spiritual work of faith that really is quite a bit more challenging to the human mind than the idea of striving to DO in order to receive.  Think about it!  Isn’t it mind-boggling that the God of the Universe sent his son to die for people who were sinners and were not able to pull themselves out of the filth?  He took the place of every sinner in order to show His love and to free us from our sin.  He says we simply receive that gift and love Him and others in return.

“God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.17 And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world.”

We all know that God is love.  It is a basic fact we learned as children.  But, here we see that all who live in love really live in God.  Think about that for a second.  If God is love, then to live in God means to live in love.  To have God in your life automatically means you have love in your life. 

The more God we have and the more we live in Him, the more perfectly we are able to love others.  That completely undoes the life many of us have lived within cults.  “Godliness” and “Holiness” cannot mean a list of rules one follows.  It cannot then relate to judgmental attitudes and haughty spirits who feel that they are more “godly” than others.  In fact, it is completely the opposite!  The more “godly” we are, the more we will LOVE others—all others, even those who least deserve it. 

“To be like Jesus, to be like Jesus, on earth I long to be like him”…remember hearing it during altar calls where you were guilt tripped into crying and repenting over everything imaginable, including your lack of following the rules? 

That is not what being like Jesus means!  Living like Jesus here in this world means loving like He loved, showing compassion like he did, mercifully befriending the outcasts.  When we live like this, we don’t have to be afraid on the day of judgement.  We can come to him with confidence because we lived like him here in this world—overflowing with love towards the unlovable and the lowly.

“18 Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.”

Speaking of the judgment day, when we live in His love and His love is shown through us, we don’t have to be afraid, because this love relationship gets rid of all fear.  What a revelation! 

Life in a cult is based on fear.  Fear, shame, and guilt are running our lives when we are trying to live by the rules and earn our salvation…always trembling lest we somehow fail and fall into the hands of an angry God.  No, no, no!  That is not what God wants for us!

If we have fear, it is because we think God is just waiting to punish us.  That thought pattern shows that we haven’t really had a full experience of his “perfect love.”  Wow!  Did you get that? 

How is it that one like me can spend forty years of life living to the best of my ability to try to please God and thinking that I had to work harder and harder to measure up—only to realize I had no clue who God really is?

When we understand His perfect love, His unconditional love, there is no longer fear.  He is going to love me when I am doing well, and he’s going to love me just the same when I’m covered in mud and filth.  He is not searching for an opportunity to punish me.  He loves me and he wants me to love him and others.  There is no fear in that at all!

This is why a chorus I learned after leaving the cult meant so much to me: “I’m no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God.”

“19 We love each other because he loved us first.”

How are we able to love each other?  Because He loved us first and showed us what love looks like. 

“20 If someone says, “I love God,” but hates a fellow believer, that person is a liar; for if we don’t love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see? “

How many liars have you known down through your years in cult environments?  I’ve known a lot.  I doubt any of them would admit to actually “hating” anyone…but “actions speak louder than words” is an old adage that holds true in this case as well.  Lack of love is the same as hatred. 

I grew up in a conservative preacher’s home.  I heard the verbal vomit about the “liberal” leadership and neighboring pastors who “don’t believe fat meat is greasy.”  I heard preachers who claimed to be holy and godly spout out comments like “he’ll never amount to anything,” “he’s good for nothing,” “I wouldn’t give you a plugged nickel for him,” and “I won’t give him the time of day.”  These comments were all in reference to other ministers or saints who were in the same organization with the same doctrine, but disagreed over rules and standards of living. 

Where is the love in that?  Can you say you love God when you talk about another believer in this fashion?  When you can be in the same room with another believer and completely avoid talking to him or her because you can’t stand them, is that love?  How can you say you love God and behave in this fashion towards his other children?

“21 And he has given us this command: Those who love God must also love their fellow believers.”

It is a command…the true and only command to indicate our salvation.

What a lot to take in!  It really is all in the concept of love.  Remember Jesus saying that all the Ten Commandments could be condensed into loving God and loving others?  That really is all it is about.  It isn’t difficult to measure up, and it isn’t supposed to be an anxiety trip.  It is all in that one little word, LOVE.

Irrational Fear of Loved Ones “Left Behind”

In previous posts, I’ve mentioned a little about some of the toxic beliefs my stepdad’s deceased adoptive mother espoused. Seeing how the beliefs that she had impacted how she dealt with people has helped make me understand some of his antagonism towards that brand of religion.

His adoptive mother went from Methodist to Baptist, and her second husband had been raised United Pentecostal, but didn’t follow their beliefs or lifestyle. They both attended a Baptist congregation that was hardline in some respects, and this was the group that influenced my stepdad’s beliefs the most as a kid.

After her second husband eventually died, she started attending a Pentecostal congregation that was Trinitarian and standards-free, but still had the emphasis on a pre-millennial “rapture.” She had a major sense of fear that this event was going to happen at any moment and that my stepdad would be “left behind” because he wasn’t living a Christian life according to her standards.

Having only attended a service at her congregation once and heard a homily preached by her pastor at a funeral once, I don’t know if the church was actually teaching that much fear or if the fear was my stepdad’s mom’s take on things. I recall my stepdad’s mom having major fear issues that even her pastor remarked about when she was meeting with my stepdad and mom to plan her funeral.

One thing that is obvious, though, is that fear-based teachings don’t create effective disciples. If anything, they help create dysfunctional followers who are more absorbed in their particular group’s teachings than the Gospel.

We know that perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18), so fear-based teachings don’t have their origins in God, but rather human brokenness. Another thing to consider: not all Christians believe that the catching up of the Church happens prior to the Second Coming. This event, regardless of when you place its timing, shouldn’t be used as a prop to try to scare people into repentance with.

Remember, the words of 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 are designed to comfort, not scare. Using these words to push an agenda of fear is something that we should all rightfully reject.

Holiday Celebration

As I have been working the last two weeks, I have run across different ideas from different churches that affect children who are my clients. These differences have to do with how holidays are celebrated. Needless to say, I have definitely had a few flashbacks to how holidays were celebrated when I was growing up in a United Pentecostal Church pastor’s home.


While I have run across several different churches in my area that do not believe in celebrating Christmas at all, that was not the case while I was growing up. We celebrated the Christmas holiday as the birth of Christ, even though my father was aware that was not actually the birth of Christ. He did however preach against having a Christmas tree, because he taught that the history of the Christmas tree was rooted in paganism. I remember once when my ex-husband, who also was against Christmas trees, gave a very vivid explanation of how these pagans apparently burned their babies in worship to their gods and it somehow had something to do with the decorated tree.

I always found Christmas trees to be gorgeous. Of course, I love pretty things and I always have, so it wasn’t just Christmas trees but also jewelry and make up, fingernail polish and many other beautiful things from which I would learn to avert my eyes because they were “evil,” and could not be admired.

My mother, like me, always loved decorating and had a fancy for pretty things. She made wreaths and flower arrangements as well as garlands with which she decorated our home for Christmas. Our Christmas decorations usually included every element that one would find on a Christmas tree: greenery, lights, ornaments, and often words of scripture such as a Isaiah 9:10.

I loved Christmas and could not wait to help her decorate the whole house. She would usually give us a string of lights and some tinsel to put in our bedrooms once everything else was decorated. This is a tradition that I carry on with my sons to this day. Putting out the nativity was always a very special part of the decorations, because it was the “reason for the season.”

We never believed in Santa Claus, but neither was he made into an evil being. We grew up with adults joking about Santa, so we took it as a joke as well. There was often wrapping paper with Santa Claus on it and we would look at children getting their picture taken with Santa in the mall. I don’t remember ever even wanting to get my picture taken with Santa. My earliest recollection is remembering that I knew it was just some man dressed up in a suit, pretending.

Still, the magic of Christmas was part of my childhood. Not knowing what was in the presents, and the excitement of getting to open them on Christmas Eve after supper, are special childhood memories.

Some of my most embarrassing moments also had to do with Christmas. In a church where the pastor is lifted up to a position of respect just under that of God himself, Christmas was a time when the church people pooled their money together to honor my father as their pastor.  I remember the embarrassment I felt in having to go to the front of the church and open presents with my family when none of the other kids had presents. I always felt very uncomfortable, because some of the presents weren’t anything that I would want, but even as a child I knew that these people meant well and I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. It was so hard to try to make sure that my face did not reveal any true feelings and to make sure that I spoke up loud enough for them to hear my thanks. I always did have the softest voice!

I remember when they started giving family gifts instead of individual gifts to unwrap. This was a lot more comfortable for me, but it also felt a bit odd. The family gift might be a new sofa, or one year it was two lazy boy recliners, covered in dollar bills.  I remember wondering if my mother would not have preferred to go pick out her own sofa. Mostly I was just embarrassed to be singled out in this manner and didn’t feel comfortable with the way things played out. As an adult, looking back, I now wonder if the instinct of a child is not wiser than the adulation of the adults at that point.

Once I grew up and married a preacher in the same cult, Christmas became a bone of contention. He had been raised in a country that was predominately Catholic, as a missionary’s son. His parents were under the impression that Catholics worshiped the nativity figures and that they were not simply representations.  As a result, he would not allow me to have a nativity scene as a decoration at Christmas time, no matter where we were living. To me it felt like taking Christ out of Christmas to eliminate this important reminder from my decorations.

In addition, I was not allowed to mix lights with greenery. I could have greenery and I could have lights, but not together. I could even have ornaments, but not in the greenery. The rules got so complicated that it ruined the joy of decorating for Christmas. My feelings about the holiday begin to be very mixed every year, and honestly I grew bitter at not being able to celebrate freely from the heart.

We were not allowed to use wrapping paper that had Santa on it, and he taught our children that Santa was evil. There were so many rules about every little thing in regards to Christmas, that the focus became more on the rules and less on celebrating the birth of Christ.  I lost the joy of celebration. It became a very materialistic time as he worked hard to make sure we spent the exact same dollar amount on people with the same relationship status.

After we divorced, and once I left the cult environment, I was so excited to buy my first Christmas tree! The kids loved it, and we decorated it together while listening to Christmas carols.  I bought the happiest Santa Claus paper I could find in which to wrap my presents, and since my littlest one was the only son who didn’t already know that Santa didn’t exist, he got to be the one to believe in Santa…briefly ( big brothers had to blab of course).

Approximately seven years later, this Christmas we had two Christmas trees! The house we are renting happens to have two living rooms, and we found a large Christmas tree on sale at a liquidation outlet. In the living room I had our beautiful big tree decorated all in blue and silver, and in the other living room, the smaller tree was decorated like the kids wanted it to be. It had Santa and penguins, reindeer and all sorts of other fun things on it.  Our stockings were hung on the mantle, and we joked about Santa coming down the chimney to fill them. The nativity scene was on the mantle, along with Christmas cards from friends and family. The joy was back in Christmas! We celebrated freely any way we wished!

New Year’s Eve

When I was a kid, New Year’s was always a spiritual celebration. It usually included a “watch night service,” which meant that we had a very long service, lasting from about 7:30 on New Year’s Eve to at least midnight. It was a very serious service, and didn’t feel much like a celebration, at least not to a kid.

The service would start out pretty normal, but often the preaching would be very “convicting.” something to do with the rapture, or how time was running out if we wanted to be saved. Sometime before or after the preaching there would be a time of “soul-searching” to repent and get our hearts right so that we could take communion without “taking it unworthily.”  Looking back, I’m not very sure exactly what curse would befall us if we weren’t right with God when we took the bread and grape juice, but whatever it was, it was a fearful moment.

I remember a couple of times when I had trouble squeezing out any tears, and I felt so guilty, because it seemed like it was almost expected that everybody would cry and weep and wail in order to get their hearts right.

Sometime, usually towards the end of the service, there would be a “foot washing service.” This would have been announced previously, along with the admonition that everybody should wash their feet before coming. The women and girls would be separated into one room, while the men and boys went into another room. The purpose of this ceremony was to humble ourselves before one another, like Jesus did when he washed his disciples feet. Since leaving the cult I have found it very odd to realize that most other churches have never even heard of such a ceremony.

The footwashing ceremony was kind of uncomfortable for me as well, because I’ve always had very large personal boundaries and I am not much of a touchy person. However, the worst moment was always when the lady who had ended up across from me got down to wash my feet.

First of all, for whatever reason, the ceremony usually involved a lot of weeping and crying and praying for one another while you slowly run your hands over this person’s feet top and bottom while the person’s feet are immersed in warm water. Then, you would take a towel that had just dried everybody else’s feet and you would dab this person’s feet, continuing to cry and pray for them. After that, you would give them the towel and put your own feet in the bucket of water, letting them repeat this ceremony to you.

The problem was that my feet are extremely ticklish. No matter how I would try to steel myself to be serious and weep and cry, the moment that person’s hand ran over the bottom of my foot, instinctive action would take place.

My feet would jerk and kick, surprising the foot washer, and causing everyone around to instantly chuckle. It was very embarrassing to be the person who made everybody lose their spiritual vibe and turn such a serious occasion into giggles. After that, it was always a little hard to weep and cry over my feet. I can’t say I miss that ceremony at all.

After leaving the cult, I’ve never quite know what to do with myself on New Year’s Eve. Those “watch night services” usually were the introduction to January’s church wide fasts.  The entire month of January all of the congregants were encouraged to be involved in different types of fasting. Some of them would fast the entire month and have nothing but water, while others would do a “Daniel fast.” Still others would fast one day a week during the month.  The purpose of this was to get everyone’s heart prepared for starting the year out with a “revival.”

For the last few years we haven’t really celebrated on New Year’s Eve at all. We will stay up late watching movies and reading books, and then go to bed once midnight has arrived. This year I wanted to figure out the joy of celebration for New Years as well.  We shall see how that goes, as I really have no idea how to celebrate it. It’s a far cry to go from a sad, serious, and fear filled “watch night service” to a fun celebration. Only time will tell how we manage to put the past behind us and create new traditions that are fun and celebratory.

Cry Baby

I had no idea what I was getting into.  When my Grandma came to stay at our house, my mom would make me go with her to take Grandma to church.  I only went on Sunday morning, which unknown to me at the time, was just “dress rehearsal” for the big Sunday night show.  I would come to know this more and more as the years went by.  You always saved your “finest” for Sunday night.  Anyhow, the preacher would preach about – well I can’t really remember – mostly stories of people losing out, waiting too long, and missing their chance before it was too late.  Mostly, I remember getting emotional during these services because I was doing all the things he said were bad.

My early teenage years were spent hearing this but going back out and being “cool.”  The Lord was definitely drawing me to himself but in my very finite understanding, I reasoned – after high school – not now.  I didn’t want to be weird in high school.  Just recently, I had a memory of a guy I met in high school that was unlike anyone I had met – he was a Christian.  I went to church with him once but I told him “I know where I am going to church when I start going.”  I chose an emotional religion over a relationship with Jesus Christ.  God was giving me the chance of a lifetime if only I had taken it…

When I could put it off no longer, I called my Grandma one Sunday night and asked if she would go to church with me.  She was elderly, didn’t drive, and only went on Sunday morning.  Little did I know, this was the “we’re gonna pull out all the stops” service.  They had been in revival services for many weeks prior, so they were really fired up!  Imagine, it’s 1973, a young girl and her hippie boyfriend walk into a red hot revival at a United Pentecostal Church.  Mostly, all I can remember is crying; crying buckets of tears.  All the condemnation that was heaped on me was being washed out in tears.  When they saw me crying, they lead me up to the altar where I cried some more and then asked me if I wanted to be baptized.  I was taken up and the next thing I know I have been declared to have the Holy Ghost.  I came home with a baptismal certificate and the next day I went to school to tell all my friends.

Oh yes, I had lots of zeal, but it was not according to knowledge (Romans 10:1-3).  There was no conscious decision made to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.  Upon leaving, seventeen years later, I was still a baby.  I had no more knowledge of the purpose for going to church than when I began.  I did learn that there are only parts of the Bible to preach from.  Some Bible words like love, grace, and reconciliation; those are for those other churches.  I learned that here, we are exclusive, we have “the truth” others need not apply; they are only going through the motions of having church.  We are the real deal.

After leaving, I would learn about those words and the purpose of going to church:

He handed out gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, and pastor-teacher to train Christ’s followers in skilled servant work, working within Christ’s body, the church, until we’re all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God’s Son, fully mature adults, fully developed within and without, fully alive like Christ.

No prolonged infancies among us, please. We’ll not tolerate babes in the woods, small children who are an easy mark for impostors. God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love—like Christ in everything. We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do. He keeps us in step with each other. His very breath and blood flow through us, nourishing us so that we will grow up healthy in God, robust in love.   Ephesians 4:12-16   The Message

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